628 research outputs found

    Galaxy interactions and the stimulation of nuclear activity

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    The author discusses the idea that interactions between galaxies can lead to enhanced galactic activity. He discusses whether, apart from the observational evidence, there is a strong theoretical or heuristic motivation for investigating galaxy interactions as stimulators of nuclear activity in galaxies. Galactic interactions as mechanisms for triggering nuclear starbursts are covered

    The ultraviolet signature of massive stars in starburst galaxies

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    Studies in different spectral regimes of starburst galaxies clearly indicate the presence of hot, massive stars. However, only the UV spectral region can be used to directly identify the spectroscopic signature of these stars. The typical contributor to the integrated continuum at approximately 1400 A of a starburst is from the hot B stars. More massive stars are responsible for the majority to the UV lines which are broad photospheric absorption lines and wind emission or P Cygni profiles. We present a progress report of a study of the massive star population in starburst galaxies using the UV spectral region