7 research outputs found

    Perbaikan Standar Operasional Prosedur Keselamatan Kerja menggunakan Metode Hazard and Operability di PT XYZ

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    Kecelakaan kerja adalah suatu kejadian yang tidak dikehendaki dan tidak diduga semula yang dapat menimbulkan korban manusia dan harta benda (Permenaker No. 03/MEN/1998). Pengertian lain kecelakaan kerja adalah semula kejadian yang tidak direncanakan yang menyababkan atau berpotensial menyebabkan cidera, kesakitan, kerusakan atau kerugian lainya. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Hazop. Hazop adalah salah satu metode teknik identifikasi bahaya yang sistematis, teliti dan terstruktur untuk mengidentifikasi berbagai permasalahan yang mengganggu jalannya proses dan resiko-resiko yang terdapat pada suatu equipment yang dapat menimbulkan resiko merugikan bagi manusia atau fasilitas plant pada lingkungan atau sistem yang ada. Adapun hasil penelitian yaitu ditemuakn stasiun kerja yang memiliki paling banyak kecelakaan kerja adalah stasiun Thresher (pemipilan). Potensi kecelakaan kerja terbanyak berada saat Pemasukan TBS kedalam Lory and Pelumatan dengan pemisahan Nut dan Fiber, yang penyebabnya adalah tidak memakai APD. Adapun hasil penelitian berupa usulan untuk mengurangi tingkat kecelakaan kerja di PT XYZ. Kata kunci: Metode Hazard and Operability (HANOP), Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3),  Kecelakaan Kerja, Identifikasi Resiko

    Implementasi Metode Lean Service dan 5S untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Waktu Pelayanan di Dinas Pencegah dan Pemadam Kebakaran Kota Medan

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    Fire is a threat to human safety. With the rapid development and progress of development, the risk of fire is increasing. The population is getting denser, the construction of office buildings, residential areas, and industries that are increasingly developing so that these areas have a level of vulnerability to the risk of fire. Therefore, the existence of the Fire Prevention and Fire Service is needed. The problem that often occurs is the length of time the Fire Prevention and Fire Department gets to the scene of the fire. This causes huge losses to the community both in funds and lives. This study’s purpose is to improve the efficiency of service time at the Fire Prevention and Department of the Fire so that losses due to fire can be minimized. The method used is Lean Service and for the design using the 5S method. The results of this paper that the value added activity amount 37%, while the non-value added activity amount 63%. These results indicate the need for a reduction in activity so that processing time is more efficient. The result of this analysis using Fishbone Diagram and FMEA, it was found that the most cause of the highest failure mode was activity in the storage area for equipment and personal protective equipment that was difficult to reach and irregular so that the best layout was designed using the 5S Method

    Perhitungan Total Biaya Persediaan Dengan Metode POQ, EOQ dan MIN MAX

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              Persediaan dalam produksi dapat diartikan sebagai sumber daya mengganggur. Alasannya adalah karena sumber daya tertentu tidak bisa didatangkan ketika sumber daya tersebut dibutuhkan. Adanya persediaan menimbulkan konsekuensi berupa resiko tertentu yang harus ditanggung perusahaan akibat adanya persediaan tersebut. Pada penelitian ini, metode yang dilakukan metode EOQ (Economic Order Quantity), POQ (Periodic Order Quantity) dan Min Max yang dipilih sebagai perbandingan, karena ketiganya sama – sama digunakan untuk mencari biaya persediaan bahan baku yang minimal, mencari kuantitas pemesanan dan frekuensi pemesanan yang optimum. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganilisis penerapan metode EOQ, POQ dan metode Min Max dalam pengendalian bahan baku, tujuan lainnya sebagai perbandingan biaya persediaan yang terapkan perusahaan dengan biaya persediaan yang dilakukan menggunakan metode EOQ, POQ dan Metode Min Max. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan memperlihatkan metode EOQ mempunyai toal biaya persediaan lebih rendah dengan begitu perusahaan dapat meminimalkan total biaya persediaan sebesar 2,5%. Kata kunci : POQ, EOQ, Metode Min Max, Persediaa

    Analysis of Renewall Readiness for Quality Management System Certification Based on ISO 9001:2015 Using Gap Analysis

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    PT PI is a company engaged in Port Services. PI still follows the company's regulations that are still set to date, namely the implementation of the Quality Management System 9001:2008, but the Quality Management System has ended in 2020. Therefore, PT PI must adjust the Quality Management System to the latest standards of Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2015 in order to maintain the quality of Service Quality in the company. The purpose of this study is to determine the readiness in the implementation of Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 in obtaining certification. The method used in this study is Gap Analysis. Gap Analysis is a measurement method to determine the gap (Gap) by mapping the current Quality Management System and comparing it with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, so that the analysis of differences from the Quality Management System at PI is now with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System to be determined. &nbsp

    Implementation of Lean Six Sigma to Reduce Work Time Waste in the Goods Transportation Department

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    Lean Manufacturing is a manufacturing concept to seek to suppress waste or also known as waste. There are 7 wastes in Lean that need to be eliminated, which include: excessive production, inefficient material transportation, waiting time, value that has no added value, inventory, movement and defective products. Value stream mapping will be used in this study to identify waste and explore activities that have the potential to become wasteful. Opportunities for existing waste will be reduced so as not to result in waste. Research is expected to produce processes that are more efficient so as to reduce activities that do not have added value. That way it can overcome the company's problem that is often late in delivery