6 research outputs found

    Individual and environmental factors that influence longevity of newcomers to nursing and midwifery: a scoping review protocol

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    Objective: The objective of this review is to identify and map the literature that describes the individual and environmental factors that influence nurses and midwives to stay in or leave their discipline within the first three years of practice. Introduction: The turnover rate of newcomers within their first three years of nursing and midwifery is higher than in later years and is contributing to a worldwide shortage. Both individual and environmental factors, often in combination, contribute to this attrition. Many studies demonstrate the associations of factors with turnover or intention to stay; however, the scope of factors has not been documented. Inclusion criteria: Newcomers are defined as registered nurses and registered midwives within the first three years of entering their discipline. Quantitative and qualitative studies and systematic reviews that explore individual or environmental factors that influence the decision to leave or to remain in nursing and midwifery in any context will be considered. Factors may include coping, anxiety, mindfulness, practice environment, or combinations such as resilience, satisfaction, and burnout. Articles must have been peer reviewed. Literature published since 1974 in English will be considered. Newcomers who have completed skills-based training will be excluded. Methods: The JBI method for scoping reviews will be followed. An extensive search of multiple databases and gray literature will be undertaken. Retrieval of full-text studies and data extraction will be performed independently by two reviewers. Data extracted will be synthesized and results reported using a mind map, tables, and narrative form

    Generational change in Australian librarianship: viewpoints from Generation X

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    Australian librarianship faces the same age demographic and generational changes that other western countries and some other professions will soon encounter. As Baby Boomers retire there will be job opportunities and gaps in the profession. Who will take up higher level positions? Will there be enough qualifi ed library staff to fill vacant positions? How should the library industry attract and retain young people? What will be the effect of the ā€˜ā€œbrain drainā€ on the profession of librarianship resulting from mass retirements where people will take their knowledge, history and experiences with them? Questions such as these will be addressed in this paper, which will focus on Australian library demographic statistics and generational research from Australia and other countries

    Factors that influence international nursing students' experiences and perceptions of their learning environments: a scoping review protocol.

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this review is to explore the research on factors that influence international undergraduate nursing students' experiences and perceptions of their learning environment. INTRODUCTION: International nursing students bring valuable cultural and economic opportunities to universities and health care. It is important that their clinical learning experiences are positive. Factors that influence nursing students' experiences may include cultural and communication differences, diversity related to health care systems, learning and teaching strategies, and programs to improve communication. International nursing students' experiences and perceptions are reported in terms of expressed confidence, perceived competence, and levels of satisfaction. A scoping review is required to identify what is known and to identify the knowledge gaps in this area. INCLUSION CRITERIA: International nursing students are those who are enrolled in an undergraduate nursing program in a higher-education institution in a country other than their own. International students studying vocational nursing and exchange students will be excluded. The learning environment is considered to be one in which any person who may influence patient care learns. Primary research, both qualitative and quantitative methods, published since 1995 in any language that the research team can translate will be included. METHODS: This review follows the JBI methodology for scoping reviews. Data extraction will include the factors influencing students' experiences and the concepts that were explored. Data analysis will include frequencies of concepts and associations between them. Results will be presented in tabular form and mind maps. SCOPING REVIEW REGISTRATION NUMBER: Open Science Framework (osf.io/r4v6q)