3 research outputs found

    The Teaching of Clinical Skills and the Applicability of a Simplified Guide to Physical Examination in Undergraduate Medical Training

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Introduction: Despite technological advances, anamnesis and physical examination remain the most important and effective diagnostic tools in a clinical case. However, many students complete their medical degree lacking these essential skills. The unstandardized character of the physical examination is considered one of the major hurdles in the teaching-learning of this practice. Objective: To evaluate the clinical skills of medical students and the applicability of a simplified physical examination guide for the improvement of these skills. Methods: This was an analytical and quantitative-approach study, which compared before-and-after information among general medicine student interns from January to February 2014. The students were trained with the simplified guide for a 3-week period. The students had their clinical examination evaluated in 13 items: vital signs, oral cavity examination, ophthalmoscopy, otoscopy, thyroid examination, cardiovascular, pulmonary, abdominal examination, lymph nodes, anthropometric measurements, ankle-brachial index (ABI), neurological examination, examination of the breast (female patients) or testicles (male patients). The result of each part of the examination was classified into three categories: complete assessment, partial assessment and absent assessment. Results: A total of 31 students participated. Significant improvement was found in almost all items in relation to the complete evaluation after training with the guide: cardiovascular system (3.23% versus 74.19%, before and after training, respectively, p < 0.01), pulmonary system (22.58% versus 90.32%, p < 0.01), abdomen (22.58% versus 74.19%, p = 0.01), vital signs (16.13% versus 100%, p < 0.01), palpation of lymph nodes (6.45% versus 77.42%, p < 0.01), neurological examination (0% versus 22.58%, p = 0.02), thyroid palpation (0% versus 61.29%, p < 0.01), examination of oral cavity (6.45% versus 67.74%, p < 0.01), anthropometric measurements (0% versus 45.16%, p < 0.01), breast examination (0% versus 36.84%, p = 0.02), ophthalmoscopy (0% versus 32.26%, p < 0.01), otoscopy (0% versus 64.52%, p < 0.01); evaluation of the ankle-brachial index (0% versus 83.87%, p < 0.01), examination of the testicles (0% versus 8.33%, p = 1.0). A 280.7% increase was also observed in the students’ median score after training (1.92 versus 7.31 points, P < 0.001). There was no significant correlation between student performance and time on the medical course (R2 = 0.1242; P = 0.0515). Conclusions: There is a large deficit in teaching clinical skills during undergraduate medical courses. As an effective solution, a simplified sequential clinical examination guide can serve as training for medical students.</p></div

    X-linked spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy’s disease): the first case described in the Brazilian Amazon

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT The X-linked spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy’s disease) is a rare X-linked, recessive, lower motor neuron disease, characterized by weakness, atrophy, and fasciculations of the appendicular and bulbar muscle. The disease is caused by an expansion of the CAG repetition in the androgen receptor gene. Patients with Kennedy’s disease have more than 39 CAG repetitions. We report a case of 57-year-old man, resident of Monte Dourado (PA, Brazil) who complained of brachiocrural paresis evolving for 3 years along with fasciculations and tremors of extremities. In addition, he also developed dysarthria, dysphagia, and sexual dysfunction. The patient clinical picture included gait impairment, global hyporeflexia, proximal muscle atrophy of upper limbs, deviation of the uvula to right during phonation and tongue atrophy with fasciculations. The patient reported that about 30 years ago he had undergone gynecomastia surgery. His electroneuromyography suggested spinal muscular atrophy, and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging showed tapering of the cervical and thoracic spinal cord. Patient’s creatine kinase level was elevated. In view of the findings, an exam was requested to investigate Kennedy’s disease. The exam identified 46 CAG repetitions in the androgen receptor gene, which confirmed the diagnostic suspicion. This was the first case of Kennedy’s disease diagnosed and described in the Brazilian Amazon. To our knowledge only other four papers were published on this disease in Brazilian patients. A brief review is also provided on etiopathogenic, clinical and diagnostic aspects.</p></div

    Neurophobia in Brazil: Detecting and Preventing a Global Issue

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Neurophobia is a global issue known as a fear of Neurology and Neurosciences by medical students and physicians, and it may contribute to a reduced number of trained neurologists and a global misunderstanding of neurological diseases among physicians. To date, there are no studies that address the issue of Neurophobia in Brazil. The present study aimed to evaluate the perception of Neurology and Neurosciences among Brazilian medical students. Students from four medical schools in the state of Pará, in the second (pre-clinical phase), fourth (clinical phase) and sixth (internship) years of the course, were submitted to a self-administered and written questionnaire divided into two sections: the first section included questions assessing their perceived level of interest, level of knowledge, degree of difficulty, confidence in examining patients, quality of teaching in medical school and likelihood of pursuing the career, concerning different clinical specialties (Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Neurology, Respiratory Medicine and Rheumatology). In the second section, there were questions about possible reasons why Neurology was perceived as a difficult subject and possible ways to improve neurological education. A total of 486 questionnaires were completed. Neurology was perceived as the most difficult clinical specialty (mean score 4.00; p < 0.001), in which students feel least confident about conducting physical examinations (mean score 2.97; p < 0.001), and with the worst quality of teaching (mean score 3.12; p < 0.001). The main cause of Neurophobia was the need to know neuroanatomy and neurophysiology (very important reason for 39.4% of students), and the most frequently suggested method to improve neurological education was through more and better bedside tutorials (very important factor — 53.3%). Students developing extracurricular activities, women and older students had more unfavorable opinions about Neurology. Neurophobia is also present in Brazil, and new educational approaches must be proposed to improve the misperception of Neurology by medical students. The Medical Education Commission of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology should propose guidelines on Neurology teaching at undergraduate level.</p></div