2,895 research outputs found

    The Outburst of the Blazar AO 0235+164 in 2006 December: Shock-in-Jet Interpretation

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    We present the results of polarimetric (RR band) and multicolor photometric (BVRIJHKBVRIJHK) observations of the blazar AO 0235+16 during an outburst in 2006 December. The data reveal a short timescale of variability (several hours), which increases from optical to near-IR wavelengths; even shorter variations are detected in polarization. The flux density correlates with the degree of polarization, and at maximum degree of polarization the electric vector tends to align with the parsec-scale jet direction. We find that a variable component with a steady power-law spectral energy distribution and very high optical polarization (30-50%) is responsible for the variability. We interpret these properties of the blazar withina model of a transverse shock propagating down the jet. In this case a small change in the viewing angle of the jet, by â‰Č1o\lesssim 1^o, and a decrease in the shocked plasma compression by a factor of ∌\sim1.5 are sufficient to account for the variability.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, accepted for Ap

    String Bit Models for Superstring

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    We extend the model of string as a polymer of string bits to the case of superstring. We mainly concentrate on type II-B superstring, with some discussion of the obstacles presented by not II-B superstring, together with possible strategies for surmounting them. As with previous work on bosonic string we work within the light-cone gauge. The bit model possesses a good deal less symmetry than the continuous string theory. For one thing, the bit model is formulated as a Galilei invariant theory in (D−2)+1(D-2)+1 dimensional space-time. This means that Poincar\'e invariance is reduced to the Galilei subgroup in D−2D-2 space dimensions. Naturally the supersymmetry present in the bit model is likewise dramatically reduced. Continuous string can arise in the bit models with the formation of infinitely long polymers of string bits. Under the right circumstances (at the critical dimension) these polymers can behave as string moving in DD dimensional space-time enjoying the full N=2N=2 Poincar\'e supersymmetric dynamics of type II-B superstring.Comment: 43 pages, phyzzx require

    Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics for String-Bits

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    We develop possible versions of supersymmetric single particle quantum mechanics, with application to superstring-bit models in view. We focus principally on space dimensions d=1,2,4,8d=1,2,4,8, the transverse dimensionalities of superstring in 3,4,6,103,4,6,10 space-time dimensions. These are the cases for which ``classical'' superstring makes sense, and also the values of dd for which Hooke's force law is compatible with the simplest superparticle dynamics. The basic question we address is: When is it possible to replace such harmonic force laws with more general ones, including forces which vanish at large distances? This is an important question because forces between string-bits that do not fall off with distance will almost certainly destroy cluster decomposition. We show that the answer is affirmative for d=1,2d=1,2, negative for d=8d=8, and so far inconclusive for d=4d=4.Comment: 17 pages, Late

    Color Variability of the Blazar AO 0235+16

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    Multicolor (UBVRIJHK) observations of the blazar AO 0235+16 are analyzed. The light curves were compiled at the Turin Observatory from literature data and the results of observations obtained in the framework of the WEBT program (http://www.to.astro/blazars/webt/). The color variability of the blazar was studied in eight time intervals with a sufficient number of multicolor optical observations; JHK data are available for only one of these. The spectral energy distribution (SED) of the variable component remained constant within each interval, but varied strongly from one interval to another. After correction for dust absorption, the SED can be represented by a power law in all cases, providing evidence for a synchrotron nature of the variable component. We show that the variability at both optical and IR wavelengths is associated with the same variable source.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy Report

    Quantum Newtonian Dynamics on a Light Front

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    We recall the special features of quantum dynamics on a light-front (in an infinite momentum frame) in string and field theory. The reason this approach is more effective for string than for fields is stressed: the light-front dynamics for string is that of a true Newtonian many particle system, since a string bit has a fixed Newtonian mass. In contrast, each particle of a field theory has a variable Newtonian mass P^+, so the Newtonian analogy actually requires an infinite number of species of elementary Newtonian particles. This complication substantially weakens the value of the Newtonian analogy in applying light-front dynamics to nonperturbative problems. Motivated by the fact that conventional field theories can be obtained as infinite tension limits of string theories, we propose a way to recast field theory as a standard Newtonian system. We devise and analyze some simple quantum mechanical systems that display the essence of the proposal, and we discuss prospects for applying these ideas to large N_c QCD.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, LaTex, psfig, references added, APS copyrigh

    Development of scenarios for land cover, population density, impervious cover, and conservation in New Hampshire, 2010–2100

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    Future changes in ecosystem services will depend heavily on changes in land cover and land use, which, in turn, are shaped by human activities. Given the challenges of predicting long-term changes in human behaviors and activities, scenarios provide a framework for simulating the long-term consequences of land-cover change on ecosystem function. As input for process-based models of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem function, we developed scenarios for land cover, population density, and impervious cover for the state of New Hampshire for 2020–2100. Key drivers of change were identified through information gathered from six sources: historical trends, existing plans relating to New Hampshire’s land-cover future, surveys, existing population scenarios, key informant interviews with diverse stakeholders, and input from subject-matter experts. Scenarios were developed in parallel with information gathering, with details added iteratively as new questions emerged. The final scenarios span a continuum from spatially dispersed development with a low value placed on ecosystem services (Backyard Amenities) to concentrated development with a high value placed on ecosystem services (the Community Amenities family). The Community family includes two population scenarios (Large Community and Small Community), to be combined with two scenarios for land cover (Protection of Wildlands and Promotion of Local Food), producing combinations that bring the total number of scenarios to six. Between Backyard Amenities and Community Amenities is a scenario based on linear extrapolations of current trends (Linear Trends). Custom models were used to simulate decadal change in land cover, population density, and impervious cover. We present raster maps and proportion of impervious cover for HUC10 watersheds under each scenario and discuss the trade-offs of our translation and modeling approach within the context of contemporary scenario projects

    1+11+1-Dimensional Large NN QCD coupled to Adjoint Fermions

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    We consider 1+1-dimensional QCD coupled to Majorana fermions in the adjoint representation of the gauge group SU(N)SU(N). Pair creation of partons (fermion quanta) is not suppressed in the large-NN limit, where the glueball-like bound states become free. In this limit the spectrum is given by a linear \lc\ Schr\" odinger equation, which we study numerically using the discretized \lcq. We find a discrete spectrum of bound states, with the logarithm of the level density growing approximately linearly with the mass. The wave function of a typical excited state is a complicated mixture of components with different parton numbers. A few low-lying states, however, are surprisingly close to being eigenstates of the parton number, and their masses can be accurately calculated by truncated diagonalizations.Comment: 22 pages + 9 figures (available by request from [email protected]), uses phyzzx.tex + tables.tex PUPT-1413, IASSNS-HEP-93/4

    Calculating the Rest Tension for a Polymer of String Bits

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    We explore the application of approximation schemes from many body physics, including the Hartree-Fock method and random phase approximation (RPA), to the problem of analyzing the low energy excitations of a polymer chain made up of bosonic string bits. We accordingly obtain an expression for the rest tension T0T_0 of the bosonic relativistic string in terms of the parameters characterizing the microscopic string bit dynamics. We first derive an exact connection between the string tension and a certain correlation function of the many-body string bit system. This connection is made for an arbitrary interaction potential between string bits and relies on an exact dipole sum rule. We then review an earlier calculation by Goldstone of the low energy excitations of a polymer chain using RPA. We assess the accuracy of the RPA by calculating the first order corrections. For this purpose we specialize to the unique scale invariant potential, namely an attractive delta function potential in two (transverse) dimensions. We find that the corrections are large, and discuss a method for summing the large terms. The corrections to this improved RPA are roughly 15\%.Comment: 44 pages, phyzzx, psfig required, Univ. of Florida preprint, UFIFT-HEP-94

    PP-wave String Interactions from String Bit Model

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    We construct the string states ∣OpJ>J|O_{p}^J>_J, ∣OqJ1>J1J2|O_{q}^{J_1}>_{{J_1}{J_2}} and ∣O0J1J2>J1J2|O_{0}^{J_{1}J_{2}}>_{{J_1}{J_2}} in the Hilbert space of the quantum mechanical orbifold model so as to calculate the three point functions and the matrix elements of the light-cone Hamiltonian from the interacting string bit model. With these string states we show that the three point functions and the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian derived from the interacting string bit model up to g22g^{2}_2 order precisely match with those computed from the perturbative SYM theory in BMN limit.Comment: 20 pages, no figure, LaTeX, some changes made and references adde

    Kiwi talent flow : a study of chartered accountants and business professionals overseas

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    New Zealanders have always had a propensity to travel overseas. The globalisation of the world has seen an increase in the number of people who, having completed their education and gained some work experience, set off on their overseas experience. Concern has been expressed as to the potential “brain drain” that would result should these well-educated and talented citizens remain overseas permanently. This research considers the propensity to return of over 1,500 expatriate Kiwis working in the areas of accounting and finance. It examines their demographics, attitudes, values, motivations, factors of attraction to, and repulsion from, New Zealand and their concerns for change in New Zealand. It therefore provides insights into the nature and purpose of this significant group of professionals resident mainly in the United Kingdom and Australia. We find that less than half are likely to return to New Zealand. This is because of the lack of career and business opportunities despite the “pull” of family and relations in New Zealand
