2 research outputs found
Calidad de vida en el paciente diabético
roblem worldwide, since it is one of the most frequent
non-transmissible diseases as for the variety and
intensity of complications associated with it. Objective:
To assess some physical, psychic and social aspects
related with life quality of these patients. Methods: A
descriptive, cross-sectional study was developed in the
in the Centre for Care and Education of Diabetic
Patients, between 2006 and 2007. The universe was
formed by 148 diabetic patients (type II) that received
ambulatory assistance in that institution. Variables: age,
sex, years suffering from that disease, associated
diseases and nutritional assessment according to the
body mass index. Results: There was grater incidence
of females, most of the patients were between 40 and
59 years; it was significant the association of diabetes
with hypertension, mainly in overweight patients. Life
quality was poorer with more years of diseases
evolution, the obese patients and those with peripheral ascular disease. Conclusion: Even when life quality of
diabetic patients is not generally deteriorated, there is a
negative disposition towards the disease.Introducción: La diabetes mellitus es un importante
problema de salud a nivel mundial, por ser una de las
afecciones no transmisibles más frecuentes, así como
por la severidad y diversidad de sus complicaciones
crónicas. Objetivo: Valorar algunos aspectos físicos,
psíquicos y sociales relacionados con la calidad de vida
del paciente diabético. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio
descriptivo de corte transversal en el Centro de
Atención y Educación al Diabético en el período
comprendido entre diciembre de 2006 y febrero de
2007. El universo estuvo integrado por 148 pacientes
diabéticos tipo 2 que recibieron ingreso ambulatorio en
dicha institución. Variables analizadas: edad, sexo, años
de evolución, enfermedades asociadas y evaluación
nutricional según índice de masa corporal. La calidad de
vida se valoró mediante la aplicación del cuestionario del
perfil de calidad de vida en enfermos crónicos.
Resultados: Existió un predominio del sexo femenino
sobre el masculino; el mayor número de pacientes
estaba entre 40 y 59 años; resultó significativa la
asociación de la diabetes mellitus con la hipertensión
arterial, destacándose los pacientes sobre-peso. La
calidad de vida fue menor en los pacientes con más años
de evolución, los obesos y los que padecen de
enfermedad vascular periférica. No obstante en su
percepción general solo manifestaron un estado de ánimo negativo en relación con la enfermedad. Conclusión: Aunque la calidad de vida de los pacientes
diabéticos no esté deteriorada de forma general pueden
padecer un estado de ánimo negativo en relación con la
Life quality of diabetic patients
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a significant health problem worldwide, since it is one of the most frequent non-transmissible diseases as for the variety and intensity of complications associated with it. Objective: To assess some physical, psychic and social aspects related with life quality of these patients. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was developed in the in the Centre for Care and Education of Diabetic Patients, between 2006 and 2007. The universe was formed by 148 diabetic patients (type II) that received ambulatory assistance in that institution. Variables: age, sex, years suffering from that disease, associated diseases and nutritional assessment according to the body mass index. Results: There was grater incidence of females, most of the patients were between 40 and 59 years; it was significant the association of diabetes with hypertension, mainly in overweight patients. Life quality was poorer with more years of diseases evolution, the obese patients and those with peripheral vascular disease. Conclusion: Even when life quality of diabetic patients is not generally deteriorated, there is a negative disposition towards the disease