487 research outputs found

    Mapping the regional sustainable development

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    Different opinions about the idea of "sustainable development" (SD) are discussed and the structure of SD indexes is suggested. The last one is based on one of the main methodological statements of the modern geography. It tells, that the basement of the complicated territorial systems or complexes are nature, population, economy. There are distinguished two main types of the original status of the studied regions: - Regions, where the necessity to solve the acute ecological problems force to address to the questions of SD. It means that here it is observed the leading role of ecological factor. More often these are regions of ecological hazards, low developed territories with the raw materials and resources specialization. - Regions where ecological problems are stocked in the tight knot of contradictions with the social-economic and ethno-cultural problems, that means that the "leading" factor hardly could be marked out. It is obvious, that to these two situations must correspond the different orientation of the SD indexes. In first case the priority will be given to the exclusively ecological criterious, in second case - the complex system of indexes will be needed. There is suggested the structure of the system of the SD indexes for territories, which will be the specific framework on composing the model of SD. The maps, or the system of maps or atlas are the more flexible instrument than the system of indexes, because they represent the territorial "reference" and spatial image of the objects and events. Map creation coming from the announced principals must base on the certain indexes, added as the characteristic of SD for the certain region. This makes us to substantiate the certain system of the SD indexes for the regional level. Analysis shows, that in order to reach substantial completeness, it is useful to divide the indexes into 3 groups: - particular indexes of elements and components of the subsystems "nature" (characteristics of environmental conditions and resources), "population" (socio-demographic characteristics of different groups of the population), "economy" (characteristics of different branches); - problematic (structural) indexes, characterizing interlinks between ecological conditions and social-economic conditions; - general system indexes, giving the integrity to the whole set of indexes and characterizing as stability of every system, so as the degree of SD of the territory. Today authors is occupied in realization on the basis of the suggested concept some sheets of the SD atlas of Jaroslavl area (Russia). The concept of the SD atlas of the region is being realized in practice within the geographic ingormation system (GIS) "Terra". "Terra" is worked out on the order of the authorities of Jaroslavl area and now it is the first stage of creation of the integral territorial cadastre of Jaroslavl area as a part of the integral state cadastre of Russia. For today the multi-layer electronic maps of Jaroslavl area are realized within the GIS "Terra" (the basic scale is 1:100,000, for the territories of towns - 1:10,000). Along with that the data base is being created, corresponding to the certain layers of maps (forests, road infrastructure, settlements, administrative districts, building objects, etc.). The concrete working through the possibilities of the atlas creation and testing of the IGS "Terra" are carried out on creations of electronic versions of two maps, which thematic was chosen with account of the present data and theoretical approaches. These are the questions of antropogenic load on environment and general pollution of the territory.

    Search Activity in Google as an Indicator of Interest in the Issue of Climate Change in Cities

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    Rastuće klimatske prijetnje zahtijevaju adekvatno djelovanje svjetske zajednice i pojedinih zemalja. Stoga je danas za međunarodnu i nacionalnu politiku održivog razvoja izuzetno važno dobiti pouzdane podatke o stavu javnosti u različitim zemljama prema pitanju klimatskih promjena na Zemlji. Porast razine svijesti stanovništva u svijetu o klimatskim promjenama može se upotrijebiti kao pouzdan pokazatelj tog problema. Obećavajuće sredstvo za njegovo proučavanje je usluga brojanja pretraživanja Google Trendsa. Članak prikazuje komparativnu analizu interesa za klimatske promjene u gradovima svijeta i stvarne klimatske varijabilnosti u gradovima. Kako bi se prikazali procesi klimatskih promjena, predstavljene su procjene temperaturne varijabilnosti za najveće gradove svijeta i Rusije tijekom 36 godina (od 1980. do 2016. godine). Pokazano je da klimatska pitanja postaju sve važnija za Rusiju, ali svijest o značajnim negativnim posljedicama nije uočena. U rezultatima je utvrđeno da postoji nizak odnos između globalnog pretraživanja i trendova temperature.Growing climate threats require adequate action from the world community and individual countries. Therefore, today it is extremely important for international and national sustainable development policies to obtain reliable data on the attitude of the public in different countries to the issue of climate change. An increase in the level of awareness of the world\u27s population regarding climate change may be used as a reliable indicator of this issue. A promising tool for studying it is the Google Trends search query counting service. The article presents a comparative analysis of interest in climate change in the cities of the world and actual climate variability in these cities. To illustrate the processes of climate change, the temperature variability ratings for the largest cities of the world and Russia for a period of 36 years between 1980 are 2016 are given. It is shown that for Russia, climate problems become more urgent with the occurrence of significant negative consequences. Climate issues are becoming more important for Russia, but the awareness of significant negative consequences is negligible. As a result, there is a low correlation between global search and temperature trends

    The Genetic Basis of Tomato Aroma

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) aroma is determined by the interaction of volatile compounds (VOCs) released by the tomato fruits with receptors in the nose, leading to a sensorial impression, such as “sweet”, “smoky”, or “fruity” aroma. Of the more than 400 VOCs released by tomato fruits, 21 have been reported as main contributors to the perceived tomato aroma. These VOCs can be grouped in five clusters, according to their biosynthetic origins. In the last decades, a vast array of scientific studies has investigated the genetic component of tomato aroma in modern tomato cultivars and their relatives. In this paper we aim to collect, compare, integrate and summarize the available literature on flavour-related QTLs in tomato. Three hundred and 5ifty nine (359) QTLs associated with tomato fruit VOCs were physically mapped on the genome and investigated for the presence of potential candidate genes. This review makes it possible to (i) pinpoint potential donors described in literature for specific traits, (ii) highlight important QTL regions by combining information from different populations, and (iii) pinpoint potential candidate genes. This overview aims to be a valuable resource for researchers aiming to elucidate the genetics underlying tomato flavour and for breeders who aim to improve tomato aroma.</p

    Integrated Multi-Level Assessment of Regional Development Sustainability and Mapping

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    This article describes a method for the complex assessment of the sustainable development of territories based on social development, economic development and ecological situation indices. The method allows an analysis of the comprehensive, sustainable development of territories, and at the same time details elements of the problem detected by the successive hierarchical decomposition of the aggregated indices. It takes into account the peculiarities of non-homogeneous regions and those which are difficult to compare. Their evaluation using conventional methods of identification and typology does not produce the most rapid, effective, or objective results. The Russian Federation was used an example to test the methodology. The potential analysis of sustainable development was supplemented with a map created according to the colour triangle method, which allows the balance of components to be visualized at each level analysed. The theoretical principles considered and their practical use helped complete an assessment of the basic parameters of sustainable development in the Russian regions. Based on this, it was possible to form a unified list of criteria which might become the national standard for assessing sustainable development at the local, regional and federal levels, and recommended for practical use in the development and adoption of new regional solutions


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    In September 2010, Moscow hosted the International Arctic Forum “The Arctic—Territory of Dialogue.” The Arctic Forum focused its attention on elements of sustainable development in the Arctic region, i.e., ecology, economics, infrastructure, social services, security, and geopolitics. Many Russian experts and many well-known politicians and experts from leading research centers of the Arctic countries (Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and USA), as well as by participants from France, Germany, Netherlands, and other countries attended the forum. Scholars and public figures from the European countries, representatives of the NATO, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and other institutions were also present at the conference. In his key-note speech the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Geographical Society (RGS), Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Vladimir V. Putin formulated the principles of Russian national policy in the Arctic. Russian and foreign participants supported the idea of continuing dialogue on the Arctic under the RGS’s aegis and the transformation of the Arctic Forum into a permanent platform for discussions on the most urgent issues of the region


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    EPR dosimetry in a mixed neutron and gamma radiation field

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    Suitability of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy for criticality dosimetry was evaluated for tooth enamel, mannose and alanine pellets during the ‘international intercomparison of criticality dosimetry techniques’ at the SILENE reactor held in Valduc in June 2002, France. These three materials were irradiated in neutron and gamma-ray fields of various relative intensities and spectral distributions in order to evaluate their neutron sensitivity. The neutron response was found to be around 10% for tooth enamel, 45% for mannose and between 40 and 90% for alanine pellets according their type. According to the IAEA recommendations on the early estimate of criticality accident absorbed dose, analyzed results show the EPR potentiality and complementarity with regular criticality techniques

    Integrated Multi-Level Assessment of Regional Development Sustainability and Mapping

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    Članak opisuje metodu složene procjene održivog razvoja područja na temelju indeksa društvenog razvoja, indeksa gospodarskog razvoja i indeksa ekoloških prilika. Razvijena metoda omogućava opsežno analiziranje održivog razvoja područja te u isto vrijeme daje detalje elemenata problema otkrivene sukcesivnom hijerarhijskom razgradnjom svakog od pokazatelja. Metodologija uzima u obzir specifičnosti nehomogenih i teško usporedivih regija, procjena kojih, upotrebom konvencionalnih metoda identifikacije i tipologije, ne daje najbrže, učinkovite i objektivne rezultate. Potvrda metodologije dobivena je na primjeru Ruske Federacije. Mogućnosti analize održivog razvoja dopunjene su kartom izrađenom po metodi trokuta boja koja omogućava vizualiziranje balansa komponenata na svakoj analiziranoj razini. Razmatrani teorijski principi o njihovoj praktičnoj upotrebi pomogli su u kompletiranju procjena parametara održivog razvoja ruskih regija. Na tom je temelju moguće formirati jedinstveni popis kriterija koji bi mogao postati nacionalna norma za procjenu održivog razvoja na lokalnoj, regionalnoj i federalnoj razini i biti preporučen za praktičnu primjenu u razvoju i prihvaćanju novih regionalnih rješenja.This article describes a method for the complex assessment of the sustainable development of territories based on social development, economic development and ecological situation indices. The method allows an analysis of the comprehensive, sustainable development of territories, and at the same time details elements of the problem detected by the successive hierarchical decomposition of the aggregated indices. It takes into account the peculiarities of non-homogeneous regions and those which are difficult to compare. Their evaluation using conventional methods of identification and typology does not produce the most rapid, effective, or objective results. The Russian Federation was used an example to test the methodology. The potential analysis of sustainable development was supplemented with a map created according to the colour triangle method, which allows the balance of components to be visualized at each level analysed. The theoretical principles considered and their practical use helped complete an assessment of the basic parameters of sustainable development in the Russian regions. Based on this, it was possible to form a unified list of criteria which might become the national standard for assessing sustainable development at the local, regional and federal levels, and recommended for practical use in the development and adoption of new regional solutions