4 research outputs found

    Stereotypes and health literacy in seafarers: views of the students of medicine and maritime science on contraception

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    Background: There are a number of stereotypes of seafarers in todayā€™s society. In Croatia, the prevailing stereotype assumes that they are a specific population having an ideal life and a great time both at sea and at home and have a liberal worldview. In the reality, seafaring is a hardly, demanding, stressful and high-risk occupation. The goal of this research was to gain comparative insights into the standpoints of the students of the University of Split Faculty of Maritime Studies and School of Medicine on the issues regarding reproductive health and contraception. Materials and methods: We used the views on contraception questionnaire created by Kelly J. Black from the University of Washington. The respondents participating in the research are the students of the two constituent faculties at the University of Split: School of Medicine and the Faculty of Maritime Studies. A total of 274 students took part in the research, out of which 116 were female students. Results: There is a significant difference in the attitude to the use of contraception, which is more positive in female student population. The students of medical science have a more positive attitude to contraception than their peers at the Faculty of Maritime Studies. Conclusions: Considering the results obtained through the survey and the information from relevant sources, it can be concluded that it is necessary to enhance health literacy in the seafaring population, given the challenges in their working and living environment

    Manuscript ā€œCollection of remedies with the list of medicinal herbs and recipes for preparing balms and tincturesā€ from Plehan

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    U ovom je radu je prvi put opisana ljekaruÅ”a nađena u arhivu samostana Plehan (Bosna i Hercegovina) pod naslovom Zbirka lijekova sa zbirkom ljekovitih trava i uputom za pravit meleme i murćefe, koja je pisana u drugoj polovini 19. stoljeća. Autor i mjesto nastanka ljekaruÅ”e nisu poznati. Uočena su dva različita rukopisa, Å”to upućuje na dvojicu autora, najvjerojatnije franjevaca. Zbirka sadrži 56 recepata za liječenje bolesti u ljudi te tri recepta za liječenje domaćih životinja. Jedan recept odnosi se na savjet za domaćinstvo. U ljekaruÅ”i se nalazi popis ljekovitog bilja s hrvatskim i latinskim imenima. Taj popis i nekoliko recepata mogu se naći i u ljekaruÅ”i fra Mije Nikolića koja je pisana 1868. godine. Jezik ljekaruÅ”e prilično je neujednačen Å”to upućuje na doslovno prepisivanje iz različitih izvora. Materia medica ove ljekaruÅ”e sastoji se ponajviÅ”e od ljekovitih pripravaka biljnog podrijetla. Recepti koji sadrže materijale životinjskog i mineralnog podrijetla također su prisutni, ali u znatno manjoj mjeri. Bolesti, koje su često spomenute samo kao simptomi, nazivaju se narodnim imenima. Način pripreme lijekova i termini prodiskutirani su u smislu usporedbe sa suvremenim farmaceutskim postupcima i nazivima. Sastavljen je i rječnik manje poznatih riječi i arhaizama. Na kraju je priložen i tekst ljekaruÅ”e bez ikakvih jezičnih i stilskih ispravaka kako bi se omogućio multidisciplinaran pristup tekstu.The paper describes the manuscript containing a collection of folk recipes (so-called ā€œljekaruÅ”aā€) which was written in the second half of 19th century. The manuscript was found in the archives of the Plehan Friary (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Its author and the place of origin are not known. Two different handwritings are discernible suggesting that two authors, probably Franciscians, are involved. The collection contains 56 recipes for human medical practice and 3 recipes for veterinary use. One recipe contain advice for household. The list of plants for medical use with Croatian and Latin names is included. This list and several recipes were also found in Mijo Nikolić,s manuscript from 1868. The language of the manuscript is rather ununiform, which suggests that different sources of the recipes were used. Materia medica of the collection is mostly composed of drugs prepared from plant material of domestic origin. Recipes having animal and mineral origin are also included, but to a lesser extent. Deseases are called by folk names and are frequently referred to as symptoms. Ways of preparing remedies and terms used in recipes are discussed and compared with common pharmaceutical procedures and terms. A glossary of less known and obsolete words is given as well. The complete, uncorrected version of the manuscript is enclosed at the end to enable a multidiciplinary approach to the text

    Sadržaj teŔkih metala i bioakumulacijski potencijal nekih samoniklih jestivih gljiva

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    The concentration of Fe, Zn and Cu in ten edible mushrooms in Medvednica Nature Park was determined. The similarity between the studied species was deterimend by cluster analysis based on concentrations of the aforementioned metals in the fruit bodies. The analyses of heavy metals were carried out by X ā€“ ray fluorescence spectormetry. The highest concentration of Fe (153.96 mg kgā€“1) was determined in Tricholoma portentosum, and the highest concentration of Zn (90.60 mg kgā€“1) was determined in Tricholoma terreum. The highest concentration of Cu was determined in Macrolepiota procera (78.18 mg kgā€“1). The concentrations of Zn and Cu significantly differed (p<0.05; p<0.001) between examined saprophytic and ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. A considerably higher concentration of the analysed elements was found in the cap than in the stipe for all mushroom species. All mushrooms species were bio-exclusors of Fe in relation to the underlying soils. Cluster analysis performed on the basis of the bioaccumulation of the studied metals revealed great similarity of mushroom species belonging to the same genus and partial similarity of species of the same ecological affiliation.Predmetnim istraživanjem utvrđivana je koncentracija Fe, Zn i Cu u deset samoniklih jestivih vrsta gljiva Parka prirode Medvednica. Sličnost između ispitivnih vrsta gljiva ustanovljena je klaster analizom na temelju koncentracije navedenih metala u plodnom tijelu gljiva. Analiza teÅ”kih metala provedena je metodom XRF ā€“ rentgenske fluoroscentne spektrometrije. Najveća koncentracija Fe od 153.96 mg kgā€“1 utvrđena je u Tricholoma portentosum, dok je najveća koncentracija Zn od 90.60 mg kgā€“1 ustanovljena u vrsti Tricholoma terreum. Najveća koncentracija Cu utvrđena je u vrsti Macrolepiota procera (78.8 mg kgā€“1). Analizom teÅ”kih metala u gljivama ustanovljene su značajne razlike (p<0.05; p<0.001) u koncentraciji Zn i Cu između saprofitskih i ektomikoriznih vrsta gljiva. Utvrđena je znatno veća koncentracija ispitivanih metala u klobuku u odnosu na stručak. Sve istraživane vrste gljiva isključene su kao mogući bioindikatori onečiŔćenja okoliÅ”a željezom. Klaster analiza provedena na temlju koncentracije teÅ”kih metala u gljivama otkrila je veliku sličnost vrsta gljiva koje pripadaju istom rodu i djelomične sličnosti vrsta iste ekoloÅ”ke pripadnosti

    7th International ConferenceThe Future of Information Sciences INFuture2019: Knowledge in the Digital Age

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    This is the seventh publication in the series of biennial international conferences, The Future of Information Sciences (INFuture) organised by the Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. Since its beginnings twelve years ago, the INFuture conference has been providing a platform for discussing both theoretical and practical issues in information organization and information integration through the explorations of how developments in information and communication technology influence the future of the field of information sciences. Education and research in information sciences and its interdisciplinary scope and application is of particular interest to this conference which is aimed at researchers and professionals from the broad field of information and communication sciences and related professions. The title of this year's conference is INFuture2019: Knowledge in the Digital Age. The conference explores the influence the information and communication sciences have on the society as a whole.The INFuture2019 conference consists of 26 papers from 58 authors from nine countries -Austria, Croatia, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, South Korea, Sweden and United States