406 research outputs found

    Influence of rural development policy targets on farm efficiency: An efficiency study of labour intensive grape growing family farms

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    The aim of this study was to provide an empirical analysis of the performance of Macedonian grape-growing family farms assessed in terms of technical, allocative, and economic efficiency and to relate aspects targeted in the Rural Development Program (RDP) to the efficiency scores. The study was based on a two-step efficiency analysis, applying Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), in the first step, and Tobit regression analysis in the second step. Data were collected between 2006 and 2008 through face-to-face interviews with 300 grape growers in the Tikvesh vineyard district in Macedonia, each represented by the three-year average of inputs, outputs and prices. The results indicated a large potential for efficiency improvement. The average efficiency was 0.71 for technical efficiency, 0.79 for allocative efficiency and 0.56 for economic efficiency. More efficient farms used smaller areas, irrigated a smaller proportion of total area, used less hired labour, used and paid less for inputs, but produced a larger quantity, with higher value per hectare. RDP measures targeted at stable yield, yield quality, and modernisation of equipment were important for enhancing and improving farm efficiency and consequently, the competitiveness of the entire sector. --Data Envelopment Analysis,rural development program,Tobit regression

    Cultural Relevance of the Transtheoretical Model in Physical Activity Promotion: Mexican-American Women’s use of the Processes of Change

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    Hispanic women in the U.S. have disproportionately high rates of obesity and health disparities related to insufficient physical activity (PA). While the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) is one of the most commonly used behavioral theories in interventions promoting PA, there is a lack of evidence to support the cultural relevance of theoretical constructs for increasing PA in Hispanic women. To learn about Hispanic women’s use and interpretation of the construct Processes of Change (POC) for increasing PA, we conducted focus groups with overweight/obese Mexican/Mexican-American females (N=13) ages 27-40 years. Major themes centered on the importance of children and family caretaking, social support, and PA to promote weight loss. Participants identified strategies they use to enact the POC for increasing PA such as retos (challenges), exercise as an alternative to eating, and clothing as a reward/reminder for PA. This study examined culture-specific factors used by Mexican-American women for becoming more physically active as they correspond to the theoretical constructs of the TTM. We showed that the POC examined in our study are culturally relevant and enacted by Mexican-American women for increasing PA, and are poised to be deployed in culturally appropriate PA promotion and weight loss interventions

    Att ta över gården – hur fungerar generationsskiften i europeiska jordbruk?

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    När äldre lantbrukare går i pension är det viktigt att det finns yngre lantbrukare som kan ta över, både för sektorns framtid och för en tryggad livsmedelsförsörjning. Att förstå processen för generationsskifte är avgörande för att kunna stödja jordbrukssektorns utveckling. I denna Policy Brief beskriver vi processen för generationsskifte på europeiska gårdar och faktorer som påverkar dessa skiften. Vi diskuterar också politiska styrmedel som kan stödja generationsskiften i det europeiska jordbruket

    Att ta över gården – hur fungerar generationsskiften i europeiska jordbruk?

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    När äldre lantbrukare går i pension är det viktigt att det finns yngre lantbrukare som kan ta över, både för sektorns framtid och för en tryggad livsmedelsförsörjning. Att förstå processen för generationsskifte är avgörande för att kunna stödja jordbrukssektorns utveckling. I denna Policy Brief beskriver vi processen för generationsskifte på europeiska gårdar och faktorer som påverkar dessa skiften. Vi diskuterar också politiska styrmedel som kan stödja generationsskiften i det europeiska jordbruket. Resultaten visar att: Generationsskifte är en process i tre faser: identitetsbyggande som lantbrukare, överlåtelseprocess och gårdsutveckling. Stöd till unga lantbrukare underlättar gårdsutvecklingen men inte identitetsbyggandet eller överlåtelseprocessen. Åtgärder för att öka yrkets och livsstilens attraktivitet behövs för att det ska vara möjligt att bygga en identitet som lantbrukare, eftersom beslutet att bli lantbrukare ofta fattas under den första fasen

    Strukturomvandling och effektivitet i det svenska jordbruket

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    Denna studie undersöker hur det svenska lantbrukets struktur har utvecklats jämfört med ett antal konkurrentländer (Danmark, Finland, Tyskland och Storbritannien) samt hur stukturvariabler såsom företagsstorlek, specialisering, och entreprenörsverksamhet påverkar lantbrukets effektivitet. Resultaten visar att strukturomvandlingen har gått långsammare än i konkurrentländerna, även om utvecklingsdynamiken skiljer sig påtagligt mellan olika regioner och produktionsgrenar. Snabbast har strukturen förändrats för mjölk- och grisföretag, som också är de mest effektiva. Dessutom visar resultaten att hög specialisering ökar effektiviteten för grisgårdar och att ökad gårdsstorlek och entreprenörsaktiviteter ökar effektiviteten för alla produktionsgrenar


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    As one of the two basic aims in the key fields of intervention in the National Program for Development of the Education in the Republic of Macedonia for 2005-2015, the issue of increasing the primary education, from 8 to 9 years, was posed. The requirements in this period are mainly initiated by the developmental characteristics of the children. The need for more intensive application of play and the activities of play has been shown to be the most appropriate approach in the process of acquiring of knowledge, abilities, skills and habits, and as an educational reform it should be respected in school conditions.The subject of scientific research refers to the didactic-methodic components of the activity of play in the first educational cycle. The methodology, methods and techniques that were applied during the course of the research are: the method of analysis (analysis of content and structural analysis), the descriptive method and the method of comparison, as well as the techniques of analysis of pedagogical documentation, observation and surveying.On the basis of the received results, it can be concluded that: the organization and realization of the activity of play partially depends on the professional training of the teachers; the majority of teachers believe that the syllabi are appropriate for the realization of the activity of play as a methodical concept; the necessity of appropriate didactic-methodical preparation of the teachers for realizing the activity of play.&nbsp


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    Управувањето со залихите е интегрален дел на управувањето со обртните средства. Цел на управувањето со залихите е одржување на оптимално ниво на залихи во компанијата. Надминувањето на оваа ниво може да предизвика премногу трошоци за чување и одржување, а од друга страна кусок на залиха може да го стопира или задоцни производствениот процес. Управувањето со залихите мора да се базира на рационална екомонска cost benefit анализа. Доколку бенефитот од залихите е поголем од трошоците, тогаш е разумно команијата да ги чува залихите. Има голем број проблеми при одредување на економски оптималното ниво и за тоа како да се конвертираат или елиминираат сите релевантни вишоци или кусоци на залихите. Утврдувањето на економската количина на порачка (EOQ) и моментот на чување на нарачката е друг проблем кој е познат за овој менаџмент. На крај пресметката и анализата на коефициентите за ефикасноста на залихите го затвора прашањето за овој вид проблем. Предмет на овој труд се залихите како дел од тековните обртни средства. Примарна цел е презентирање на некои проблеми кои се познати во управувањто на залихите, како и да се елаборираат и објаснат некои можни и релевантни решенија

    FoPIA-Surefarm 2 Case Study Report Sweden

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    We investigate the egg and broiler production system in Sweden. The system is undergoing continuous adaptation driven by continuous change in consumer preferences (animal welfare, food quality), continuous change in regulation which also requires technology adoption, as well as stricter standards applying to domestic products than imported products, making it more difficult for Swedish producers to be competitive on international markets. The main functions of the farming system are providing affordable and healthy food, economic viability, and maintaining natural resources in a good condition. Taking good care of animal health and welfare is also among the main functions and is considered a precondition for delivering healthy food. Indicators that are most representative for these main functions (function indicators) are presented in Table 1. On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being very low to 5 being perfect, the performance of the function indicators ranges from 2.8 for viable income, 3 (FoPIA-SURE-Farm 1) and 4 (FoPIA-SURE-Farm 2) for animal health and welfare, 3.6 for delivering healthy products, to 3.9 for maintaining the natural resources in good condition

    Mot en miljövänlig växtodling - hur påverkas gårdens ekonomi?

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    Svensk växtodling står inför både ekonomiska och miljömässiga utmaningar. För att möta de miljömässiga utmaningarna rekommenderar EU-kommissionen bland annat ökad ekologisk odling och växtdiversifiering. Detta kan resultera i lägre avkastning och lägre inkomster för lantbrukare som därför erbjuds jordbruksstöd. I denna studie undersöker vi hur ekonomin på växtgårdar (effektiviteten) påverkas av hållbara odlingsmetoder och jordbruksstöd. Vi finner att:• Växtdiversifiering generellt bidrar till högre effektivitet.• Skillnaden i effektivitet mellan gårdar som bedriver ekologisk odling och konventionella gårdar är inte signifikant.• Stöd till jordbruket ökar effektiviteten även om det finns skillnader mellan stödtyper. Miljöstöd ökar effektiviteten medan förgröningskravet minskar effektiviteten