8 research outputs found

    レオナルド ダ ヴィンチ フクセイ ソビョウガテン キネン シンポジウム ホウコクショ

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    静岡文化芸術大学創立10周年を記念した展覧会(大学ギャラリー、2010年10月14日〜27日)に併せて、シンポジウム「乱反射するレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ」(176大講義室、2010年10月15日)が開催された。そこから発表者3名の報告を収録する。To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Shizuoka University of Art and Culture, the exhibition «The Drawingsof Leonardo Da Vinci» was held between 14 - 27 October 2010 in the Gallery of the University, to introduce theLeonardo Collection of the Komaba Museum of the University of Tokyo. This collection consists of Leonardo drawings\u27reproductions selected according to the study, The drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci of A.E. Popham (New York 1945).The symposium was also held in conjunction with the exhibition to seek Leonardo\u27s other images as "irregularreflections"

    <Article>Leonardo and the Gonfalon of Piety: A Contribution to the Attribution Theory

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    This article will examine the case of the Gonfalon of Farneto (Perugia), representing the Virgin mourning the Dead Christ (Pietà) between St. Jerome and St. Mary Magdalene. This banner was attributed to the Umbrian painter Fiorenzo di Lorenzo and later (in particular starting from the '80s) to Pietro Perugino. A closer analysis reveals the presence of the intervention of different painters. This poses the question of workshop composition in the 15th Century Italian Renaissance. In this case, the question is particularly relevant because Perugino belonged to the workshop of Verrocchio together with Leonardo da Vinci. When in a workshop we find only minor painters it is not so important to individuate the contribution of each painter, but the case is different for painters of primary importance like these. Therefore, another problem arises: how to distinguish each contribution? To this aim we have to retake the problem of the theory of attribution, going back to their founders like Morelli. Now today have more theoretical instruments than one century ago. But we also need a new epistemological framework passing from the true/false paradigm to probabilistic one adopted today by deep learning AI systems. In this way, a new alliance between art-history and digital technology is today possible

    City, countryside, and landscape : from pre-urban condition to post-city

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    Estetica dell’artefattuale

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    L’amore, l’idea e la rosa : le radici greche e arabe dell’amor cortese italiano

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    Drivers' performance assessment approaching pedestrian crossings through the analysis of the speed and perceptive data recorded during on-field tests

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    Pedestrian fatalities in road accidents represent one of the biggest causes of death in the world despite the great efforts that have been made to decrease the involvement of vulnerable road users in road accidents. Literature analysis revealed the presence of several studies aimed at investigating the phenomenon and proposing strategies to improve pedestrian safety, but this is still not enough to considerably reduce the number of pedestrians killed on the road.In this context, with the aim to take a step forward in the topic, this paper describes a naturalistic driving assessment carried out in Firenze aimed at evaluating the effect of different pedestrian crossing configurations on the drivers' behavior, especially concerning the reduction of the speeding phenomenon approaching a pedestrian crossing. The experiment was conducted on a section of an urban collector road within the Firenze suburban area. Crucially, over the past few years, different traffic calming interventions have been implemented along this street. Among the different traffic calming countermeasures, both the presence of a traffic light and trapezoidal deflection have been considered to assess their effect on drivers' behavior, also with reference to specific aspects related to the drivers’ perception. During the experiment, thirty-six users drove their own vehicles along the street, encountering different pedestrian crossing configurations. During the driving speed, deceleration and ocular fixation were recorded.This study shows the difference in drivers' behavior in response to different traffic calming countermeasures. It demonstrates also that the raised pedestrian crossing caused a significant effect on reducing the speed approaching a pedestrian crossing. Moreover, it is observed that, when perceptive countermeasures are present, the drivers’ behavior changes only if the pedestrian crossing configuration is perceived in foveal vision; suggesting that the correct identification of the configuration is crucial to implement a congruent and safe driving behavior