3 research outputs found

    Emotional Intelligence of Employees of Risky Professions: Theoretical and Empirical Discourse of the Research

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    A professional, working in dangerous conditions, requires a high level of steadfastness to stress, caution, and responsibility. The goal of the research is aimed at theoretical and empirical disclosing of the essence of emotional intelligence in employees of risky professions. Emotional intelligence is seen as a leading personal competence and ability. The structural components of emotional intelligence are analyzed in detail from the points of view of well-known foreign and domestic psychologists. The integrative indicators of emotional intelligence have been empirically revealed in rescue workers and patrol officers. In our study participated 1000 respondents with the same length of service in 4 years, in particular: firefighters (n = 500); patrol officers (n = 500). The psycho-diagnostic tools included: Hall test, Russian version of the test of emotional intelligence of J. Meyer, P. Salovey, D.Caruso MSCEIT-V2.0 in the adapted version of O. Sergiienko, I. Vetrova and the method of studying the professional identity of L. Schneider. The respondents showed a low level of development of emotional intelligence. However, the differences were also revealed, in particular, it is more clearly for firefighters to understand their own emotions, but for law enforcement officers the practical use of emotions is in priority. At the same time, the common problem is inability to manage own emotional experiences.</p

    Емоційний інтелект працівників ризикованих професій: теоретико-емпіричний дискурс дослідження

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    A professional, working in dangerous conditions, requires a high level of steadfastness to stress, caution, and responsibility. The goal of the research is aimed at theoretical and empirical disclosing of the essence of emotional intelligence in employees of risky professions. Emotional intelligence is seen as a leading personal competence and ability. The structural components of emotional intelligence are analyzed in detail from the points of view of well-known foreign and domestic psychologists. The integrative indicators of emotional intelligence have been empirically revealed in rescue workers and patrol officers. In our study participated 1000 respondents with the same length of service in 4 years, in particular: firefighters (n = 500); patrol officers (n = 500). The psycho-diagnostic tools included: Hall test, Russian version of the test of emotional intelligence of J. Meyer, P. Salovey, D.Caruso MSCEIT-V2.0 in the adapted version of O. Sergiienko, I. Vetrova and the method of studying the professional identity of L. Schneider. The respondents showed a low level of development of emotional intelligence. However, the differences were also revealed, in particular, it is more clearly for firefighters to understand their own emotions, but for law enforcement officers the practical use of emotions is in priority. At the same time, the common problem is inability to manage own emotional experiences.Професіонал, який працює в небезпечних умовах, вимагає високого рівня стійкості до стресу, обережності, відповідальності. Мета дослідження спрямована на теоретичне та емпіричне розкриття сутності емоційного інтелекту у працівників ризикованих професій. Емоційний інтелект розглядається як провідна особистісна компетентність і здатність. Детально проаналізовано структурні компоненти емоційного інтелекту з точки зору відомих зарубіжних та вітчизняних психологів. У рятувальників і патрульних емпірично виявлено інтегративні показники емоційного інтелекту. У нашому дослідженні взяли участь 1000 респондентів з однаковим стажем за 4 роки, зокрема: пожежники (n = 500); патрульні (n = 500). До психодіагностичних засобів входили: тест Холла, російська версія тесту емоційного інтелекту Дж. Мейєра, П. Саловея, Д. Карузо MSCEIT-V2.0 в адаптованому варіанті О. Сергієнко, І. Вєтрова та методика вивчення професійної ідентичності Л. Шнайдера. Респонденти показали низький рівень розвитку емоційного інтелекту. Втім, виявились і відмінності, зокрема, вогнеборцям легше розуміти власні емоції, а ось для правоохоронців у пріоритеті практичне використання емоцій. У той же час поширеною проблемою є невміння керувати власними емоційними переживаннями

    The Socialization of People with Muscle-Skeleton Disorders in Rehabilitation Centres

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    The article considers the people with muscle-skeleton disorders (hereinafter “MSDs”) who suffer from the effects cerebral palsy, myopathy and spinal diseases. The article aims to determine, theoretically justify and experimentally verify the pedagogical conditions for the socialization of people with MSDs in rehabilitation centres. All the respondents had MSDs, namely: 76 respondents – pediatric cerebral palsy; 19 respondents – myopathy; 10 respondents – spinal diseases. It must be noted that 11 respondents, apart from MSDs, had intellectual disabilities (F 71). The experiment involved 59 males and 46 females. The age requirement was the following: 56 respondents aged between 14 and 17; 49 respondents aged between 18 and 19. The socialization programme, verified during the formative experiment, involved working with people with MSDs based on all socialization components; methodological work with the teaching staff of rehabilitation centres; parents. The programme included such specialized courses as Human Rights, Gardenotherapy; dance therapy; photography classes; a support group for parents of children with MSDs. Before the beginning of the experiment, only 11.55% of persons with MSDs had a high level of socialization. After the formative experiment, the number increased to 30.45%. Besides, 44.1% of people have a sufficient level of social skills. The implementation of the designed programme as a condition for the socialization of people with MSDs has made it possible to significantly increase the level of social skills in people with MSDs in the experimental group