238 research outputs found

    Naturally Light Scalars

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    I argue that in certain chiral gauge theories composite scalars associated with chiral symmetry breaking can be light (i.e. lighter than naive scaling from QCD would suggest) without any fine-tuning. These scalars will be even lighter in chiral gauge theories that produce chiral symmetry breaking without confinement. I construct a model which demonstrates this last possibility.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    Glueballs and AdS/CFT

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    I review the calculation of the glueball spectrum in non-supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory (in 3 and 4 dimensions) using the conjectured duality between supergravity and large N gauge theories. The glueball masses are obtained by solving the supergravity wave equations in a black hole geometry. The masses obtained this way are in unexpectedly good agreement with the available lattice data, and are much better than strong-coupling expansion results. I also show how to use a modified version of the duality to calculate the glueball mass spectrum with some of the Kaluza-Klein states of the supergravity theory decoupled from the spectrum.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. Invited talk, "The Phenomenology of Large-Nc QCD", to be published in Proceedings of the Institute of Nuclear Theor

    Glueball Mass Spectrum from Supergravity

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    We review the calculation of the spectrum of glueball masses in non-supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory using the conjectured duality between supergravity and large N gauge theories. The glueball masses are obtained by solving the supergravity wave equations in a black hole geometry. The glueball masses found this way are in unexpected agreement with the available lattice data. We also show how to use a modified version of the duality based on rotating branes to calculate the glueball mass spectrum with some of the Kaluza-Klein states of the supergravity theory decoupled from the spectrum.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX. Based on two talks presented at DPF '99, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 5-9 January, 199

    Negative contributions to S in an effective field theory

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    We show that an effective field theory that includes non-standard couplings between the electroweak gauge bosons and the top and bottom quarks may yield negative contributions to both the S and T oblique radiative electroweak parameters. We find that that such an effective field theory provides a better fit to data than the standard model (the chi-squared per degree of freedom is half as large). We examine in some detail an illustrative model where the exchange of heavy scalars produces the correct type of non-standard couplings.Comment: 12 pages, 1 fig., LaTeX, typos corrected, improved referencin

    Marginal Breaking of Conformal SUSY QCD

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    We provide an example of a 4D theory that exhibits the Contino-Pomarol-Rattazzi mechanism, where breaking conformal symmetry by an almost marginal operator leads to a light pseudo-Goldstone boson, the dilaton, and a parametrically suppressed contribution to vacuum energy. We consider SUSY QCD at the edge of the conformal window and break conformal symmetry by weakly gauging a subgroup of the flavor symmetry. Using Seiberg duality we show that for a range of parameters the singlet meson in the dual theory reaches the unitarity bound, however, this theory does not have a stable vacuum. We stabilize the vacuum with soft breaking terms, compute the mass of the dilaton, and determine the range of parameters where the leading contribution to the dilaton mass is from the almost marginal coupling.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    Little Conformal Symmetry

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    We explore a new class of natural models which ensure the one-loop divergences in the Higgs mass are cancelled. The top-partners that cancel the top loop are new gauge bosons, and the symmetry relation that ensures the cancellation arises at an infrared fixed point. Such a cancellation mechanism can, a la Little Higgs models, push the scale of new physics that completely solves the hierarchy problem up to 5-10 TeV. When embedded in a supersymmetric model, the stop and gaugino masses provide the cutoffs for the loops, and the mechanism ensures a cancellation between the stop and gaugino mass dependence of the Higgs mass parameter.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    A Light Stop with a Heavy Gluino: Enlarging the Stop Gap

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    It is widely thought that increasing bounds on the gluino mass, which feeds down to the stop mass through renormalization group running, are making a light stop increasingly unlikely. Here we present a counter-example. We examine the case of the Minimal Composite Supersymmetric Standard Model which has a light composite stop. The large anomalous dimension of the stop from strong dynamics pushes the stop mass toward a quasi-fixed point in the infrared, which is smaller than standard estimates by a factor of a large logarithm. The gluino can be about three times heavier than the stop, which is comparable to hierarchy achieved with supersoft Dirac gluino masses. Thus, in this class of models, a heavy gluino is not necessarily indicative of a heavy stop.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Light Stops from Seiberg Duality

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    If low-energy supersymmetry is realized in nature, a seemingly contrived hierarchy in the squark mass spectrum appears to be required. We show that composite supersymmetric theories at the bottom of the conformal window can automatically yield the spectrum that is suggested by experimental data and naturalness. With a non-tuned choice of parameters, the only superpartners below one TeV will be the partners of the Higgs, the electroweak gauge bosons, the left-handed top and bottom, and the right-handed top, which are precisely the particles needed to make weak scale supersymmetry breaking natural. In the model considered here, these correspond to composite (or partially composite) degrees of freedom via Seiberg duality, while the other MSSM fields, with their heavier superpartners, are elementary. The key observation is that at or near the edge of the conformal window, soft supersymmetry breaking scalar and gaugino masses are transmitted only to fundamental particles at leading order. With the potential that arises from the duality, a Higgs with a 125 GeV mass, with nearly SM production rates, is naturally accommodated without tuning. The lightest ordinary superpartner is either the lightest stop or the lightest neutralino. If it is the stop, it is natural for it to be almost degenerate with the top, in which case it decays to top by emitting a very soft gravitino, making it quite difficult to find this mode at the LHC and more challenging to find SUSY in general, yielding a simple realization of the stealth supersymmetry idea. We analyze four benchmark spectra in detail.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure