940 research outputs found

    Dwell Sensitivity Behavior and Modeling

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    Since engineering materials are exposed to dwell-times in service, it is important to understand the effects of dwell times on the fatigue life. The mechanisms controlling deformation and failure under dwell conditions are in terms of metallographic damage namely; transgranular fracture, intergranular fracture, mixed intergranular transgranular fracture modes, surface striated damage, creep damage and oxidation. These mechanisms are very difficult to include in a quantitative model to predict the dwell sensitivity behavior of high temperature materials. Published creep-fatigue data were compiled from various sources for a number of materials such as copper alloys (NARloy-Z, AMZ1RC), steel alloys (9Cr-lMo), and nickel based alloys(lN 100, Rene 95, Waspaloy). In general, dwell-times were found to be detrimental to the fatigue life of materials, but the exact extent of the effect varies depending on the material, duration of the dwell, and the direction in which a dwell was applied. In this research an attempt has been made to further develop the models of the senior author and include such concepts as stress relaxation with respect to a particular dwell time. Very limited data sets are available in the literature showing all the test details needed for developing a model for this research. However, the initial trials show stress relaxation as a result of a dwell cycle may exhibit an effect that may describe dwell. A dwell sensitivity damage mechanistic map and a new dwell sensitivity damage parameter were developed

    Urban Settlement: Data, Measures, and Trends

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    This paper examines data on urbanization. We review the most commonly used data sources and highlight the difficulties inherent in defining and measuring the size of urban versus rural populations. We show that differences in the measurement of urban populations across countries and over time are significant and discuss the methods used for these measurements, as well as for projecting urbanization. We also analyze recent trends and patterns in urbanization. Finally, we describe the principal channels of urbanization and examine their relative contributions to the global urbanization process.urbanization, urbanization data

    Urban Settlement: Data, Measures, and Trends

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    This paper examines data on urbanization. We review the most commonly used data sources, and highlight the difficulties inherent in defining and measuring the size of urban versus rural populations. We show that differences in the measurement of urban populations across countries and over time are significant, and discuss the methods used to obtain these measurements, as well as those for projecting urbanization. We also analyze recent trends and patterns in urbanization. Finally, we describe the principal channels of urbanization and examine their relative contributions to the global urbanization process.Urbanization, measurement, urban population

    New frontiers in international strategy

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    This paper is based on a panel we organized at the "First Annual Conference on Emerging Research Frontiers in International Business Studies", organized by the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS), to discuss several new lines of research in international strategy. Four lines of research are developed: The strategic implications of semiglobalization, the impact of institutional voids in international strategy, primitives and levels of analysis in international business, and strategies for the base of the pyramid. Taken together, these studies aim to open a new frontier in our understanding of International Strategy, based on the co-location of firms as places and a key element in international business.international business; semiglobalization; internal strategy; base pyramid; institutions; competitiveness;

    Zero-field spin splitting in a two-dimensional electron gas with the spin-orbit interaction revisited

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    We consider a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) with the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI) in presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. We derive analytical expressions of the density of states (DOS) of a 2DEG with the Rashba SOI in presence of magnetic field by using the Green's function technique. The DOS allows us to obtain the analytical expressions of the magnetoconductivities for spin-up and spin-down electrons. The conductivities for spin-up and spin-down electrons oscillate with different frequencies and gives rise to the beating patterns in the amplitude of the Shubnikov de Hass (SdH) oscillations. We find a simple equation which determines the zero-field spin splitting energy if the magnetic field corresponding to any beat node is known from the experiment. Our analytical results reproduce well the experimentally observed non-periodic beating patterns, number of oscillations between two successive nodes and the measured zero-field spin splitting energy.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Distributing excess cash: the role of specially designated dividends

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    This study explores why firms distribute excess cash as specially designated dividends (SDDs) instead of using regular dividends or repurchasing shares. We survey top managers of NASDAQ, AMEX, and NYSE firms issuing at least one SDD between 1994 and 2001. The results show that firms tend to pay SDDs when they experience strong earnings and cash flows and want to increase at least temporarily the yield to shareholders. Having strong earnings and cash flows also provide an impetus for regular dividend increases, but paying regular dividends is part of a firm\u27s standard dividend policy. The primary motives for repurchasing shares are to take advantage of perceived market undervaluation of the firm\u27s shares and to improve performance measures, especially. Overall, the results lend support to the signaling explanation for the disbursement of excess funds, but not the free cash flow or wealth transfer explanations

    Statistical Isotropy violation of the CMB brightness fluctuations

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    Certain anomalies at large angular scales in the cosmic microwave background measured by WMAP have been suggested as possible evidence of breakdown of statistical isotropy(SI). Most CMB photons free-stream to the present from the surface of last scattering. It is thus reasonable to expect statistical isotropy violation in the CMB photon distribution observed now to have originated from SI violation in the baryon-photon fluid at last scattering, in addition to anisotropy of the primordial power spectrum studied earlier in literature. We consider the generalized anisotropic brightness distribution fluctuations, Δ(k,n^,τ)\Delta(\vec{k}, \hat{n}, \tau) (at conformal time τ\tau) in contrast to the SI case where it is simply a function of k|\vec{k}| and k^n^\hat{k} \cdot \hat{n}. The brightness fluctuations expanded in Bipolar Spherical Harmonic (BipoSH) series, can then be written as Δ12LM(k,τ)\Delta_{\ell_1 \ell_2}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau) where L>0L > 0 terms encode deviations from statistical isotropy. We study the evolution of Δ12LM(k,τ)\Delta_{\ell_1 \ell_2}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau) from non-zero terms Δ34LM(k,τs)\Delta_{\ell_3 \ell_4}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau_s) at last scattering. Similar to the SI case, power at small spherical harmonic (SH) multipoles of Δ34LM(k,τs)\Delta_{\ell_3 \ell_4}^{L M}(\vec{k},\tau_s) at the last scattering, is transferred to Δ12LM(k,τ)\Delta_{\ell_1 \ell_2}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau) at larger SH multipoles. The structural similarity is more apparent in the asymptotic expression for large values of the final SH multipoles. This formalism allows an elegant identification of any SI violation observed today to a possible origin in the SI violation present in the baryon-photon fluid (eg., due to the presence of significant magnetic field).Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, added illustrative example of SI violation in baryon-photon fluid, matches version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Statistical isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    The breakdown of statistical homogeneity and isotropy of cosmic perturbations is a generic feature of ultra large scale structure of the cosmos, in particular, of non trivial cosmic topology. The statistical isotropy (SI) of the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature fluctuations (CMB anisotropy) is sensitive to this breakdown on the largest scales comparable to, and even beyond the cosmic horizon. We propose a set of measures, κ\kappa_\ell (=1,2,3,...\ell=1,2,3, ...) which for non-zero values indicate and quantify statistical isotropy violations in a CMB map. We numerically compute the predicted κ\kappa_\ell spectra for CMB anisotropy in flat torus universe models. Characteristic signature of different models in the κ\kappa_\ell spectrum are noted.Comment: Presented at PASCOS'03, January 3-8, 2003, in TIFR, Mumbai; to be published in a special issue of 'Pramana' (4 pages, 1 figure, style files included