1 research outputs found

    MOESM1 of Whole-genome sequence of an evolved Clostridium pasteurianum strain reveals Spo0A deficiency responsible for increased butanol production and superior growth

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    Additional file 1. Table S1: Nucleotide sequence variants from published data. Table S2: Sequence and features of pDcm2.0 with codon optimized Cpa bepIM. Figure S1: Phase-contrast microscopy of WT and M150B after 6 days. Phase-bright forespores observed in the WT and the asporogenous phenotype is apparent in the M150B strain. Figure S2: Whole genome SMRT sequencing coverage depth overage across reference. Cpa wild type ATCC 6013 and Cpa mutant M150B coverage across the reference genome. Figure S3: Cultures of the wild type, M150B, and ΔSpo0A Cpa strains after 5 days culturing. Cultures were allowed to rest without agitation. M150B cultures consistently settled quickly compared to wild type, while the ΔSpo0A consistently remained in suspension longer than the wild type. This shows the M150B phenotype is not due to the Spo0A deficiency