6 research outputs found

    The Bifurcated Frontal Sinus

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    Objectives Frontal sinus anatomy is complex, and multiple variations of ethmoid pneumatization have been described that affect the frontal outflow tract. In addition, the lumen proper of the frontal sinus may exist as 2 separate parallel cavities that share an ipsilateral outflow tract. This variant has not been previously described and may have implications for surgical management. Study Design Case series. Setting Tertiary rhinology practice. Subjects and Methods Cases with radiographic and intraoperative findings of separate parallel tracts within a unilateral frontal sinus were identified from a consecutive series of 186 patients who underwent endoscopic sinus surgery between May 2015 and July 2016. Data were recorded including sinusitis phenotype, coexisting frontal cells, and extent of surgery. Results Ten patients (5.4%) were identified with computed tomography scans demonstrating bifurcation of the frontal sinus into distinct medial and lateral lumens. All cases were treated with Draf 2a or 2b frontal sinusotomy with partial removal of the common wall to create a unified ipsilateral frontal ostium. Eleven sides had a coexisting ipsilateral agger nasi cell, 7 had a supra-agger cell, 8 had a suprabullar cell, and 1 had a frontal septal cell. There were no significant complications. Conclusion The bifurcated frontal sinus is an anatomic variant that the surgeon should recognize to optimize surgical outcomes. Failure to do so may result in incomplete clearance of the sinus and residual disease. The bifurcated sinus may occur with other types of frontal sinus cells and may be safely treated with endoscopic techniques

    Total intravenous anesthesia improves intraoperative visualization during surgery for high-grade chronic rhinosinusitis: a double-blind randomized controlled trial

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    Total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) has been proposed as a method to reduce blood loss during endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS). Impaired sinonasal visualization due to mucosal bleeding may be burdensome in cases of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with high-grade inflammatory disease, suggesting a role for TIVA in that disease subgroup.A double-blind, randomized controlled trial was conducted of adults undergoing ESS at a tertiary medical center. Patients considered for inclusion had high-grade CRS defined as either sinonasal polyposis or a preoperative Lund-Mackay score of ≥12. Subjects were randomized to receive either TIVA or inhaled anesthesia (IA) during ESS. The primary outcome measure was intraoperative visibility as rated by 3 blinded reviewers utilizing the 10-point Wormald Surgical Field Grading Scale. Secondary outcomes included operative blood loss, complications, and change in quality of life evaluated by the 22-item Sino-Nasal Outcome Test (SNOT-22).A total of 72 patients were randomized into TIVA (n = 37) and IA (n = 35) study arms. Aggregate median (interquartile range) Wormald scores across all reviewers demonstrated a more favorable visual field with TIVA compared to IA (3.5 [2.4-3.9] vs IA 4.1[3.0-5.8], p = 0.0089). There was significantly less blood loss in the TIVA group compared to the IA group (200 mL [100-450] vs 300 mL [200-500], p = 0.046). Baseline patient characteristics were comparable between cohorts with no significant postoperative complications. No significant changes were detected between postoperative SNOT-22 scores at 3 months (p = 0.278) and at 6 months (p = 0.396) following ESS.TIVA contributes to improved intraoperative visualization and decreased blood loss in patients undergoing ESS for high-grade inflammatory sinus disease

    Sensitivity and Specificity of Cetuximab-IRDye800CW to Identify Regional Metastatic Disease in Head and Neck Cancer

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    Purpose: Comprehensive cervical lymphadenectomy can be associated with significant morbidity and poor quality of life. This study evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of cetuximab-IRDye800CW to identify metastatic disease in patients with head and neck cancer. Experimental Design: Consenting patients scheduled for curative resection were enrolled in a clinical trial to evaluate the safety and specificity of cetuximab-IRDye800CW. Patients (n = 12) received escalating doses of the study drug. Where indicated, cervical lymphadenectomy accompanied primary tumor resection, which occurred 3 to 7 days following intravenous infusion of cetuximab-IRDye800CW. All 471 dissected lymph nodes were imaged with a closed-field, near-infrared imaging device during gross processing of the fresh specimens. Intraoperative imaging of exposed neck levels was performed with an open-field fluorescence imaging device. Blinded assessments of the fluorescence data were compared to histopathol-ogy to calculate sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value (NPV), and positive predictive value (PPV). Results: Of the 35 nodes diagnosed pathologically positive, 34 were correctly identified with fluorescence imaging, yielding a sensitivity of 97.2%. Of the 435 pathologically negative nodes, 401 were correctly assessed using fluorescence imaging, yielding a specificity of 92.7%. The NPV was determined to be 99.7%, and the PPV was 50.7%. When 37 fluorescently false-positive nodes were sectioned deeper (1 mm) into their respective blocks, metastatic cancer was found in 8.1% of the recut nodal specimens, which altered staging in two of those cases. Conclusions: Fluorescence imaging of lymph nodes after systemic cetuximab-IRDye800CW administration demonstrated high sensitivity and was capable of identifying additional positive nodes on deep sectioning

    Oncologic Procedures Amenable to Fluorescence-guided Surgery

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    Objective: Although fluorescence imaging is being applied to a wide range of cancers, it remains unclear which disease populations will benefit greatest. Therefore, we review the potential of this technology to improve outcomes in surgical oncology with attention to the various surgical procedures while exploring trial endpoints that may be optimal for each tumor type. Background: For many tumors, primary treatment is surgical resection with negative margins, which corresponds to improved survival and a reduction in subsequent adjuvant therapies. Despite unfavorable effect on patient outcomes, margin positivity rate has not changed significantly over the years. Thus, patients often experience high rates of re-excision, radical resections, and overtreatment. However, fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) has brought forth new light by allowing detection of subclinical disease not readily visible with the naked eye. Methods: We performed a systematic review of clinicatrials.gov using search terms "fluorescence," "image-guided surgery," and "near-infrared imaging" to identify trials utilizing FGS for those received on or before May 2016. Inclusion criteria: fluorescence surgery for tumor debulking, wide local excision, whole-organ resection, and peritoneal metastases. Exclusion criteria: fluorescence in situ hybridization, fluorescence imaging for lymph node mapping, nonmalignant lesions, nonsurgical purposes, or image guidance without fluorescence. Results: Initial search produced 844 entries, which was narrowed down to 68 trials. Review of literature and clinical trials identified 3 primary resection methods for utilizing FGS: (1) debulking, (2) wide local excision, and (3) whole organ excision. Conclusions: The use of FGS as a surgical guide enhancement has the potential to improve survival and quality of life outcomes for patients. And, as the number of clinical trials rise each year, it is apparent that FGS has great potential for a broad range of clinical applications