46 research outputs found

    Quantum information erasure inside black holes

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    An effective field theory for infalling observers in the vicinity of a quasi-static black hole is given in terms of a freely falling lattice discretization. The lattice model successfully reproduces the thermal spectrum of outgoing Hawking radiation, as was shown by Corley and Jacobson, but can also be used to model observations made by a typical low-energy observer who enters the black hole in free fall at a prescribed time. The explicit short distance cutoff ensures that, from the viewpoint of the infalling observer, any quantum information that entered the black hole more than a scrambling time earlier has been erased by the black hole singularity. This property, combined with the requirement that outside observers need at least of order the scrambling time to extract quantum information from the black hole, ensures that a typical infalling observer does not encounter drama upon crossing the black hole horizon in a theory where black hole information is preserved for asymptotic observers.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, some minor correction

    Black hole holography and mean field evolution

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    Holographic theories representing black holes are expected to exhibit quantum chaos. We argue if the laws of quantum mechanics are expected to hold for observers inside such black holes, then such holographic theories must have a mean field approximation valid for typical black hole states, and for timescales approaching the scrambling time. Using simple spin models as examples, we examine the predictions of such an approach for observers inside black holes, and more speculatively inside cosmological horizons.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Taking the Temperature of a Black Hole

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    We use the global embedding of a black hole spacetime into a higher dimensional flat spacetime to define a local temperature for observers in free fall outside a static black hole. The local free-fall temperature remains finite at the event horizon and in asymptotically flat spacetime it approaches the Hawking temperature at spatial infinity. Freely falling observers outside an AdS black hole do not see any high-temperature thermal radiation even if the Hawking temperature of such black holes can be arbitrarily high.Comment: latex, 14 pages, 4 figures, v3: added references, matches published versio

    Lifshitz hydrodynamics at generic zz from a moving black brane

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    A Lifshitz black brane at generic dynamical critical exponent z>1z > 1, with non-zero linear momentum along the boundary, provides a holographic dual description of a non-equilibrium steady state in a quantum critical fluid, with Lifshitz scale invariance but without boost symmetry. We consider moving Lifshitz branes in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton gravity and obtain the non-relativistic stress tensor complex of the dual field theory via a suitable holographic renormalisation procedure. The resulting black brane hydrodynamics and thermodynamics are a concrete holographic realization of a Lifshitz perfect fluid with a generic dynamical critical exponent.Comment: 18 page

    Probing emergent geometry through phase transitions in free vector and matrix models

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    Boundary correlation functions provide insight into the emergence of an effective geometry in higher spin gravity duals of O(N) or U(N) symmetric field theories. On a compact manifold, the singlet constraint leads to nontrivial dynamics at finite temperature and large N phase transitions even at vanishing 't Hooft coupling. At low temperature, the leading behavior of boundary two-point functions is consistent with propagation through a bulk thermal anti de Sitter space. Above the phase transition, the two-point function shows significant departure from thermal AdS space and the emergence of localized black hole like objects in the bulk. In adjoint models, these objects appear at length scales of order of the AdS radius, consistent with a Hawking-Page transition, but in vector models they are parametrically larger than the AdS scale. In low dimensions, we find another crossover at large distances beyond which the correlation function again takes a thermal AdS form, albeit with a temperature dependent normalization factor.Comment: 24 pages, 1 table, 3 figure