9 research outputs found
Mother's profile and the infant and underfive mortality in Marunda North Jakarta
[no abstract available
Growth and development of underfives in Marunda area in North Jakarta
[no abstract available
Senam Otak
Proses belajar, berpikir, kreatifitas dan kecerdasan sesungguhnya tidak hanya melibatkan
otak tetapi juga seluruh tubuh. Sensasi, gerakan, emosi dan fungsi integrasi otak semua
bersumber pada tubuh kita. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu sistem yang bisa
menghubungkan akal (mind) dan tubuh (body). Senam otak merupakan kumpulan
gerakan-gerakan sederhana yang bertujuan menghubungkan atau menyatukan akal dan
Tumbuh kembang anak dan remaja
Buku ajar ini diharapkan dapat memacu UKK-UKK lain yang belum berhasil menerbitkan buku ajar untuk segera menyelesaikan buku ajar masing-masing penyusunannya telah berlangsung sejak beberapa tahun lalu.ix, 180 hlm.: ilus.; 24 c
Tumbuh kembang anak dan remaja
Dengan berpedoman pada buku ini kami harap para dokter dan dokter spesialis anak dapat memberi pelayanan yang lebih profesional dalam bidang terkait.viii, 212 hlm.: ilus.; 24 c
Knowledge and behavior of mothers about the way of suckling their babies
Background A good and proper knowledge and behavior of mothers as to how they breast-feed their young is supposed to enhance the health of the community.
Objective To find out the knowledge and behavior of mothers of under-fives about the technique of nursing and its related factors.
Methods The study was perionned from September 20 to October 15, 1999 at Kelurahan Pisangan Baru, East Jakarta. The respondents were 101 mothers owning under-fives, attained by the multi-stage cluster random sampling method. Questionnaires were used and observation was made only on mothers who were suckling their child during the interview.
Results Mother's knowledge about the way of suckling was found unsatisfactory in 46.5% although 51.5% of mothers revealed a good behavior. Statistical analysis showed no significant relationships between factors such as age, educational level, occupation, family income and mother's activity with mother's knowledge and behavior
about the way of nursing their child.
Conclusions There was no significant relationship between mother's knowledge and behavior about breastfeeding. Other factors beyond this studied factors should be taken into account