171 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Deteksi Objek pada Robot Krsbi Berbasis Mini Pc Raspberry Pi 3

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    KRSBI Wheeled is One of the competitions on the Indonesian Robot Contest,.  It is a football match that plays 3 robot  full autonomous versus other teams. The robot uses a drive in the form of wheels that are controlled in such a way, to be able to do the work the robot uses a camera sensor mounted on the front of the robot, while  for movement in the paper author uses 3 omni wheel so the robot can move in all directions to make it easier  towards the ball object. For the purposes of image processing and input and output processing the author uses a Single Board Computer Raspberry PI 3 are programmed using the Python programming language with OpenCV image processing library,  to optimize the work of Single Board Computer(SBC) Raspberry PI 3 Mini PC assisted by the Microcontroller Arduino Mega 2560. Both devices are connected serially via the USB port. Raspberry PI will process the image data obtained  webcam camera input. Next, If the ball object can be detected the object\u27s position coordinates will be encoded in character and sent to the Microcontroller Arduino Mega 2560. Furthermore, Arduino mega 2560 will process data to drive the motors so that can move towards the position of the ball object. Based on the data from the maximum distance test results that can be read by the camera sensor to be able to detect a ball object is ±5 meters with a maximum viewing angle of 120 °

    Diversity of Macrozoobenthos in Kuala Indragiri Coastal Water Riau Province

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    This research was conducted in February 2015 located in the coastal area of Kuala Indragiri, Riau Province. This purpose of this study was to know the diversity macrozoobenthos and observe the relevance sediment content organic matter with the abundance of macrozoobenthos. The method used in the study was a survey method. Sampling macrozoobenthos was conducted by using 50 meters transect line, from the lowest tide limit to the highest tides and on each transect three plots with a size of 1 x 1 m2 was applied. The research recorded 13 spesies of macrozoobenthos consisting of 4 classes, namely class Gastropoda (Telescopium Telescopium, Eupleura caudata Chicoreus capucinus, Strombus sp, sp Cherithidea, Nerita sp, Babylonia spirata, Morulla striata), Bivalves (Anadara granosa, Placuna placenta), Crustaceans (Uca coartata, Sylla serrata), and Polychaetes (Eunice viridis). Diversity of macrozoobenthos was medium, nothing species dominates and uniformity was evenly. The average content of organic matter was 7.23%. Correlation of sediment organic matter with abundance macrozoobenthos was significant r = 0.907

    The Condition Mangrove Forests In Coastal Area Tanjung Balai Karimun Karimun Regency Kepulauan Riau Province

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    This research was conductes in April 2016 in Coastal Area Tanjung BalaiKarimun. The purpose of this study is to find a community structure mangrove andunderstanding of the conditions mangrove forests in Coastal Area Tanjung BalaiKarimun. The method used in this research is survey method, with counting diametermangrove, distinguish tree, saplings, counting density according to structuremangrove, and identify the types of mangrove at the station. The result showed thatmangrove condition of the station is damaged. A kind of vegetation mangrove thatwere found in Coastal Area consisting of a kind of Sonneratia alba, Sonneratiacaseolaris, Avicennia lanata, and Rhizophora lamarckii. Index value important at agroup of trees the highest which is a kind of A. lanata 107,13% (station 1), in station2 IVI highest kind of S. alba 229,08%, and IVI on the highest station 3 that is a kindof S. alba 138,35%. To the highest IVI saplings station 1 has on the type of R.lamarckii 163,68%, in station 2 IVI highest kind of S. alba 191,43%, and IVI on thehighest station 3 that is a kind of S. caseolaris 200,97%

    Peningkatan Kecerdasan Logis Matematik Melalui Sentra Balok Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    : This research is motivated importance of increasing the logical mathematical intelligence in children from an early age, the center of the beam is an effort that can be done to improve the ability of logical mathematical intelligence of children, especially in sorting objects by size, color and shape, recognize geometric shapes in the objects and classify objects. This study uses action research, while the method used is descriptive method. The subjects in this study were children who totaled 24 children consisted of 9 girls and 15 boys and classroom teachers. While the data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the results of research carried out has been an increase in the child sort objects by size , color and shape for 16.67 % , recognize geometric shapes in one object increased by 20.84 % and classifying objects increased by 37.5 %

    Meningkatkan Perbendaharaan Kata Sederhana Pada Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di Tk Dharma Wanita Melawi

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan menggunakan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian guru yang berjumlah 1 orang dan anak yang berjumlah 15 orang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah di lakukan dan melalui hasil yang di peroleh setelah diadakan analisis data bahwa: 1) Perencanaan pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan perbendaharaan kata sederhana melalui bernyanyi dapat dikategorikan baik, karena guru membuat perencanaan yang memudahkan dalam penyampaian materi, 2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan perbendaharaan kata sederhana melalui bernyanyi antara lain:a) Pijakan lingkungan, b) Pijakan sebelum main, c) Pijakan saat main, d) Pijakan setelah main; 3) Peningkatan kemampuan perbendaharaan kata sederhana pada anak antara lain: kemampuan menyebutkan kata-kata yang ada pada lagu dengan benar meningkat menjadi 73%, kemampuan anak memahami mengucapkan bunyi kata-kata sesuai irama lagu meningkat menjadi 73%, kemampuan anak mengembangkan kata menjadi kalimat sederhana meningkat menjadi 73%. Kata Kunci: Bernyanyi, Perbendaharaan Kata Sederhana Abstrack: Based on the research that has been done and through the results obtained after the analysis of the data held that: 1) Planning in improving vocabulary learning via singing can be categorized either as teacher planning that facilitates the delivery of content, 2) Implementation of learning in improving simple vocabulary through singing, among others: a) the cornerstone of the environment, b) Footing before playing, c) Footing while playing, d) Footing after the play; 3) Improving the ability of simple vocabulary in children include: the ability to mention that there are words in the song correctly increased to 73%, the child\u27s ability to understand the utter sounds of the words fit the rhythm of the song rose to 73%, the ability of children to develop words into sentences modest increase to 73%

    The Coral Reef Condition in Setan Island Waters of Carocok Tarusan Sub-district Pesisir Selatan Regency West Sumatera Province

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    This study has been done on the reefs in the coastal waters of Setan Island. Field work was carried out in April 2014 by deploying LIT method. The aim of this study was to find out the condition of the reefs based on the percentage of Hard Living Coral Cover. Three stations as representatives were chosen purposively. The result showed, the type of reefs in the area of study was domitated by fringing reef with different condition on each station. The station 1 showed good condition, it was 58,75%, station 2 showed good condition, it was 54,90% and station 3 showed good condition, it was 54,89%. The coral reefs condition was categorized as good condition

    The Abudance Crown of Thorn Starfish (Acanthaster Planci) in Coral Reef Ecosystem Tikus Island Bengkulu Province

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2019 di Pulau Tikus Provinsi Bengkulu untuk mengetahui bagaimana kepadatan bintang laut berduri (A. planci), bagaimana kondisi terumbu karang serta bagaimana kepadatan bintang laut berduri (A. planci) pada ekosistem terumbu karang yang dianalisis berdasarkan tutupan karang hidup di Pulau Tikus. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Pengambilan data kondisi terumbu karang dilakukan menggunakan metode Underwater Photograph Transect (UPT) dan pengambilan data kepadatan A. planci menggunakan metode line Intercept Transect (LIT). Kondisi Terumbu karang Pulau Tikus Provinsi Bengkulu pada 3 stasiun penelitian kedalaman 4 meter didapatkan masuk dalam kategori sedang-bagus. Pada stasiun I didapatkan persentase tutupan 44,4% atau dalam kategori sedang, pada stasiun II didapatkan persentase tutupan 59,33% dan stasiun III didapatkan persentase tutupan 59,04% yang masuk dalam kategori baik. Sedangkan pada kedalaman 9 meter didapatkan persentase tutupan dalam kategori buruk yaitu 13,93-20,20%. Kepadatan A. planci pada 3 stasiun penelitian yang masing masing dilakukan pengambilan data pada kedalaman 4 dan 9 meter semuanya masih dalam status populasi normal atau alami dengan kepadatan tertinggi yaitu 0,004 ind/m² sehingga belum memberikan ancaman yang berarti bagi ekosistem terumbu karang. Kepadatan A. planci pada masing masing stasiun penelitian juga tidak memperlihatkan perbedaan baik itu berdasarkan kedalaman maupun berdasarkan stasiun

    Structure of Mangrove Community and It΄s Relation to Macroepifauna Abudance in Intertidal Area of Rupat Straits Riau Province

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    Observation on mangrove vegetation density and abundance of macroepifauna was carried out in intertidal area Rupat straits Riau Province in October 2014. The purpose of this study was to determine the structure and mangrove density and it΄s relation to abudance of macroepifauna, it showed that the mangrove vegetation density ranged (2011,11-3044,44 trees/ha) with the highest density was found at station 2 (3044,44 trees/ha) followed by station 1 (2011,11 trees/ha). The abudance of macroepifauna was highest at station 2 (11244,44 ind/ha) followed by station 1 (1088,88 ind/ha). Correlation coeficient of mangrove density and abudance of macroepifauna appeared to be 0,695 and determination coeficient of 0,484, it was calculated that regression equation was y = - 5071 + 4,445x

    The Abundance of Epibenthic Dinoflagellates Toxic (Gambierdiscus SP., Prorocentrum SP. and Ostreopsis SP) in Seaweed Padina SP in Coastal Waters of Sungai Nipah Village Pesisir Selatan District West Sumatra Province

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    The species existence of dinoflagellates , i.e. Gambierdiscus sp., Prorocentrum sp. and Ostreopsis sp in the waters can cause disease, poisoning and blooming. This will cause disruption of aquatic ecosystems that cover the water surface and light penetration into the body of water will be hampered. Research to determine the abundance of toxic dinoflagellate epibenthic on seaweed Padina sp. in Sungai Nipah waters was conducted in August 2015. Sampling of epibenthic dinoflagellates attached to Padina sp was performed in three stations and each station consists of three sampling points.The results showed that the highest abundance epibentic toxic of dinoflagellates in the coastal waters of Sungai Nipah found at station 3 (803.28 cells / g). The highest abundance from all stations was a genus of Prorocentrum sp., with the total number of 947.74 cells/g, genus Gambierdiscus sp. had the smallest abundance at each respective station with a total of 41 cells/g while Ostreopsis sp has a evenly abundance in almost every station with a total abundance 562.93 cells/g

    The Coral Reef Condition in Cerocok Beach Waters of Painan, West Sumatera Province

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    The research of coral reef was conducted in october 2013 in Tikus Island Waters ofBengkulu, Bengkulu Province. This research aim to analyse health of coral based on hardliving coral cover and its. The research used survey method by applying Line InterceptTrasect (LIT) which consisting of three main stations in depth 5 m.The type of coral reef in Tikus Island was fringging reef. Coral lifeform's found inthe area were Acropora Branching (ACB), Acropora Digitate (ACD), Acropora Encrusting(ACE), Acropora Submassive (ACS), Acropora Tabulate (ACT) Coral Branching (CB), CoralMassive (CM), Coral Submassive (CS), Coral foliose (CF), Coral Encrusting (CE), and Coral MushRoom (CMR). The conditions of coral reef in the depth of 5 m was in good with 73,50percentage
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