18 research outputs found

    Kategori Dan Fungsi Majas Dalam Lirik Lagu Album Bintang Lima Dewa 19

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    The purpose of this research is (1) describing the kind of figurative of speech lyric Dewa 19 song at Bintang Limaalbum, (2) stating the dominance figurative of speech in Dewa 19 song at Bintang Lima album, (3) describing the function of figurative of speech lyric in Dewa 19 song at Bintang Lima album. The research data is Dewa 19 song at Bintang Lima album. The resources of this research is song lyric. The collection of data by reading song lyric, pointing the sentence that using figurative of speech, to predict the function of figurative of speech. The result is 13 figurative of speech, the dominance is repetitive figurative of speech about 17 and figurative of speech function about 4 that is concreting, alleviating, empasizhing and to beautify

    Aspek Sosiologis Tokoh Novel Cinta Di Dalam Gelas Karya Andrea Hirata

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the sociological aspects of the existing characters in the Cinta di Dalam Gelas by Andrea Hirata. Described the social aspects related to the social process, namely cooperation, competition, dispute or conflict, and accommodation in the novel Cinta di Dalam Gelas by Andrea Hirata. Description of the data is decomposed in the form of words and not in the form of numbers. This research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. Sociological theory literature is mimetic approach. Data was collected by way of inventory data, including the sociological aspects of the characters in the novel Cinta di Dalam Gelas by Andrea Hirata. For data analysis techniques in this study was done by analyzing the data and a description of the data. Based on the analysis of the data can be retrieved conclusion that sociological aspects contained in the novel Cinta di Dalam Gelas by Andrea Hirata is reflected in the figures, especially prominent figures. Figures involved in the social process, namely cooperation, competition, conflict or disagreement, and accommodations. In addition, this study may be the object of teaching in the school, because learning in schools also teach literature to students

    Bias Gender Dalam Novel Bumi Manusia Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer: Kajian Feminisme

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    The purposes of this study were to (1) describe drifting off gender that is looked in women figurates in Bumi Manusia novel of Pramoedya Ananta Toer. This observation data is a quotation or a sentence that expert in drifting off gender, espesially is houched with woman figure that is found in Bumi Manusia novel. The source of data in this observation is Bumi Manusia novel of Pramoedya Ananta Toer, that created by Lentera Dipantara on 2010. The data is collected according to describtive with such steps: reading, indicating, noting down, and to investigate the data. The analysis of data is done, with such steps: describing, analyzing, interpreting, and concluding the result of the observasion. Invention of the observation is first, the women figure in Bumi Manusia novel is formed of main figure and close figure. Second, to drift off gender that is realized by woman figure exist of marginalisation, subordination, stereotype, hardness, and double burden work

    Hubungan Kemampuan Memahami Cerpen Dengan Kemampuan Menulis Naskah Drama Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 9 Sijunjung

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    The aim of this research is to describe the relationship between the ability in comprehending the short story and the ability in writing the drama manuscript for the VIII grade's student at , junior high school, nine, Sijunjung. The type of this research is quantitative research using descriptive and the statistic correlation methods. Population and sample in this research is the student of the VIII grade at junior high school ,nine, Sijunjung. The population in this research is 34 students who are registered in academic year of 2012/2013. This population involves two class which the population is sample because the population is less than 100 students. The result of research shows that the ability of student in comprehending the short story highly assists them in writing the drama manuscript. Furthermore, using the statistic correlation method, it shows that relationship between the student ability in understanding the short story and the student ability in writing the drama manuscript is significant on the degree of freedom, n-2, and it is significant at 95 % of confident level since 6.41 of t-statistic value is greater than 1.70 of t-table value

    Ketidakadilan Gender Dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Mereka Bilang Saya Monyet! Karya Djenar Maesa Ayu

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the kinds of unpair in gender found in short stories collections book Mereka Bilang SayaMonyet! karya Djenar Maesa Ayu. This research will be a qualitatif research by using descriptif method. Analysing of data is done descriptively. Based on purpose sampling, five short stories will be discussed, such as, ”Lintah”, ”Durian”, ”Melukis Jendela”, ”Menepis Harapan”, dan ”Wong Asu”. Based on analysing of structur, these short stories; ”Lintah” and ”Melukis Jendela” use convensional plot, and ”Durian”, \u27Menepis Harapan”, and ”Wong Asu” use unconvensional plot, the characters in the stories are described analiticaly and dramaticaly, the setting is about living in metropolis in 2000, and discussed point is about mens\u27s governance on women\u27s sexuality. The conclusion is that these short stories show unfair in gender of women, such as strictness and stereotype. The strictness in short story ”Lintah”, ”Durian”, ”Melukis Jendela”, and ”Wong Asu” is about violation of women. The strictnes in short story ”Menepis Harapan” is stereotype


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    Objective: Punica granatum (PG) contains anthocyanins which are useful as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and prevent cancer, while also increasing bone cell proliferation and osteoblasts differentiation in bone remodeling.Methods: The reactivity of osteocalcin protein markers with PG polyphenol fractionation hydrogels observed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, the degree of reactivity was determined by optical density at 550 nm.Results: PG butanol fraction has better reactivity compared to the total extract, ethyl, and hexane fraction. Based on the reactivity distribution, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 and collagen Type-1 had a dominant distribution compared to osteocalcin, but the theses proteins had a strong relation (r = 0.8) with probability (P < 0.05).Conclusion: PG butanol fraction had better reactivity to osteocalcin, BMP-2, and collagen Type-1 compared with total extract, hexane, and ethyl fraction. The four PG polyphenol fractionations have dominant reactivity to BMP-2

    Hubungan Keterampilan Membaca Apresiatif dengan Keterampilan Menulis Cerpen Siswa Kelas X SMA Pembangunan Labolatorium Unp

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    The purpose of this research is (1) to describe appreciative reading skill, (2) to describe the skill of writing short story, and (3) to analyze the relationship of appreciative reading skill with the skill of writing short story of grade X of SMA UNP Development Labolatorium. The data of this research is the score of reading skill test of apresiatif and score of skill writing writing skill test result. The findings of this research are (1) appreciative reading skill is in good qualification with average score 80,82, (2) skill of writing short story is in good qualification with average value 78,53, and (3) based on t test, H1 is accepted because thitung> ttable is 0.345 > 1.68

    Konflik Sosial Pada Novel Warisan Karya Chairul Harun

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    This study aimed to describe (1) the form of social conflict in the novel Inheritance works Chairul Aaron, (2) the cause of social conflict in the novel Inheritance works Chairul Aaron, (3) the settlement of social conflict in the novel Inheritance works Chairul Aaron. The research is a qualitative descriptive method. The approach taken in this study is the approach of sociology of literature. Data of this study are the elements of the novel that reveals social conflicts contained in the novel Inheritance work Chairul Harun include: (1) the forms of social conflict in the novel Inheritance works Chairul Aaron, (2) the cause of social conflict in the novel Inheritance works Chairul Aaron , (3) the forms of social conflict resolution in the novel Inheritance works Chairul Aaron. This research data collection techniques are read and understand, identify, inventory, and mengklasisifikasikan data relating to social conflict in the novel Inheritance works Chairu Aaron. Based on the research results, it can be concluded social conflict in the novel Inheritance Chairul Aaron's work as follows. First, the forms of social conflict, namely; personal conflicts as a result of another person; The main figures conflict with the family; The main figures conflict with the community. Second, penyebabtimbulnya social conflict, namely; economic factors; biological factors; psychological factors; cultural factors. Third, the forms of social conflict resolution, namely conciliation / peace; mediation; coercion / force; détente / loosening. This research may be implicated in learning Indonesian curriculum SBC / 2006 class XI 1st half at SK. 7 Finding elements of intrinsic and extrinsic saga, with KD7.2 Analyzing the intrinsic elements novel Indonesia / translation

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Gambar Berseri terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Cerpen Siswa Kelas X SMA Adabiah Padang

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    The purpose of this study is to describe 1) short story writing skill of tenth graders in Padang Adabiah high school without using serial pictures media, 2) describe short story writing skill of tenth graders in Padang Adabiah high school by using serial pictures media, 3) describe the influence of using serial pictures media toward the level of short story writing skills of tenth grader in Padang Adabiah High School. The type of this research is quantitative research done using quasi experimental design. There are three results of the research are (1) short story writing skills of the tenth graders in Padang Adabiah Senior High School without using serial pictures media were in more than enough qualifying with the average score of 67,78. (2) short story writing skills of the tenth graders in Padang Adabiah Senior High School by using serial pictures media were in a good qualifying with the average score of 76.55. (3) based on the t-test at the level of 0.05 obtained thitung > ttabel (5,54> 1,70). Thus, it can be said that H1 is accepted. It means that there is a significant effect of using serial pictures media toward the short story writing skills of tenth graders in Padang Adabiah Senior High School