112 research outputs found

    Who Supports Redistribution?

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    Using an original dataset, we investigated the determinants of individual preferences over income redistribution in Japan. Although income level is negatively correlated with support for redistribution, it does not explain much; there are other important factors, which relate to dynamics and uncertainty such as income risk. Even after controlling for income, both risk-averse individuals and those who expect to be unemployed in the future favor greater redistribution. Interaction of aging and mobility proved important. Relatively poor elderly, who presumably have few prospects of upward mobility, strongly support greater redistribution, whereas younger people are less sympathetic to such a policy.

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    Oral Local Anesthesia Successfully Ameliorated Neuropathic Pain in an Upper Limb Suggesting Pain Alleviation through Neural Plasticity within the Central Nervous System: A Case Report

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    Neural blockades are considered an alternative to pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain although these blockades elicit limited effects. We encountered a patient with postbrachial plexus avulsion injury pain, which was refractory to conventional treatments but disappeared temporarily with the administration of the local anesthetic lidocaine around the left mandibular molar tooth during dental treatments. This analgesic effect on neuropathic pain by oral local anesthesia was reproducible. Under conditions of neuropathic pain, cerebral somatotopic reorganization in the sensorimotor cortices of the brain has been observed. Either expansion or shrinkage of the somatotopic representation of a deafferentated body part correlates with the degree of neuropathic pain. In our case, administration of an oral local anesthetic shrank the somatotopic representation of the mouth, which is next to the upper limb representation and thereby expanded the upper limb representation in a normal manner. Consequently, oral local anesthesia improved the pain in the upper limb. This case suggests that pain alleviation through neural plasticity within the brain is related to neural blockade

    Observations on the occurrence of exacerbations in clinical course of systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic disease that is characterized by an undulating course of exacerbations and remissions, and a major determinant of long-term prognosis is organ damage consequent to tissue injury that accompanies disease activity and toxicity of therapy. In this study, we evaluated which patients with SLE will develop an exacerbation and whether factors can be identified to predict the development of an exacerbation. Fifty-seven SLE patients (52 females) were included in this study. The exacerbation of SLE was found in 15 patients (26.3%). A relatively increased incidence of an exacerbation was found in younger SLE patients. An increased percentage of patients who had lupus nephritis at the time of diagnosis of SLE was found in patients with a subsequent exacerbation when compared with that in those without it. Increased incidence of an exacerbation was observed in patients who had decreased number of WBC and platelets, decreased level of C3 and CH50, and the presence positivity of anti-Sm antibodies at the time of the diagnosis. This study suggests that age, renal involvement, and the presence of decreased number of WBC and platelets, decreased level of complements anti-Sm antibodies are predictors of exacerbation

    Interaction between Leptospiral Lipopolysaccharide and Toll-like Receptor 2 in Pig Fibroblast Cell Line, and Inhibitory Effect of Antibody against Leptospiral Lipopolysaccharide on Interaction

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    Leptospiral lipopolysaccharide (L-LPS) has shown potency in activating toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) in pig fibroblasts (PEFs_NCC1), and causes the expression of proinflammatory cytokines. However, the stimulation by L-LPS was weak eliciting the function of TLR2 sufficiently in pig innate immunity responses during Leptospira infection. In this study, the immune response of pig embryonic fibroblast cell line (PEFs_SV40) was investigated and was found to be the high immune response, thus TLR2 is the predominate receptor of L-LPS in pig cells. Further, we found a strategy using the antibody against L-LPS, to prevent L-LPS interaction with TLR2 in pig cells which could impact on immune activation

    Comparison of clinical course of polymyositis and dermatomyositis : a follow-up study in Tokushima University Hospital

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    Polymyositis (PM) and dermatomyositis (DM) are systemic inflammatory disorders affecting skeletal muscles and other organs, and are associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. In this study, we studied the prevalence, clinical features and its comparative outcome of PM/DM, comparing PM and DM. Twenty-three PM/DM patients (9 PM and 14 DM) were included in this study. The complication of interstitial pneumonia (IP) was found in 17 patients (74%). HRCT showed that non-specific interstitial pneumonia pattern was the most common in patterns of lung involvement. Twenty-one patients (91%) with PM/DM received high dose of prednisolone therapy. The percentage of patients who received methylprednisolone (mPSL) pulse and cyclosporin A was higher in DM patients than in PM patients. The percentage of patients who received mPSL pulse and cyclosporin A was higher in later (after Apr 2004) patients than in former (before Mar 2004) patients. Malignant diseases appeared in 3 patients with DM which consisted of breast cancer, epipharyngeal cancer and gastric cancer. We observed 2 deaths in DM patients during the course of therapy ; one was due to IP, and the other due to miliary tuberculosis. This study showed that a poorer prognosis was observed in patients with DM when compared with those with PM, and immunosuppressive medications may be implicated at least partially in increased risk of infections and malignancies in PM/DM patients especially DM patients, indicating that patients with PM/DM may require careful monitoring during the clinical course

    Single-cell transcriptional analysis of taste sensory neuron pair in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    The nervous system is composed of a wide variety of neurons. A description of the transcriptional profiles of each neuron would yield enormous information about the molecular mechanisms that define morphological or functional characteristics. Here we show that RNA isolation from single neurons is feasible by using an optimized mRNA tagging method. This method extracts transcripts in the target cells by co-immunoprecipitation of the complexes of RNA and epitope-tagged poly(A) binding protein expressed specifically in the cells. With this method and genome-wide microarray, we compared the transcriptional profiles of two functionally different neurons in the main C. elegans gustatory neuron class ASE. Eight of the 13 known subtype-specific genes were successfully detected. Additionally, we identified nine novel genes including a receptor guanylyl cyclase, secreted proteins, a TRPC channel and uncharacterized genes conserved among nematodes, suggesting the two neurons are substantially different than previously thought. The expression of these novel genes was controlled by the previously known regulatory network for subtype differentiation. We also describe unique motif organization within individual gene groups classified by the expression patterns in ASE. Our study paves the way to the complete catalog of the expression profiles of individual C. elegans neurons