41 research outputs found

    Correlation between 24-hour profile of blood pressure and ventricular arrhythmias and their prognostic significance in patients with arterial hypertension

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    Background/Aim. Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), apart from arterial hypertension, is a risk factor for electrophysiologic heart condition disorder and sudden cardiac death. The aim of this study was to examine a relationship between complex ventricular arrhythmias and parameters of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in the patients with arterial hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), as well as their prognostic significance during a five-year follow-up. Methods. Ninety patients with arterial hypertension and LVH were included in this study (mean age 55.2±8.3 years). There were 35 healthy people in the control group (mean age 54.5±7.1 years). Left ventricular mass index was 171.9±32.4 g/m2 in the LVH group and 102.4±13.3 g/m2 in the control group. Clinical examination, echocardiogram, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and 24-hour holter monitoring were done in all of the examined persons. Ventricular arrhythmias were classified by the Lown classification. Results. In the LVH group there were 54 (60.0%) of the patients with ≥ III Lown class. The best predictor of a Lown class were left ventricular mass index by using multivariate stepwise regression analyses (β = 0.212; p < 0.05) and small decrease of diastolic blood pressure during the night (β = -0.293; p < 0.01). The main predictor of bad prognosis was left ventricular mass index during a five year follow-up (β = 0.302; p < 0.01, for stepwise regression model: F = 8.828; p < 0.01, adjusted R2 = 0.091). Conclusion. Left ventricular arrhythmias are frequent in patients with lower decrease of blood pressure during the night. There was no correlation between the degree of ventricular arrhythmias and parameters from 24-hour blood pressure monitoring and a five-year prognosis in the patients with arterial hypertension and LVH. A bad five-year follow-up outcome of hypertensive disease depends on left ventricular mass index


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    The paper discusses the problem of the energy losses reduction in electrical networks using a battery energy storage system. One of the main research interests is to define the optimal battery location and control, for the given battery characteristics (battery size, maximum charge / discharge power, discharge depth, etc.), network configuration, network load, and daily load diagram. Battery management involves determining the state of the battery over one period (whether charging or discharging) and with what power it operates. Optimization techniques were used, which were applied to the model described in the paper. The model consists of a fitness function and a constraint. The fitness function is the dependence of the power losses in the network on the current battery power, and it is suggested that the function be fit by a n - order power function. The constraints apply to the very characteristics of the battery for storing electricity. At any time interval, the maximum power that the battery can receive or inject must be met. At any time, the stored energy in the battery must not exceed certain limits. The power of losses in the network is represented as the power of injection into the nodes of the network. The optimization problem was successfully solved by applying a genetic algorithm (GA), when determining optimal battery management. Finally, the optimal battery management algorithm is implemented on the test network. The results of the simulations are presented and discussed


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    Blastocystis hominis (B. hominis) is an anaerobic, single-cell protozoan, commonly present in human and animal stool samples. It can be found in healthy people as well and it still has not been elucidated whether it is a commensal organism or a pathogen. Blastocystosis is a disease caused by the protozoan in humans. The prevalence of the parasitosis varies both between the countries, and between certain population groups within individual countries. Due to poor hygienic conditions, common exposure to animals and intake of contaminated water and food, people in the developing countries have got a higher prevalence of blastocystosis, but economically developed countries have not been spared either. The taxonomy of B. hominis is still a matter of debates. For the reasons of genetic diversity, it has been suggested that the name B. hominis should be replaced with „Blastocystis species‟. Seventeen subtypes of the species have been so far identified, and a definitive characterization of Blastocystis spp. is possible at the molecular level only. The parasite is transferred by the fecal-oral route. A variety of hosts have been identified, and animal-to-human and vice versa transfers have been documented. The most common manifestations of the infection with the organism are diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and bloating. This infection has also been associated with the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), non-specific colitis, chronic inflammatory bowel disease (CIBD), and urticaria. The diagnosis can be made using the methods of conventional microscopy (CVM), phase-contrast and electron microscopy, cultivation, serodiagnosis, and by using molecular methods. The infection caused by the parasite does not always require treatment. In symptomatic patients, the first line medical treatment is metronidazole. Further studies are required to resolve all dilemmas regarding the parasite

    Mutual impact of different parameters in yield monitoring

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    Pri merenju i analizi lokacijski specifičnog prinosa poznatijeg kao monitoring prinosa u okviru šireg ciklusa precizne poljoprivrede meri se oko 30 parametara od interesa za mapiranje prinosa i šire. Najvažniji parametri uz podrazumevana tri parametra koja definišu lokaciju (latituda, longituda i elevacija) su maseni prinos zrna i vlažnost zrna. Uz ove podatke tokom monitoringa prinosa u ovom radu posmatrani su i temperatura zrna, brzina kretanja kombajna i odstupanje preciznosti lociranja (DOP). Jednostavnim statističkim testiranjem korelacije između ovih parametara utvrđen je nivo međusobnog uticaja, između ostalog i stepen uticaja svih navedenih i posmatranih parametara na prinos, kao odgovor na istraživačko pitanje da li na prinos utiče još neki parametar osim lokacije i fizičko-hemijskih osobina zemljišta na toj lokaciji. Utvrđen je različit stepen uticajnosti, ali nije otkriven ni jedan značajan dodatni uticaj na prinos izračunat posredstvom merenja i makon samog merenja. Za monitoring prinosa pri žetvi semenske pšenice na imanju 'Mladost' PKB, Tabla 2, korišćen je kombajn Class Lexion 450 sa nadograđenim sistemom za monitoring AGL Technology proizvođača. Za statističku analizu korišćena je parametarska metoda korelacije u okviru softverskog paketa SPSS Statistics v.21.When measuring and analyzing site-specific yield known as the yield monitoring within a wider cycle of precise agriculture, about 30 parameters are measured from inertia for mapping yields. The most important parameters with the default three parameters that define the location (latitude, longitude and elevation) are mass grain yield and grain moisture. In addition to this data during the yield monitoring, the temperature of the grain, speed of the combine and delution of precision (DOP) were also observed in this paper. By simple statistical testing of the correlation between these parameters, the level of mutual influence was determined, among other things, the degree of influence of all mentioned and observed parameters on yield, in response to the research question whether the yield affects another parameter other than the location and physical and chemical properties of the land at that location . A different degree of influence was determined, but no significant additional impact on the yield was calculated by measuring and measuring the measurement itself. For the monitoring of the yield of seed wheat harvesting on the 'Mladost' PKB, Tabla 2, the Class Lexion 450 harvester with an upgraded system for monitoring the AGL Technology manufacturer was used. For the statistical analysis, the parametric method of correlation within the software package SPSS Statistics v.21 was used


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    This paper presents and discusses the results of the transient heating analysis of single core cables laid directly in the ground. In order to analyze transient heating of cables a daily load diagram with three levels, which can be described by two parameters is used. These parameters are duration of high level loading and load factor. In order to analyze daily temperature variation of the cable the ratio of high level current loading to rated current of the cable is also required. Parameters that affect results are varied in analysis: thermal conductivity and diffusivity of soil, the distance between adjacent cables, temperature of referent soil, cross-bonding of metal sheets, etc. The results of analysis are ranges of conductor temperature variation, i.e. daily minimum and maximum temperature of the conductor for different laying and ambient conditions. The presented results can be used in estimation of cable overloading capability as well as for estimation of aging of cables exposed to cyclic loading

    Methionine versus homocysteine: future directions in cardiovascular research

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    L-methionine, the principal sulfur-containing amino acid in proteins, has important roles in cell physiology as an antioxidant, and in the breakdown of fats and heavy metals. Methionine is the precursor of homocysteine, and participates in the methylation and transsulfuration pathways. Elevated total plasma homocysteine (hyperhomocysteinemia) is associated with atherosclerosis, thromboembolic disease and cancer. Whether homocysteine per se or a coincident metabolic abnormality (homocysteine-related compounds, thiolactone metabolites) causes vascular disease is still an open question. Animals with genetic hyperhomocysteinemia have so far not displayed atheromatous lesions. However, when methionine-rich diets are used to induce hyperhomocysteinemia, vascular pathology is often observed. Such studies have not distinguished the effects of excess dietary methionine from those of hyperhomocysteinemia. It is known that high methionine diet, not only red meat for example lamb, beef, pork but also chicken meat can induce cardiovascular dysfunction but the mechanisms are unclear. It has been hypothesized that a diet rich in methionine can malfunction the cardiovascular system in three ways: (1) by augmenting oxidative stress, (2) by inflammatory manifestations, and (3) by matrix/vascular remodeling. However, some evidence indicates that an excess of methionine can be harmful for other systems, and can increase the risk of developing type-2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, brain alterations such as schizophrenia, and memory impairment. However this is still controversial because previous studies suggesting the use of L-methionine as a treatment for depression and other diseases indicate that it might also improve memory (role in brain function). Thus, the direction of our research is to further elucidate mechanisms of cardiovascular and neural effects of homocysteine vs. methionine overload.HISPA 2017 : HISPA TRILATERAL "Cardiovascular challenges on Balkan roads crossing" : Abstracts : September 15-17, 2017, Zlatibor


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    Finding the arrythmogenic potential in patients with arterial hypertension as well as its correlation with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), and its type and degree. The research included 109 hypertensive patients (pts) (54 male and 55 female), 54.2 ± 7.9 years old  without symptomatic coronary disease, myocardial infarction and  systolic dysfunction. All the pts had a clinical examination, ECG, 24 h Holter monitoring with Lown classification of ventricular arrhythmias, an echocardiogram with left ventricular mass index (LVMI) and a specific type of LVH. QT interval dispersion (QTd) was calculated on 12 leads standard ECG. 75 pts had LVH (LVMI: 172.6 ± 42.95 g/m2) while 35 pts were without LVH (109.3 ± 15.9 g/m2). Non sustained ventricular tachycardia was registered in 13 pts (17.6%) with LVH and 1 female patient without LVH (2.9%). Patients with VT had a considerably higher ILVM (214.9 ± 6.8 vs. 151.9 ± 47.2 g/m2) than the average and higher QTd (73.7 ± 19.1 vs. 55.2 ± 20.2). VT was registered in 3/19 (15.8%) with eccentric nedilated type LVH, 6/38 (15.8%) with concentric LVH, 1/11 (9.1) (disproportional septal LVH) and 3/5 ( 60%) with dilated LVH. Univariate analysis showed a considerable correlation between the degree of arrhythmias and ILVM (p<0.001) and QTd (p=0.012). Ventricular arrhythmias in patients with arterial hypertension are considerably correlated to the degree of LVH expressed in ILVM and QTd

    Effect of variable frequency electromagnetic field on deposit formation in installations with geothermal water in Sijarinjska spa (Serbia)

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    In this paper we have examined the effect of variable frequency electromagnetic field generated with a homemade device on deposit formation in installations with geothermal water from Sijarinjska Spa. The frequency alteration of the electromagnetic field in time was made by means of the sinusoidal and saw-tooth function. In laboratory conditions, with the flow of geothermal water at 0.015 l/s and temperature of 60 °C for 6 hours through a zig-zag glass pipe, a multiple decrease of total deposit has been achieved. By applying the saw-tooth and sinusoidal function, the decrease in contents of calcium and deposit has been achieved by 8 and 6 times, respectively. A device was also used on geothermal water installation in Sijarinjska Spa (Serbia), with the water flow through a 1'' diameter non-magnetic prochrome pipe at 0.15 l/s and temperature of 75 °C in a ten-day period. A significant decrease in total deposit and calcium in the deposit has also been achieved


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    Numerous studies have pointed to low adherence to statin, which decreases as time period from acute cardiovascular event elapses. The aim was to analyze the cause of not taking statin by patients who were referred to rehabilitation after coronary event. Study population and methods. The research included the total of 573 patients, average age 60.3, while 305 (53.1%) of them were patients who experienced the first cardiovascular event. The stated research was conducted by means of a questionnaire and implied active participation of the researchers in terms of monitoring the possession and use of medication during rehabilitation. On arrival to rehabilitation, 98 (17.1%) patients did not have statin. They stated that they had never used statins before or that they stopped using them shortly after the event. This subgroup had significantly unfavorable values of lipid parameters (p<0.001), abdominal obesity (p<0.01), physical inactivity (p<0.01), more comorbidities (p<0.001), more prescribed medications on daily level (p<0.05), lower education degree level (p<0.01) and lower monthly income (p<0.001). Independent factors for not taking statin were: female gender, low monthly income and large number of comorbidities (R = 0.291, R2 = 0.85, adjusted R2 = 0.80, std. error of the estimate = 0.36151; p < 0.001). The patients themselves stated that the first reason for not taking statin was lack of financial funds (45.9%), while the second reason was normalization of laboratory results (21.4%). Three months after acute coronary event, 17.1% of patients in Serbia stopped taking statin. Lower adherence to statin closely correlates with female gender, low financial income and multiple comorbidities


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    One of the trends in the early days of Cubism, Orphism was a style of painting that evolved in Paris during the period between 1911 and 1914. The orphists rejected the rigid principles of a non-abstract art and returned to “pure color” with the purpose of communicating their intense enjoyment. They were imbued with the new spirit and fascinated by the technological progress of the modern world. Robert Delaunay’s Homage to Blériot was painted in a state of extreme spiritual happiness, reflecting the whole atmosphere of the times. It is a testimony to the skills of the airplane constructors – the new heroes of a modern epic fantasy. World War I, however, spelled the end of the enthusiasm and optimism of the machine age