53 research outputs found

    CS 635 Medical Dilemmas And The Church (A Course In Bioethics)

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    Beauchamp & Walters, Contemporary Issues in Bioethics (5th edition). Thobaben, JR The Impact of Managed Care on the Moral Character of Rehabilitation Institutions Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 1997; 12(1):10-20. (on library reserve) Thobaben, JR A United Methodist Approach to End-of-Life Decisions: Intentional Ambiguity or Ambiguous Intentions Christian Bioethics 1997; 3 (3): 222-248. (on library reserve) Durham Declaration (on library reserve)https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/1604/thumbnail.jp

    CS 601 Christian Ethics

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    Dayton, Donald W., Discovering an Evangelical Heritage (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1988). Miles, Rebekah L. The Pastor as Moral Guide (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1999).https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3091/thumbnail.jp

    CS 630 Sociology of Religion

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    McGuire, Meredith B., Religion: The Social Context Waardenburg, Jacques, Classical Approaches to the Study of Religion Volker, David H. & Orton, Peter Z., Statistics (Cliff Notes Quick Review) All additional required readings AND some of the source readings on Closed Reserve.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2128/thumbnail.jp

    CS 682 Bioethics: Creation and the Environment

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    REQUIRED Barkey, M. (ed) Environmental Stewardship in the Judeo-Christian Tradition [a very short book, easy to read] Bradie, M. The Secret Chain: Evolution and Ethics [a fairly difficult book; try to pick up arguments without excessive concern on exactly who said what; the major “players” will be discussed in class] Moreland, J.P. & Reynolds, J., editors Three Views on Creation and Evolution [an accessible book covering three Christian positions] Ruse, M. (ed.) Philosophy of Biology (scan Chapters 12 – 15, 19 - 20, 26 – 27; read remainder) [this is a difficult book that assumes, in some chapters, a knowledge of biology; scan and try to understand, but do not be excessively concerned as basic concepts will be covered in class] Santmire, H.P. , Nature Reborn: The Ecological and Cosmic Promise of Christian Theology [introduces major theological themes, though not from a particularly evangelical position; be able to respond sympathetically to the issues raised, even if not the specific expressions in the text]https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3902/thumbnail.jp

    CS 637 Rural Community and Moral Concerns

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    Required Texts (MUST BE READ BEFORE FIRST SESSION) Caudill, Harry M., Night Comes to the Cumberlands Ashland, KY: Jesse Stuart Foundation, 2001 (re- publication) Conley, Kevin, Stud New York NY: Bloomsbury, 2002. Covington, Dennis, Salvation on Sand Mountain New York NY: Penguin Books, 1995 Evans, Vos & Wright (ed), Biblical Holism and Agriculture Pasadena CA: William Carey Library, 2003. Jones, Loyal, Faith and Meaning in the Southern Uplands Urbana IL: University of Illinois Press, 1999. DELETE: Logsdon, Gene, The Contrary Farmer White River Junction VT: Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 1994. [This book never arrived] Kline, David, Great Possessions: An Amish Farmer’s Journal Wooster OH: Wooster Book Company, 2001/1990. Poage, Ben The Tobacco Church II: A Manual for Congregational Leaders Richmond, KY: Kentucky Appalachian Ministries, 1995. Wirzba, Norman, The Essential Agrarian Reader Lexington KY: University of Kentucky Press, 2003.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/1755/thumbnail.jp

    CS 654 Morality at the End of Modernity

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    September 13 Introduction & Basic Concepts in Ethics The use of “story” as a moral tool in the Scripture and in literature September 20 Pre-Modern Use of Literature in Times of Social Change Required: Beowulf ALL September 27 NO CLASS SESSION October 4 NO CLASS SESSION October 11 Having An Ideal: Early Modern Images Required: More, Thomas Utopia ALL Optional: Bunyan, John A Pilgrim’s Progress Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver’s Travels Enlightenment & Romanticism as Purity & Cynicism Required: Voltaire, Candide OR Shelley, Mary Frankenstein PICK Optional: Rousseau, J.J. Emile October 18 The Modern Use of Untethered Power Required: Sinclair, Upton The Jungle OR Orwell, George Animal Farm PICK Optional: Orwell, George Nineteen Eighty-Four Wells, H.G., Island of Dr. Moreau October 25 The Optimistic Moral Anthropology of Modernity Required: Golding, William Lord of the Flies OR Burroughs, Edgar Rice, Tarzan of the Apes PICK Optional: Grey, Zane, Riders of the Purple Sage Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer Morality at End of Modernity FALL 2004 (Final 3 September 2004) November 1 The Modern Denial of Sin & the Reality of Evil Required: Stevenson, R.L. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde OR Conrad, J. The Heart of Darkness PICK Optional: Melville, Herman, Moby Dick Film to view: Bradbury, Ray Something Wicked This Way Comes November 8 Who Counts: Identity & “Usefulness” Required: Kafka, Franz, “Metamorphosis” ALL AND Capek, Karel R.U.R. OR Huxley, Aldous Brave New World OR Steinbeck, John Of Mice & Men PICK November 15 Who Counts: Identity & Ethnicity Required: Baldwin, James Go Tell It on the Mountain ALL Optional: Speare, Elizabeth George The Witch of Blackbird Pond Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, Herland) November 22 READING WEEK November 29 The Modern Avoidance of Death Required: MacDonald, G. “Gifts of the Child Christ” ALL Optional: Tolstoy, L. The Death of Ivan Ilych Wilde, Oscar, Picture of Dorian Gray) December 6 Challenges to Modernity Required: Abbott, Edwin A. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions OR Dostoyevski, Fyodor Notes From Underground PICK Optional: Chesterton, G.K., The Man Who Was Thursday Lewis, C.S. Till We Have Faces Lewis, Sinclair, Babbitt December 13 Is the Modern World Past (what is “post-modernity”)? Required: Miller, Walter A Canticle for Leibowitz (REQUIRED READING FOR 3-HOUR STUDENTS ONLY) Optional: Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose)https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2534/thumbnail.jp

    CS 637 Rural Community and Moral Concerns

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    Required Texts: Caudill, Harry M., Night Comes to the Cumberlands Ashland, KY: Jesse Stuart Foundation, 2001 (re- publication) Conley, Kevin, Stud New York NY: Bloomsbury, 2002. Covington, Dennis, Salvation on Sand Mountain New York NY: Penguin Books, 1995 Evans, Vos & Wright (ed), Biblical Holism and Agriculture Pasadena CA: William Carey Library, 2003. Jones, Loyal, Faith and Meaning in the Southern Uplands Urbana IL: University of Illinois Press, 1999. Logsdon, Gene, The Contrary Farmer White River Junction VT: Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 1994. Kline, David, Great Possessions: An Amish Farmer’s Journal Wooster OH: Wooster Book Company, 2001/1990. Poage, Ben The Tobacco Church II: A Manual for Congregational Leaders Richmond, KY: Kentucky Appalachian Ministries, 1995. Wirzba, Norman, The Essential Agrarian Reader Lexington KY: University of Kentucky Press, 2003.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3896/thumbnail.jp

    CS 654 Morality at the End of Modernity

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    Beowulf, More, Thomas Utopia OR Bunyan, John A Pilgrim’s Progress,Voltaire, Candide OR Shelley, Mary Frankenstein, Sinclair, Upton The Jungle OR Orwell, George Animal Farm, Orwell, George Nineteen Eighty-four OR Golding, William Lord of the Flies, Stevenson, R.L. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde OR Conrad, J. The Heart of Darkness OR Bradbury, Ray Something Wicked This Way Comes, Capek, Karel R.U.R. OR Huxley, Aldous Brave New World, Kafka, Franz “Metamorphosis” OR Steinbeck, John Of Mice & Men, Baldwin, James GoTell It on the Mountain Speare, Elizabeth George The Witch of Blackbird Pond, MacDonald, G. “Gifts of the Child Christ” OR Tolstoy, L. The Death of Ivan Ilych, Abbott, Edwin A. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions OR Dostoyevski, Fyodor Notes From Underground OR Lewis, C.S. The Great Divorce, Miller, Walter A Canticle for Leibowitzhttps://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3048/thumbnail.jp

    CS 640 Sociology of Religion

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    McGuire, Meredith B., Religion: The Social Context Kivisto, Peter, Social Theory: Roots & Branches Volker, David H. & Orton, Peter Z., Statistics (Cliff Notes Quick Review)https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3095/thumbnail.jp

    CS 635 Medical Dilemmas and the Church

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    Beauchamp & Walters, Contemporary Issues in Bioethicshttps://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/1445/thumbnail.jp
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