2,317 research outputs found

    Die Kategorie Zeit in der Geschichtsschreibung über das östliche Europa

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    This article focuses on the discourse of backwardness as an aspect of what has been recognized as the dominant trope in east European historiography until the end of the twentieth century, namely nationalism. Through a survey of east European historiographies, it demonstrates how different notions of temporality are employed. Eastern Europe as a whole and the particular problem of east European nationalism have been constituted as historical objects of study very much on the pattern of anthropological objects, through structural models of „timeless“ theory and method and bracketing out time as a dimension of intercultural study. The article proposes a way to circumvent the trap of origins, which carries backwardness as its corollary, by introducing the idea of relative synchronicity within a longue durée framework. This allows the description of a period in terms of linear consecutive developments but also as a dialogical process without overlooking important aspects of short-term historical analysis involving sequential development, transmission, and diffusion

    Ulf Brunnbauer / Klaus Buchenau: Geschichte Südosteuropas, Ditzingen: Reclam 2018, 511 p.

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    Discovering the Efficient Path to Every Scientific Research: The New Bulgarian University Library Experience=Откриване на ефективния път към всяко научно изследване: Опитът на библиотеката на Нов български университет

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    The paper will present the NBU Library experience in providing services and trainings for scientists and doctoral students at the University. Different stages of research and data lifecycles will be considered. Each service and training was analyzed with special attention to data planning steps, such as data collection, methodology, and data sharing. Special attention will be paid to the storing and sharing data process. NBU library uses different sharing options as follows. 1) Scholar Electronic Repository (SER) of NBU. This disseminates scientific content by providing access to electronic documents as part of the Open Archive Initiative. SER collection is constantly growing and consists of different materials such as articles, monographs, book chapters, images, audio and video recordings. SER provides long-term preservation and distribution of electronic scientific output of the NBU academic staff and post-graduate students. 2) EBSCO Discovery Service. In order to improve the process of distribution of scientific content, the NBU Library partners with EBSCO Information Services. Due to this, all publications uploaded at SER are indexed in the platform of EBSCO Discovery Service. 3) Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL). The NBU became partners with CEEOL, which is the leading supplier of scientific electronic content both from and to countries in Central and East Europe. The agreement between NBU and CEEOL requires a major part of the academic journals in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences published by NBU to be available in electronic form through CEEOL. As a result, new complex service will be established. This will increase the role of the NBU Library in the process of sharing and distributing data in order to make scientific works findable, accessible and successful

    History of medical education in the town of Sliven

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    Въведение: В исторически аспект съвременното сестринско образование в град Сливен бележи своето начало през 1963 г. с откриването на Техникум за медицински сестри като филиал на Медицинския техникум в град Стара Загора.Методи: Анализ на документи.Материали: От тогава до закриването му през 2008 г. статутът на учебното заведение търпи редица промени, свързани с реформата в здравеопазването, с изисквания на Закона за висшето образование и с реалните потребности от кадри в съответното професионално направление. През 2013 г. с решение на 41-то Народно събрание на Република България е открит Филиал Сливен, като част от структурата на Медицински университет „Проф. д-р Параскев Стоянов` - Варна, с предмет на дейност - обучение на студенти по специалностите от регулираните професии „Медицинска сестра` и „Акушерка` от професионално направление „Здравни грижи`.Заключение: Обучението и преподаването в настоящия Филиал Сливен на Медицински университет - Варна, отговаря на европейските и световни стандарти в областта на здравните грижи и висшето образование. В доклада се проследява зараждането и развитието на медицинското образование в град Сливен.Historically, modern nursing education in Sliven marks its beginning in 1963, with the opening of the Nursing School as an affiliate of the medical school in Stara Zagora. Since then, until its closure in 2008, the status of the school has undergone a number of changes related to the healthcare reform, the requirements of the Higher Education Act and the actual needs for staff in the professional field. In 2013, with a decision of the 41st National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Sliven Affiliate was established by the Medical University of Varna, with the aim of training students in nursing and midwifery. Teaching at the present Sliven Affiliate meets the European and world standards in the field of healthcare and higher education. The report tracks the origin and development of medical education in the town of Sliven

    Discovering the Efficient Path to Every Scientific Research: The New Bulgarian University Library Experience=Откриване на ефективния път към всяко научно изследване: Опитът на библиотеката на Нов български университет

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    The paper will present the NBU Library experience in providing services and trainings for scientists and doctoral students at the University. Different stages of research and data lifecycles will be considered. Each service and training was analyzed with special attention to data planning steps, such as data collection, methodology, and data sharing. Special attention will be paid to the storing and sharing data process. NBU library uses different sharing options as follows. 1) Scholar Electronic Repository (SER) of NBU. This disseminates scientific content by providing access to electronic documents as part of the Open Archive Initiative. SER collection is constantly growing and consists of different materials such as articles, monographs, book chapters, images, audio and video recordings. SER provides long-term preservation and distribution of electronic scientific output of the NBU academic staff and post-graduate students. 2) EBSCO Discovery Service. In order to improve the process of distribution of scientific content, the NBU Library partners with EBSCO Information Services. Due to this, all publications uploaded at SER are indexed in the platform of EBSCO Discovery Service. 3) Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL). The NBU became partners with CEEOL, which is the leading supplier of scientific electronic content both from and to countries in Central and East Europe. The agreement between NBU and CEEOL requires a major part of the academic journals in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences published by NBU to be available in electronic form through CEEOL. As a result, new complex service will be established. This will increase the role of the NBU Library in the process of sharing and distributing data in order to make scientific works findable, accessible and successful

    Обучение на пациента и неговите близки - специфични особености

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    Communication is an activity carried out in the process of interaction between the nurse and the patient. Communication effectiveness depends on overcoming potential problems. Communication and building interpersonal relationships are two interrelated processes, developing in the overall process of interaction between the participating entities and mutually influencing each other. In the process of communication, the training of the patient and/or his relatives is realized. Providing health information is a significant part of the nurse's job. Health education aims at providing new knowledge and skills that will improve the patient's condition and his effective participation in the healing process. The provision of health information is carried out in groups or individually, according to the patient's condition, readiness and need for training. During the hospitalization period, a significant part of the health information is provided by the nurse during the manipulations. Its effectiveness largely depends on the nurse's communication skills. Professional-personal qualities, such as empathy, patience, understanding, etc. are significant in providing an individualized approach to patient education

    Insulin therapy in sepsis

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    Severe metabolic derangement is characteristic of systemic inflammatory response in septic conditions. Changes in blood glucose levels are often deleterious further impairing organ functioning. Thus they are a subject of strict and sometimes even too aggressive control. Its disadvantages demand and stimulate research of new strategies. In the present paper we systematically review the current therapeutic options and recent research advances in the field of hyperglycemia in sepsis. They include the pathogenesis of sepsis and the role of insulin in this pathology. A special attention is paid to the glycemic control in sepsis. The correct strategy of glycemic control is combined approach with computerized infusion, continuous blood glucose monitoring and proper feeding support.Scripta Scientifica Medica 2013; 45(1): 7-11


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    Greenways today represent an already diffused practice in great part of the contemporary cities’ planning policies. This constantly growing phenomenon is undoubtedly due to the multiplicity of beneficial effects that they successfully exercise within different urban environments. The present paper aims to explore their potentialities inside a relatively new type of cities’ contexts, namely the emerging ones. Factors like rapid urbanisation and mobility fluxes intensification put under hazardous pressure one of their most vulnerable systems – the green one. That is why its timely reinforcement and integration could play a crucial role in contrasting the negative trends of cities’ ecological asset progressive fragmentation and deterioration. Furthermore, greenways will be examined in a broader perspective, that goes beyond their territorial dimension, conceiving them as important catalysts for cultural and ethical urban evolution

    The Construction of a Western Discourse of the Balkans

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