38 research outputs found

    The design and construction of a PhET-based inquiry learning worksheet to develop understanding of the particle-in-a-box model

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    We report on the design and construction of a worksheet to develop upper secondary school students' understanding of the particle-in-a-box model. We designed a worksheet that guided students' structured-inquiry learning through peer discussion using the PhET simulation 'Quantum Bound States'. The worksheet was improved in three iterative cycles of (re)designing, testing and evaluating, leading to a validated design and tentative design principles. Students' discourse was recorded whilst they were using the worksheet and the PhET simulation in the test phase of each cycle. Analyses of students' discourse informed the redesign of the worksheet for each subsequent cycle, until the design was finalised. The results showed the potential of the simulation to introduce upper secondary school students to the particle-in-a-box model, provided care is taken to accompany student inquiry with a well-developed worksheet as learning support during the lesson

    Begeleiden en beoordelen van ontwerpgericht onderzoek in studio’s = Supervising and assessing design-based research in studios

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    In het vernieuwde vak “Educational Design Research (EDR)” van de universitaire lerarenopleiding, Master Educatie in de Bètawetenschappen werken studenten samen volgens de cyclus van EDR (McKeeney & Reeves, 2019) rondom thema’s die leven in scholen uit ons netwerk. Uit een verkennende fase, waarin praktijk en literatuur centraal staan, volgen eerste ontwerpprincipes. Het ontwerp wordt ontwikkeld en verantwoord. Ten behoeve van de implementatie en evaluatie wordt een plan gemaakt. Uit de implementatie en evaluatie volgt een eindverslag. Deze groepsproducten leiden tot een groepscijfer. Daarnaast hebben we in ons ontwerp van EDR een werkwijze ontwikkeld rondom de persoonlijke ontwikkeling van de studenten, die uiteindelijk meeweegt in de bepaling van het individuele cijfer. In deze Ontmoeting werken we aan de hand van het wereldcafé aan het bespreken van deze werkwijze; de manier waarop studiobegeleiders zowel begeleider als beoordelaar zijn; en de rol van studenten en scholen in dit geheel. Ieder onderwerp van discussie wordt aan de hand van drie opeenvolgende vragen besproken: knelpunten, oplossingen, randvoorwaarden. De opbrengst gaat in op het (door)ontwikkelen van dit proces. Daarnaast willen we andere lerarenopleidingen ondersteunen die met vergelijkbare processen werken en leren van/met deze ervaringen

    A systematic review on sustainable educational innovations: The role of (distributed) leadership

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    Using the lens of the conceptual model of sustainable innovation (Rikkerink et al., 2016), the present systematic literature review addresses the following research question: How does (distributed) leadership, in interplay with contextual, relational and individual conditions at the micro, meso and macro level, influence the sustainability of educational innovations at the primary process in primary and secondary education? A meta-aggregative approach to Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES) was deployed. Based on 43 selected studies, findings show that the role of (distributed) leadership at the school, district and national level is to support teachers as key actors in creating sustainable educational innovations. Leaders play an important role regarding contextual, relational and individual conditions at the meso (e.g., collaborative learning) and macro (e.g., alignment district and school vision and methods) level. As the micro level focuses on teachers in classrooms, original articles did not report conditions related to (distributed) leadership. Other contextual, relational and individual conditions not linked to leadership, such as teachers experiencing growth in their own competencies that are relevant for the innovation (i.e., individual condition, micro level), are presented. The results of the present QES show that a systemic perspective on sustaining educational innovations is in place: it is not about fragmented conditions that are shown to promote sustained innovations, but it is about balancing the various conditions that are linked to each other and that are the sum of their parts. Six recommendations for educational leaders are provided.<br/

    Scaffolding student learning by scrum tools in Challenge-Based Education of student teams

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    Challenge Based Learning (CBL) is a learning approach in which students, in multidisciplinary teams, acquire and apply knowledge in real-life, open-ended challenges. CBL matches what students would encounter in their professional careers; however, it might increase the cognitive load that they experience during the course due to the open-ended uncertain nature of the problem addressed.Engineers in companies face the same level of uncertainty when developing projects. In the last year, many companies are moving towards the adoption of agile methods, such as scrum, to ease uncertainty related problems during product development.This paper present results related to the introduction of scrum methods to scaffold team process in a CBL team of bachelor honors students. The elements of the scrum methods introduced in the course are presented. Evaluations of academic self-efficacy and mental workload, together with teams interviewes and teacher logbook show that students appreciate the provided structure with some differences between participating groups