CS 682 Bioethics: Creation and the Environment


REQUIRED Barkey, M. (ed) Environmental Stewardship in the Judeo-Christian Tradition [a very short book, easy to read] Bradie, M. The Secret Chain: Evolution and Ethics [a fairly difficult book; try to pick up arguments without excessive concern on exactly who said what; the major “players” will be discussed in class] Moreland, J.P. & Reynolds, J., editors Three Views on Creation and Evolution [an accessible book covering three Christian positions] Ruse, M. (ed.) Philosophy of Biology (scan Chapters 12 – 15, 19 - 20, 26 – 27; read remainder) [this is a difficult book that assumes, in some chapters, a knowledge of biology; scan and try to understand, but do not be excessively concerned as basic concepts will be covered in class] Santmire, H.P. , Nature Reborn: The Ecological and Cosmic Promise of Christian Theology [introduces major theological themes, though not from a particularly evangelical position; be able to respond sympathetically to the issues raised, even if not the specific expressions in the text]https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3902/thumbnail.jp

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