27 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Implementation of the "Lanny Jaya Sehat" Program in Lanny Jaya Regency in 2021

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    Background: Through the “Lanny Jaya Sehat” Program, the Lanny Jaya Regency Government is determined to make all of its people healthy. The community can receive all treatments until they are fully recovered or recovered without having to worry about finances. The “Lanny Jaya Sehat” Program has been in place for nearly three years, and while many people have benefited from it, there are still some challenges in its implementation and planning. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to explore the inputs, processes and outputs of the “Lanny Jaya Sehat” program in Lanny Jaya Regency in 2021. Methods: This study uses a qualitative design with a case study design, where researchers want to dig deeper into the implementation of the “Lanny Jaya Sehat” program. Result: This study discovered that the input in the “Lanny Jaya Sehat” program was very good, that complaints about human resources in 2020 were corrected by a change in management in 2021, that the number of budget sources in 2020 is special allocation fund (DAK) and community contribution fund, but that in 2021 only uses one budget source, namely community contributions fund, that the process was carried out in accordance with existing mechanisms, and that the output found is an increase in patient visits from 2020 to 4 times in 2021. Conclusion: The evaluation of input, process, and output has been going well, and an evaluation is performed every year to correct any deficiencies that arise

    Factors Affecting Performance Midwife in Antenatal Care Services in Puncak Jaya Regency

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    Background: Antenatal services are health services provided to mothers during their pregnancy in accordance with minimum service standards. For the achievement of the MCH program in Puncak Jaya Regency based on the Minimum Service Standards (SPM) indicator, it shows that the coverage of pregnancy services is the percentage of K1 (75%) and K4 (60%) which indicates that the ANC service standard achievement target ≥ 80% has not been achieved. Research Objectives: To find out the factors that influence the performance of midwives in antenatal care services in Puncak Jaya regency. Research method: Observational analysis with cross-sectional study design. The population was all midwives in Puncak Jaya Regency who worked at Puskesmas Mulia, Ilu, Tingginambut, Yamo, Jigonikme, Fawi, Mewoluk, and Torere, with a total sample of 32 midwives or total sampling. Data obtained using a questionnaire and analyzed using chi-square and binary logistic regression. Results: Factors that influence the performance of midwives in ANC services in Puncak Jaya Regency, namely: age (p-value 0.046; RP = 2.200; CI 95% (0.990 - 4.888), employee status (p-value 0.018; RP = 2.556; CI95% (1.395 - 4.682), tenure (p-value 0.004; RP = 3.215; CI95% (1.463 - 7.006), attitude (p-value 0.001; RP = 4.333; CI95% (1.521 - 12.344), motivation (p-value 0.011; RP = 2,788; CI 95% (1,358 - 5,682), and facilities (p-value 0,008; RP = 2,829; CI 95% (1,483 - 5,395). The factor that does not affect the performance of midwives in ANC services in Puncak Jaya Regency is knowledge (p-value 0.479; RP = 1.457; CI95% (0.722-2942) and leadership of the Head of Puskesmas (p-value 1,000; RP = 0.824; CI95% (0.324 - 2.099). Dominant factors that influence the performance of midwives in ANC services in Puncak Regency Jaya is attitude, and facilities, and infrastructure

    Factors Associated with Exclusive Breastfeeding in Hamadi Public Health Center, Jayapura City

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    Background: The target of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia is 80%, but in reality, the agreed target has not been achieved. Papua Province data for 2014-2015 shows that the success of exclusive breastfeeding for babies aged 2 months is only 64%. This percentage decreases markedly in infants aged 2 to 3 months to 45% and in infants aged 4 to 5 months only reaches 14%. The success of exclusive breastfeeding of 15,983 babies aged 6 months, only 3,302 of them were breastfed, about 20.6% of them were exclusively breastfed. Objective: To analyze the factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding for infants in the working area of the Hamadi Public Health Center, Jayapura City. Methods: This type of research is quantitative analytic with a cross-sectional approach. This research was conducted in September 2020 - January 2021. The total population was 412 people and a sample of 100 people using a simple random sampling technique. The data was obtained using a questionnaire and analyzed using chi-square and binary logistic regression with a significant level of 5%. Results: Factors related to the exclusive breastfeeding are attitude (p-value = 0.009, RP = 3.563, 95% CI = 1.336-9.502) , family support (p-value = 0.005, RP = 3.467, 95% CI = 1.429-8.408) and health personnel support (p-value = 0.001, RP = 4.206, 95% CI = 1.764-10.025), while the factors that are not associated with exclusive breastfeeding, namely knowledge (p-value = 0.050, RP = 2.563, 95% CI = 0.986-6.662), age (p-value = 0.157), education (p-value = 0.186), and occupation (p-value = 0.571). The most dominant risk factor is attitude, where mothers with positive attitudes have a 2.864 times greater chance of giving exclusive breastfeeding compared to mothers who have negative attitudes

    The Effect of Pharmaceutical Service Quality on Patient Satisfaction at the Outpatient Pharmacy in RSUD Jayapura, Papua Province

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    Background: Pharmaceutical service is a direct and responsible service to the patient to improve the patient's quality of life. The transformation of the orientation paradigm from drug-oriented to patient-oriented requires pharmacists to improve their knowledge, skills, and behaviors in order to fulfill the requirement, desires, expectations, and satisfaction of the patients. Objective: This research aimed to determine the effect between patient characteristics with patient satisfaction, to analyze the effect of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and the dominant factors that influence the five dimensions of service quality toward patient satisfaction at the Outpatient Pharmacy at the Jayapura Regional Hospital, Papua Province. Methods: This research was conducted at the outpatient pharmacy at Jayapura Regency Hospital, Papua Province. The method used in this research was descriptive-analytic using a cross-sectional design. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires to 306 respondents. The analysis was performed using univariate analysis, bivariate with chi-squared, and multivariate analysis with logistic regression. Results: The results showed that there was an effect of respondent characteristics on patient satisfaction at the outpatient pharmacy of the Jayapura Regional Hospital in Papua Province from  category  recommended redeeming prescription drugs (p-value = 0.032), while those that had no influence were domicile (p-value = 0.350), gender (p-value = 0.614), age (p-value = 0.848), education (p-value = 0.642), occupation (p-value = 0.297), source of costs (p-value = 0.121) and results of this research on pharmacy services quality showed that there were effect of tangibles (p-value = 0,000), reliability (p-value = 0,000), responsiveness (p-value = 0,000), assurance (p-value = 0,000), and empathy (p-value = 0,000) to patient satisfaction. Based on the results of the logistic regression test, the dominant factor that had the most influenced on patient satisfaction at the outpatient pharmacy of RSUD Jayapura, Papua Province was Empathy (OR = 3,439, 95% CI (1,759-6,726)

    Patient Perception to the Service Quality in Clinical Pathology Installation of Jayapura Regional Hospital

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    Indonesian society today requires a quality health services that can be seen based on the five dimensions of quality that is responsiveness, reliability, assurance, empathy, and evidence of direct / tangible. The aim of this research is to analyze the Patient Perspective on the Health Care Quality Installation Jayapura Hospital Clinical Pathology. The design of this research is descriptive analytic applied a cross sectional approach. The number of samples in this study were 100 people with a sampling technique is random sampling where samples were randomly selected. Results were analyzed with statistical software and analyzed by univariate analysis. The results were obtained percentage of dimensional direct evidence (tangibles) was 63.8%, which means that service quality is good enough. Dimensions reliabilit

    Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Nurses during the Covid-19 Pandemic at Kwaingga Regional General Hospital, Keerom Regency

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    Work satisfaction is a person's emotional response to the job that he is doing, where each individual has a different measure of satisfaction. Everyone is motivated to satisfy certain needs, from basic life necessities to psychological needs. Everyone seeks high needs when lower needs are predominantly met. It is hoped that nurses' job satisfaction will be able to generate love for the nurses and nurses at work. This study aims to determine the factors that affect the job satisfaction of nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic at Kwaingga Hospital, Keerom Regency. This type of research is quantitative analytic with a cross sectional study design. This research was conducted in Kwaingga General Hospital, Keerom Regency from January to February 2021. The population of this study were all 74 nurses in Kwaingga Hospital, Keerom Regency. The sample of this research is using the total sampling technique. The data were obtained using a questionnaire and analyzed using the chi square test. The results shows that the factors that influenced the job satisfaction of nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic at Kwaingga Hospital were work motivation (p-value = 0.003 <0.05; RP = 33.00 (95% CI: 3,919 - 277,887)), while the work environment (p-value = 0.150> 0.05), and the role of the manager (p-value = 1,000> 0.05) had no significant effect on job satisfaction for nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic at Kwaingga Hospital, Keerom Regency

    Factors Affecting the Compulsory Basic Immunization Status of Children in Harapan Health Centre of East Sentani District, Jayapura Regency 2015

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    Basic immunization is the first immunization given to all people, especially infants and toddlers from birth to protect the body from hazard diseases. The immunization coverage in the District East Sentani in 2014 were two villages that did not achieve the target of universal child immunization (UCI) is the Yokiwa village, the BCG immunization coverage was 13%, DPT-HB3 was 17%, Polio 4 was 22% and coverage of the Asei village for DPT-HB 3 was 70%, and Measles was 4%

    Study on Management and Medicines Administration at the General Hospital of Jayawijaya Wamena in Papua Province

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    While the limiting factor is the lack of funding for the purchase of drugs, the number of patient referrals from the mountainous regions. Coping strategies Stock Out of drugs by way of management has been in communication with some district leaders in the mountainous region but it is also the provincial government to provide financial assistance, although its value is not great but it is helping the government Jayawijaya and the management of hospitals Wamena in meeting the needs of medicine. The initial planning process for the availability of medicines the hospitals Jayawijaya Wamena Papua Province into account only to the needs of citizens in Jayawijaya, but currently Wamena General Hospital not only accommodate patients of Jayawijaya but also from 8 districts in the Central Mountains. This is one of the factors that led to the availability of medicines in hospitals Wamena experiencing stock outs. The purpose of research is to understand and know the process of planning, receipt, storage, procurement and distribution needs of the drugs taken by the management of hospitals Wamena in 2014, and to know and understand the enabling and inhibiting factors and coping strategies stock outs of drugs in hospitals Wamena year 2014. This type of qualitative research with phenomenological approach. Informants in this study is the Head of Administration, Head of Warehouse, Planning Division, doctor, nurse, pharmacist and patient. The data collection is done by observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews. Data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed: the planning process drugs, the admissions process drugs, drug storage process, the process of procurement of drugs, drug distribution process has been implemented, although there are still obstacles and limitations. Factors supporting the availability of drugs is their drooping of the Papua provincial government funding even though it is not maximized

    The Concept of Health and Illness and the Treatment-seeking Behavior from the Cultural Perspective of Assotipo Tribes in Assotipo District, Jayawijaya Regency, Papua Province

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    Background: Health is a human right that is fundamental. The World Health Organization defines it as "a state of complete physical, psychological and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) data, the health service infrastructure of the Assotipo tribe must create healthy social conditions. The tribe must be involved in the success of national health development, which aims to increase awareness, willingness and ability to live healthy lives. There is, however, a sociological imbalance. Research Objectives: Exploring the concept of health and illness and the behavior of seeking treatment from the cultural perspective of the Assotipo tribe in the Assotipo District, Jayawijaya Regency, Papua Province. Research method: The research method used in this study was qualitative research using a phenomenological method that seeks to understand reality as it is. This study was conducted in February-March 2020 in Assotipo District, Jayawijaya Regency, Papua Province. A total of 20 (twenty) informants were taken using a method of purposive sampling. The main methods of data collection are in-depth interviews and participatory observation. Results: Communities of the Assotipo tribe assume that health and illness are part of their personal interests. Health and illness were linked to the balance of natural forces and human strength. Cultural attachment drives people away from their priorities to take care of their health. In general, patients with mild complaints come to the public health centre, but still use cultural methods under certain conditions. Community medicine by means of cultural methods used to be known as customary worship, which is now called confession. Resolving the problems of health care needs to have a deep understanding of their concepts and interpretations of health , illness and the various traditional treatments that are well expressed in their culture

    Risk Factors for Loss to Follow-up of ARV Therapy among HIV/AIDS-infected Patients at Paniai Regency Public Hospital, Central Papua Province

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    Background: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection and AIDS are worldwide issues. In 2018, there were 37.9 million HIV-positive persons worldwide. In Indonesia, 88% of patients (244,142) who had received antiretroviral (ARV) were reported to have been lost to follow up, with up to 23% (55,508) being lost to follow up. Data from Paniai Regency Public Hospital, which is recorded up to 2021, out of 486 who have had ARV therapy, there are 169 (34.8%) loss to follow-up. Objectives: This study aimed to determine risk factors for loss to follow-up of antiretroviral (ARV) therapy among HIV/HIV-infected patients in Paniai Public Hospital, Paniai Regency, Central Papua Province. Methods: This type of research is analytic with a cross sectional study approach. The population is all HIV/AIDS patients receiving ARV therapy with a total sample of 190 people. Data were retrieved from medical record fields. Data were analyzed using chi square, at a significant level of 5%. Result: The results showed that the factors associated with loss to follow-up of ARV therapy at Paniai Regency Public Hospital were education (p-value 0.000; RP = 3.344; 95% CI (2.023 – 5.528), and occupation (p-value 0.000; RP = 2.338, 95% CI (1.663 – 3.288), while factors that were not related to loss to follow-up of ARV therapy were gender (p-value 0.310 or p > ? (0.05); RP; 1.227; 95% CI (0.869 – 1.731) and duration of treatment (p-value 0.473; RP = 0.811; 95% CI (0.531–1.238)