886 research outputs found

    Complexifier Coherent States for Quantum General Relativity

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    Recently, substantial amount of activity in Quantum General Relativity (QGR) has focussed on the semiclassical analysis of the theory. In this paper we want to comment on two such developments: 1) Polymer-like states for Maxwell theory and linearized gravity constructed by Varadarajan which use much of the Hilbert space machinery that has proved useful in QGR and 2) coherent states for QGR, based on the general complexifier method, with built-in semiclassical properties. We show the following: A) Varadarajan's states {\it are} complexifier coherent states. This unifies all states constructed so far under the general complexifier principle. B) Ashtekar and Lewandowski suggested a non-Abelean generalization of Varadarajan's states to QGR which, however, are no longer of the complexifier type. We construct a new class of non-Abelean complexifiers which come close to the one underlying Varadarajan's construction. C) Non-Abelean complexifiers close to Varadarajan's induce new types of Hilbert spaces which do not support the operator algebra of QGR. The analysis suggests that if one sticks to the present kinematical framework of QGR and if kinematical coherent states are at all useful, then normalizable, graph dependent states must be used which are produced by the complexifier method as well. D) Present proposals for states with mildened graph dependence, obtained by performing a graph average, do not approximate well coordinate dependent observables. However, graph dependent states, whether averaged or not, seem to be well suited for the semiclassical analysis of QGR with respect to coordinate independent operators.Comment: Latex, 54 p., no figure

    Gauge Field Theory Coherent States (GCS) : I. General Properties

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    In this article we outline a rather general construction of diffeomorphism covariant coherent states for quantum gauge theories. By this we mean states ψ(A,E)\psi_{(A,E)}, labelled by a point (A,E) in the classical phase space, consisting of canonically conjugate pairs of connections A and electric fields E respectively, such that (a) they are eigenstates of a corresponding annihilation operator which is a generalization of A-iE smeared in a suitable way, (b) normal ordered polynomials of generalized annihilation and creation operators have the correct expectation value, (c) they saturate the Heisenberg uncertainty bound for the fluctuations of A^,E^\hat{A},\hat{E} and (d) they do not use any background structure for their definition, that is, they are diffeomorphism covariant. This is the first paper in a series of articles entitled ``Gauge Field Theory Coherent States (GCS)'' which aim at connecting non-perturbative quantum general relativity with the low energy physics of the standard model. In particular, coherent states enable us for the first time to take into account quantum metrics which are excited {\it everywhere} in an asymptotically flat spacetime manifold. The formalism introduced in this paper is immediately applicable also to lattice gauge theory in the presence of a (Minkowski) background structure on a possibly {\it infinite lattice}.Comment: 40 pages, LATEX, no figure

    Gauge Field Theory Coherent States (GCS) : II. Peakedness Properties

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    In this article we apply the methods outlined in the previous paper of this series to the particular set of states obtained by choosing the complexifier to be a Laplace operator for each edge of a graph. The corresponding coherent state transform was introduced by Hall for one edge and generalized by Ashtekar, Lewandowski, Marolf, Mour\~ao and Thiemann to arbitrary, finite, piecewise analytic graphs. However, both of these works were incomplete with respect to the following two issues : (a) The focus was on the unitarity of the transform and left the properties of the corresponding coherent states themselves untouched. (b) While these states depend in some sense on complexified connections, it remained unclear what the complexification was in terms of the coordinates of the underlying real phase space. In this paper we resolve these issues, in particular, we prove that this family of states satisfies all the usual properties : i) Peakedness in the configuration, momentum and phase space (or Bargmann-Segal) representation, ii) Saturation of the unquenched Heisenberg uncertainty bound. iii) (Over)completeness. These states therefore comprise a candidate family for the semi-classical analysis of canonical quantum gravity and quantum gauge theory coupled to quantum gravity, enable error-controlled approximations and set a new starting point for {\it numerical canonical quantum general relativity and gauge theory}. The text is supplemented by an appendix which contains extensive graphics in order to give a feeling for the so far unknown peakedness properties of the states constructed.Comment: 70 pages, LATEX, 29 figure

    Loop Quantum Cosmology III: Wheeler-DeWitt Operators

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    In the framework of loop quantum cosmology anomaly free quantizations of the Hamiltonian constraint for Bianchi class A, locally rotationally symmetric and isotropic models are given. Basic ideas of the construction in (non-symmetric) loop quantum gravity can be used, but there are also further inputs because the special structure of symmetric models has to be respected by operators. In particular, the basic building blocks of the homogeneous models are point holonomies rather than holonomies necessitating a new regularization procedure. In this respect, our construction is applicable also for other (non-homogeneous) symmetric models, e.g. the spherically symmetric one.Comment: 19 page

    Free vacuum for loop quantum gravity

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    We linearize extended ADM-gravity around the flat torus, and use the associated Fock vacuum to construct a state that could play the role of a free vacuum in loop quantum gravity. The state we obtain is an element of the gauge-invariant kinematic Hilbert space and restricted to a cutoff graph, as a natural consequence of the momentum cutoff of the original Fock state. It has the form of a Gaussian superposition of spin networks. We show that the peak of the Gaussian lies at weave-like states and derive a relation between the coloring of the weaves and the cutoff scale. Our analysis indicates that the peak weaves become independent of the cutoff length when the latter is much smaller than the Planck length. By the same method, we also construct multiple-graviton states. We discuss the possible use of these states for deriving a perturbation series in loop quantum gravity.Comment: 30 pages, 3 diagrams, treatment of phase factor adde

    QSD VI : Quantum Poincar\'e Algebra and a Quantum Positivity of Energy Theorem for Canonical Quantum Gravity

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    We quantize the generators of the little subgroup of the asymptotic Poincar\'e group of Lorentzian four-dimensional canonical quantum gravity in the continuum. In particular, the resulting ADM energy operator is densely defined on an appropriate Hilbert space, symmetric and essentially self-adjoint. Moreover, we prove a quantum analogue of the classical positivity of energy theorem due to Schoen and Yau. The proof uses a certain technical restriction on the space of states at spatial infinity which is suggested to us given the asymptotically flat structure available. The theorem demonstrates that several of the speculations regarding the stability of the theory, recently spelled out by Smolin, are false once a quantum version of the pre-assumptions underlying the classical positivity of energy theorem is imposed in the quantum theory as well. The quantum symmetry algebra corresponding to the generators of the little group faithfully represents the classical algebra.Comment: 24p, LATE

    Real and complex connections for canonical gravity

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    Both real and complex connections have been used for canonical gravity: the complex connection has SL(2,C) as gauge group, while the real connection has SU(2) as gauge group. We show that there is an arbitrary parameter β\beta which enters in the definition of the real connection, in the Poisson brackets, and therefore in the scale of the discrete spectra one finds for areas and volumes in the corresponding quantum theory. A value for β\beta could be could be singled out in the quantum theory by the Hamiltonian constraint, or by the rotation to the complex Ashtekar connection.Comment: 8 pages, RevTeX, no figure

    Kinematical Hilbert Spaces for Fermionic and Higgs Quantum Field Theories

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    We extend the recently developed kinematical framework for diffeomorphism invariant theories of connections for compact gauge groups to the case of a diffeomorphism invariant quantum field theory which includes besides connections also fermions and Higgs fields. This framework is appropriate for coupling matter to quantum gravity. The presence of diffeomorphism invariance forces us to choose a representation which is a rather non-Fock-like one : the elementary excitations of the connection are along open or closed strings while those of the fermions or Higgs fields are at the end points of the string. Nevertheless we are able to promote the classical reality conditions to quantum adjointness relations which in turn uniquely fixes the gauge and diffeomorphism invariant probability measure that underlies the Hilbert space. Most of the fermionic part of this work is independent of the recent preprint by Baez and Krasnov and earlier work by Rovelli and Morales-Tec\'otl because we use new canonical fermionic variables, so-called Grassman-valued half-densities, which enable us to to solve the difficult fermionic adjointness relations.Comment: 26p, LATE

    Towards the QFT on Curved Spacetime Limit of QGR. I: A General Scheme

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    In this article and a companion paper we address the question of how one might obtain the semiclassical limit of ordinary matter quantum fields (QFT) propagating on curved spacetimes (CST) from full fledged Quantum General Relativity (QGR), starting from first principles. We stress that we do not claim to have a satisfactory answer to this question, rather our intention is to ignite a discussion by displaying the problems that have to be solved when carrying out such a program. In the present paper we propose a scheme that one might follow in order to arrive at such a limit. We discuss the technical and conceptual problems that arise in doing so and how they can be solved in principle. As to be expected, completely new issues arise due to the fact that QGR is a background independent theory. For instance, fundamentally the notion of a photon involves not only the Maxwell quantum field but also the metric operator - in a sense, there is no photon vacuum state but a "photon vacuum operator"! While in this first paper we focus on conceptual and abstract aspects, for instance the definition of (fundamental) n-particle states (e.g. photons), in the second paper we perform detailed calculations including, among other things, coherent state expectation values and propagation on random lattices. These calculations serve as an illustration of how far one can get with present mathematical techniques. Although they result in detailed predictions for the size of first quantum corrections such as the gamma-ray burst effect, these predictions should not be taken too seriously because a) the calculations are carried out at the kinematical level only and b) while we can classify the amount of freedom in our constructions, the analysis of the physical significance of possible choices has just begun.Comment: LaTeX, 47 p., 3 figure

    Disordered locality in loop quantum gravity states

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    We show that loop quantum gravity suffers from a potential problem with non-locality, coming from a mismatch between micro-locality, as defined by the combinatorial structures of their microscopic states, and macro-locality, defined by the metric which emerges from the low energy limit. As a result, the low energy limit may suffer from a disordered locality characterized by identifications of far away points. We argue that if such defects in locality are rare enough they will be difficult to detect.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, revision with extended discussion of result