4 research outputs found

    Islam som feministisk strategi : en uppsats om islamiska feministers argumentationsstrategier i samband med deras ambition att frigöra sig frÄn en muslimskt paternalistisk vÀrldsbild

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    This essay’s main purpose is to examine the argumentation technics used by Islamic feminists within international women’s organisation on the Internet in their ambition to emancipate themselves from the current patriarchal society and create an improved Muslim society based on equality and fairness. The essay will inquire different Islamic feministic technics such as hermeneutics and analysis of different cultural phenomenon with an oppressing character, and also exemplify how they are used in an analysis in order to illustrate how arguments are formed

    Idealkvinnan : vem var hon dÄ och vem Àr hon nu? En historiskt jÀmförande innehÄllsanalys mellan 1400-talets Malleus maleficarum och nutida pÄvliga texter

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    This essays focus is to unravel the discourses concerning women by doing a historic-comparative qualitative content analysis on Malleus Maleficarum, written in 1486, and modern papal writings in order to compare the similar or different ways in which the ideal woman is understood. The reason for why these materials have been chosen is based on the influential spread these writing had or have, and consequently the impact of these writing in their social, historical and cultural contexts, and therefore their influence in their times perception of the ideal woman. Malleus view on women resulted in the genocide known as the witch-hunt during the 15th-17th centuries, which show the immense response of its message. The papal writings effect the lives of 1,2 billion people around the world and their biddings are absorbed and followed by millions, signifying the vast influence their ideal view concerning also women. What this essay does is examining the different discourses related to the ideal woman in order to find markers, which suggest the typical attributes and abilities used to describe her, by doing a content analysis, which conclude whether or not the markers are used similarly in past and present contexts. This is done by an androcentric analysis of the ideal women in relation to the identities of the man and the witch, understood as the bad woman, which it is this essays conviction helped shape the ideal

    En tidskrift, ett decennium : en begreppshistorisk analys om den kvinnoemancipatoriska Tidskrift för hemmet och framvÀxten av dess rÀttighetsdiskurs

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    This bachelor thesis’ ambition is to unravel the rights discourse in the first female emancipatory journal in Sweden during the journal’s first decade 1859-1869. The Swe-dish female rights movement is during this time period unorganized and hence Tidskrift för hemmet became the first forum where a female emancipatory debate took place. By using a conceptual history analysis with philological elements, together with Joan W Scott’s theory of gender as a factor in power structures, the thesis examine the context, and the evolution of their arguments and concept usage, during the decade. The study will reveal the rights discourse that was shaped and used in the 19th century in Sweden's first female emancipatory forum

    Implementeringen av CirkulÀra AffÀrsmodeller

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    Purpose: The purpose of the study is to study how the implementation of circular business models is affected by the barriers and the opportunities of the digitalisation. Methodology: The study is designed as a qualitative case study. Empirical data has been collected through semi structured interviews. Theoretical perspective: The study is based on research on circular economy, circular business models, the barriers to implement a circular business model and the digitalisation Empirical foundation: The collected empirical data consists of responses from different respondents from NCC. The material is based on the respondents stories about NCC:s circular projects, their perception of the current barriers and how the digitalisation is affecting their circular work Conclusions: The result of the study entails that the barriers have different impact on the implementation of circular business models. It also proves that the digitalisation has a considerable influence to facilitate the adoption of circular business models and can be of great use to overcome the barriers.Syfte: Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka hur arbetet med implementeringen av cirkulÀra affÀrsmodeller pÄverkas av de rÄdande barriÀrerna och digitaliserings möjligheter Metod: Studien Àr utformad som en kvalitativ fallstudie. Den empiriska datan samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Teoretiska perspektiv: Studiens teoretiska referensram utgÄr frÄn forskning gÀllande cirkulÀr ekonomi, cirkulÀra affÀrsmodeller, barriÀrer för implementering av cirkulÀra affÀrsmodeller samt om digitaliseringen. Empiri: I empirin redovisas materialet frÄn den insamlade data intervjuerna med respondenterna pÄ NCC gav. Materialet grundas pÄ respondenternas berÀttelser om NCC:s cirkulÀra initiativ, deras uppfattning om vilka barriÀrer de stött pÄ vid implementeringen samt hur digitaliseringen har pÄverkat deras arbete mot att bli mer cirkulÀra. Resultat: Studiens resultat visar att barriÀrerna har olika stor inverkan vid implementeringen av cirkulÀra affÀrsmodeller. Det visar Àven pÄ att digitaliseringen har en betydande pÄverkan för att underlÀtta implementeringen av cirkulÀra affÀrsmodeller och kan vara av stor vikt för att överkomma en del av barriÀrerna