14,761 research outputs found

    Dynamics for holographic codes

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    We describe how to introduce dynamics for the holographic states and codes introduced by Pastawski, Yoshida, Harlow and Preskill. This task requires the definition of a continuous limit of the kinematical Hilbert space which we argue may be achieved via the semicontinuous limit of Jones. Dynamics is then introduced by building a unitary representation of a group known as Thompson's group T, which is closely related to the conformal group in 1+1 dimensions. The bulk Hilbert space is realised as a special subspace of the semicontinuous limit Hilbert space spanned by a class of distinguished states which can be assigned a discrete bulk geometry. The analogue of the group of large bulk diffeomorphisms is given by a unitary representation of the Ptolemy group Pt, on the bulk Hilbert space thus realising a toy model of the AdS/CFT correspondence which we call the Pt/T correspondence.Comment: 40 pages (revised version submitted to journal). See video of related talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xc2KIa2LDF

    Steady-state thermodynamics of non-interacting transport beyond weak coupling

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    We investigate the thermodynamics of simple (non-interacting) transport models beyond the scope of weak coupling. For a single fermionic or bosonic level -- tunnel-coupled to two reservoirs -- exact expressions for the stationary matter and energy current are derived from the solutions of the Heisenberg equations of motion. The positivity of the steady-state entropy production rate is demonstrated explicitly. Finally, for a configuration in which particles are pumped upwards in chemical potential by a downward temperature gradient, we demonstrate that the thermodynamic efficiency of this process decreases when the coupling strength between system and reservoirs is increased, as a direct consequence of the loss of a tight coupling between energy and matter currents.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in EP

    Stochastic transport in the presence of spatial disorder: fluctuation-induced corrections to homogenization

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    Motivated by uncertainty quantification in natural transport systems, we investigate an individual-based transport process involving particles undergoing a random walk along a line of point sinks whose strengths are themselves independent random variables. We assume particles are removed from the system via first-order kinetics. We analyse the system using a hierarchy of approaches when the sinks are sparsely distributed, including a stochastic homogenization approximation that yields explicit predictions for the extrinsic disorder in the stationary state due to sink strength fluctuations. The extrinsic noise induces long-range spatial correlations in the particle concentration, unlike fluctuations due to the intrinsic noise alone. Additionally, the mean concentration profile, averaged over both intrinsic and extrinsic noise, is elevated compared with the corresponding profile from a uniform sink distribution, showing that the classical homogenization approximation can be a biased estimator of the true mean.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Bistability in the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation with Drift

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    Properties of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with drift are studied focusing on the Benjamin-Feir stable regime. On a finite interval with Neumann boundary conditions the equation exhibits bistability between a spatially uniform time-periodic state and a variety of nonuniform states with complex time dependence. The origin of this behavior is identified and contrasted with the bistable behavior present with periodic boundary conditions and no drift

    Self-consistent calculation of electric potentials in Hall devices

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    Using a first-principles classical many-body simulation of a Hall bar, we study the necessary conditions for the formation of the Hall potential: (i) Ohmic contacts with metallic reservoirs, (ii) electron-electron interactions, and (iii) confinement to a finite system. By propagating thousands of interacting electrons over million time-steps we capture the build-up of the self-consistent potential, which resembles results obtained by conformal-mapping methods. As shown by a microscopic model of the current injection, the Hall effect is linked to specific boundary conditions at the particle reservoirs.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Weyl superconductors

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    We study the physics of the superconducting variant of Weyl semimetals, which may be realized in multilayer structures comprising topological insulators and superconductors. We show how superconductivity can split each Weyl node into two. The resulting Bogoliubov Weyl nodes can be pairwise independently controlled, allowing to access a set of phases characterized by different numbers of bulk Bogoliubov Weyl nodes and chiral Majorana surface modes. We analyze the physics of vortices in such systems, which trap zero energy Majorana modes only under certain conditions. We finally comment on possible experimental probes, thereby also exploiting the similarities between Weyl superconductors and 2-dimensional p + ip superconductors.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure
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