7 research outputs found


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    <p>A collection of tools for representing epidemiological contact data, composed of case line lists and contacts between cases. Also contains procedures for data handling, interactive graphics, and statistics.</p

    Costs and cost-effectiveness of single and two-day surveys for detection of any STH species infection, based on school-based (SB) or community-based (CB) sampling and use of the Kato-Katz (KK) or Mini-FLOTAC (mF) method, among school children who were recently dewormed as part of a national deworming programme, western Kenya, 2013.

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    1<p>The number of positive cases in each scenario was determined by KK and mF results during one round of community sampling (nine days) and one round of school based sampling (four days).</p>2<p>Cost per positive case detected was calculated by dividing the total costs for each diagnostic and sampling scenario by the number of positive cases identified in that scenario.</p>3<p>Cost per case correctly classified was estimated by dividing the cost per child tested by the related diagnostic test accuracy as estimated in the latent class model.</p

    Tornado diagrams of the percentage change in cost per child tested in relation to cost input parameter variation using school-based (SB) and community-based (CB) sampling with diagnosis based on Kato-Katz (KK) and Mini-FLOTAC (mF).

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    <p>Tornado diagrams of the percentage change in cost per child tested in relation to cost input parameter variation using school-based (SB) and community-based (CB) sampling with diagnosis based on Kato-Katz (KK) and Mini-FLOTAC (mF).</p

    Sensitivity analysis of the relationship between cost per positive case detected and prevalence of infection for alternative diagnostic and sampling methods, using community-based (CB) and school-based sampling (SB) with diagnosis based on Kato-Katz (KK) or Mini-FLOTAC (mF)<sup>1</sup> among school children who were recently dewormed as part of a national deworming programme, western Kenya, 2013.

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    <p><sup>1</sup> For presentation and comparison purpose, the y-axis for each graph was standardized at 1000.Thehighestestimateforeachscenariowasasfollows:1000. The highest estimate for each scenario was as follows: 1517.48 (SB + KK), 3162.64(SB+mF),3162.64 (SB + mF), 1929.88 (CB + KK), $1377.23 (CB + mF).</p

    Prevalence of STH species by sex and age group among school children who were recently dewormed as part of a national deworming programme in Bumula District, western Kenya (n = 525), 2013.

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    <p>Prevalence of STH species by sex and age group among school children who were recently dewormed as part of a national deworming programme in Bumula District, western Kenya (n = 525), 2013.</p

    Sensitivity and specificity of Kato-Katz and Mini-FLOTAC diagnostic methods for soil-transmitted helminths over single and consecutive day sampling as estimated by latent class analysis.

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    <p>Sensitivity and specificity of Kato-Katz and Mini-FLOTAC diagnostic methods for soil-transmitted helminths over single and consecutive day sampling as estimated by latent class analysis.</p