17 research outputs found

    Biološke karakteristike izolata Botrytis cinerea Pers. različite osetljivosti na dikarboksimide

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    A study of biological characteristics of both field and laboratory isolates revealed that highly resistant isolates were morphologically different from their original wild types. The majority of them were less pathogenic and produced less sclerotia than the original ones. Significant negative correlation between osmotic sensitivity and the degree of resistance was recorded. The correlation between micelium growth rate and resistance to dicarboximides was also significant and negative. Growth medium, acidity and growth temperature had less effect on the micelium growth rate of the highly resistant isolates than on the sensitive ones.U radu su proučavane biološke karakteristike izolata B. cinerea različite osetljivosti na dikarboksimide. Utvrđeno je da se visokorezistentni izolati morfološki razlikuju od izolata normalne osetljivosti. Oni su uglavnom slabije patogeni i formiraju manji broj sklerocija od izolata normalne osetljivosti. Zabeležena je visoka negativna korelacija između osetljivosti na povećan osmotski pritisak i rezistentnosti na dikarboksimide, kao i brzine rasta izolata i rezistentnosti na dikarboksimide. Uticaj temperature, vrste i kiselosti hranljive podloge na porast micelije visoko rezistentnih izolata B. cinerea slabije je izražen u odnosu na porast osetljivih izolata

    Rod Botrytis i vrsta Botrytis cinerea: patogene, morfološke i epidemiološke karakteristike

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    Species of the genus Botrytis occur wherever their hosts are grown, ranging from cold areas of Alaska to warm and dry areas in Israel. They have a necrotrophic life style which is often associated with phenology of the host plant. The genus comprises 22 species, most of which have a narrow host range. Polifagous species Botritys cinerea, a causal agent of grey mould disease, is the most important and the most extensively studied representative of this genus. More than 350 papers related to all aspects of the research of this necrotrophic pathogen are published each year. In this paper up-to-date knowledge about pathogenic, morphological and epidemic characteristics of the genus Botrytis and, particularly, species B. cinerea are summarized. Symptoms caused by B. cinerea on various plant species and various plant parts are shown. Morphological and genetic variability of the species is described. The possible mechanisms of variability, as well as the attempts to divide the species into Group I (B. „pseudocinerea“) and Group II (B. cinerea „sensu-stricto“) are pointed out.Vrste roda Botrytis rasprostranjene su svuda gde se gaje ili su prisutne njihove biljke-domaćini – od hladnih zona Aljaske do toplih i suvih područja u Izraelu. Imaju nekrotrofni životni ciklus koji je najčešće tesno povezan sa fenologijom domaćina. Rod obuhvata 22 vrste od kojih većina ima uzak krug domaćina – parazitira biljke jednog roda ili jedne familije. Polifagna vrsta Botrytis cinerea, prouzrokovač sive truleži, najznačajniji je i najproučavaniji predstavnik ovog roda. Godišnje se objavi više od 350 radova koji se odnose na sve aspekte istraživanja ovog nekrotrofnog patogena. U ovom radu je dat pregled dosadašnjih saznanja o patogenim, morfološkim i epidemiološkim karakteristikama vrsta roda Botrytis, a posebno vrste B. cinerea. Detaljno su obrađeni simptomi oboljenja koje prouzrokuje B. cinerea na različitim biljnim vrstama i različitim delovima biljaka, morfološka i genetička varijabilnost vrste. Takođe, ukazano je i na moguće izvore varijabilnosti, kao i na pokušaje podele vrste na dve grupe – Grupu I (B. „pseudocinerea“) i Grupu II (B. cinerea „sensu-stricto“)

    Efikasnost biofungicida Polyversum™ u suzbijanju Botrytis cinerea Pers. na plodovima maline

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    Efficacy of a biological fungicide product, Polyversum™ (Pythium oligandrum Drechsler), in controlling grey mould of raspberries Botrytis cinerea Pers. was tested at sites around Valjevo, Požega and Šabac in 2004, 2005 and 2006. The experiments were conducted and data processed using EPPO methods. Efficacy was found to be significantly lower statistically in the experimental variants involving Polyversum™ biofungicide (E = 18.0%-53.9%) than the standard botricide Ronilan- DF (E = 56.6%-90.3%). Our results show that the biological product Polyversum™ achieved significant efficacy although poorer than the standard fungicide Ronilan-DF. As it is a biological product almost entirely free of any toxicological and ecotoxicological limitations, it offers a significant advantage for widespread usage in plant protection.U toku 2004, 2005. i 2006. godine, na lokalitetima Valjeva, Požege i Šapca, ispitivana je efikasnost biološkog preparata Polyversum ™ (Pythium oligandrum Drechsler) u suzbijanju prouzrokovača sive truleži plodova maline Botrytis cinerea Pers. Eksperimenti su izvedeni i podaci obrađeni po metodama EPPO. Utvrđeno je da je u varijantama primene biofungicida Polyversum ™ efikasnost (E=18.0%- 53.9%) statistički značajno slabija od standardnog botriticida Ronilan- DF (E=56.6%-90.3%). Ispoljena efikasnost biološkog preparata Polyversum je značajna, iako slabija od standardnog fungicida Ronilan- DF. S obzirom da je reč o biološkom preparatu koji gotovo da nema toksikoloških i ekotoksikoloških ograničenja, to mu daje značajnu prednost za širu upotrebu u zaštiti bilja

    Da li je niska efikasnost fungicida uvek posledica razvoja rezistentnosti u populacijama patogena?

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    Efficacy of four fungicides with different modes of action (vinclozolin, pyrimethanil, benomyl and fenhexamid) in control of B. cinerea in raspberry, was investigated in the paper. The trials were conducted at two localities in commercial raspberry plantations. In the case of unsatisfactory fungicide efficacy, qualitative and/or quantitative test of the susceptibility of the isolates to particular fungicide was performed, to determine whether the low efficacy is a consequence of resistance development in the pathogen population. At both localities, pyrimethanil and fenhexamid demonstrated the highest efficacy (73.2-89.6%), while the efficacy of vinclozolin was statistically significantly lower (48.7-63.4%) at both localities. However, qualitative and quantitative test of susceptibility to vinclozolin showed that all the isolates were susceptible to vinclozolin and that the reason for unsatisfactory efficacy should be primarily sought in inadequate fungicide application.U radu je ispitivana efikasnost četiri fungicida različitog mehanizma delovanja (vinklozolin, pirimetanil, benomil i fenheksamid) u zaštiti maline od B. cinerea. Ogledi su izvedeni na dva lokaliteta u komercijalnim zasadima maline. U slučajevima nezadovoljavajuće efikasnosti fungicida, kvalitativnim i/ili kvantitativnim testom osetljivosti izolata in vitro, utvrđeno je da li je niska efikasnost posledica razvoja rezistentnosti populacije patogena. Na oba lokaliteta, najveću efikasnost su ispoljili pirimetanil i fenheksamid (73,2-89,6%), dok je efikasnost vinklozolina bila statistički značajno niža (48,7-63,4%). Međutim, kvalitativni i kvantitativni test osetljivosti na vinklozolin je pokazao da su svi izolati u kategoriji osetljivih na vinklozolin, te da razlog za nezadovoljavajuću efikasnost ovog fungicida treba tražiti pre svega u neadekvatnoj primeni fungicida

    Suzbijanje Botrytis cinerea i problem rezistentnosti na fungicide

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    Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of grey mould, greatly affects fruit, grapevine, vegetable and ornamental crops production. It is a common causal agent of diseases in plants grown in protected areas, as well as fruit decay during storage and transport. The fungus invades almost all parts of the plant in all developmental stages, and the symptoms are usually described as grey mould, grey mildew, brown rot and seedling blight. The paper reviews the current knowledge on control possibilities of this necrotrophic pathogen. The attention is particularly paid to the mode of action of novel fungicides and to the problem of resistance. It is pointed out that by limiting the number of treatments in the growing season, avoiding the use of only one fungicide with a high risk for resistance development, appropriate application rate and timing, using mixtures of pesticides with different modes of action, as well as by alternative use of pesticides from different resistance groups, a longterm preservation of pesticide efficacy is provided.Botrytis cinerea, prouzrokovač sive truleži, značajno ugrožava proizvodnju voća, grožđa, povrća i ukrasnog bilja. Često izaziva bolesti biljaka gajenih u zaštićenom prostoru, kao i trulež plodova tokom skladištenja i transporta. Gljiva parazitira skoro sve delove biljke u svim fazama razvoja, a simptomi se najčešće opisuju kao siva trulež, siva plesan, palež, mrka trulež, a zapaženo je i poleganje klijanaca. U radu je dat pregled dosadašnjih saznanja o mogućnostima suzbijanja ovog nekrotrofnog patogena. Posebna pažnja je posvećena mehanizmu delovanja fungicida novije generacije kao i problemu rezistentnosti. Istaknuto je da se ograničenjem broja tretiranja u toku jedne vegetacije, izbegavanjem upotrebe samo jednog fungicida visokog rizika za razvoj rezistentnosti, odgovarajućom dozom i vremenom primene, upotrebom mešavina pesticida različitog mehanizma delovanja kao i alternativnom primenom pesticida iz različitih rezistentnih grupa omogućuje dugotrajno očuvanje efikasnosti pesticida

    Integralna zaštita jabuka od prouzrokovača truleži u skladištima

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    One of the major causes of poor quality and fruit loss (during storage and transport) are diseases caused by phytopathogenic fungi. Economic losses which are the consequence of the phytopathogenic fungus activity after harvest exceed the losses in the field.The most important postharvest fungal pathogens of apple fruits are: Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr., Penicillium expansum (Lk.) Thom., Cryptosporiopsis curvispora (Peck.) Grem., Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc., Monilinia sp., Gloeosporium album Osterw, Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler, Cladosporium herbarium Link., Cylindrocarpon mali (Alles.) Wollenw., Stemphylium botryosum Wallr. The use of available protection technologies can significantly reduce losses caused by pathogens in storage. The concept of integrated pest management (IPM) in apple fruits i.e. sustainable approach in control of causal agents of postharvest fruit rot, using cultural, physical, biological and chemical measures, to minimize economic, health and risks to consumers and environment, is presented in the paper.Jedan od najznačajnijih uzročnika smanjenja kvaliteta plodova voćaka i mogućih gubitaka posle berbe jesu bolesti prouzrokovane fitopatogenim gljivama. Ekonomski gubici koji nastaju kao posledica delovanja fitopatogenih gljiva posle berbe vrlo često premašuju gubitke u samom procesu proizvodnje. Kao najznačajniji patogeni plodova jabuke u skladištu navode se gljive: Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr., Penicillium expansum (Lk.) Thom., Cryptosporiopsis curvispora (Peck.) Grem., Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc., Monilinia sp., Gloeosporium album Osterw, Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler, Cladosporium herbarium Link., Cylindrocarpon mali (Alles.) Wollenw., Stemphylium botryosum Wallr. Primena raspoloživih tehnologija zaštite može značajno umanjiti gubitke prouzrokovane patogenima u skladištu. U radu je prikazan koncept integralne zaštite jabuke (Integrated Pest Management – IPM), odnosno održivog pristupa u suzbijanju prouzrokovača truleži plodova u skladištima primenom agrotehničkih, fizičkih, bioloških i hemijskih mera, na način na koji se minimalizuju ekonomski, zdravstveni i rizici po potrošače i životnu sredinu

    Biopesticide formulations, possibility of application and future trends

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    Biopesticides are the formulated form of active ingredients based on microorganismssuch as bacteria, viruses, fungi, nematodes or naturally-occurring substances, includingplant extracts and semiochemicals (e.g. insect pheromones). Application of biopesticides isstill limited to only a few percent of all pesticides used for crop protection. There are manyfactors contributing to that situation, such as expensive production methods, poor storagestability, susceptibility to environmental conditions, efficacy problems, etc. Some ofthese problems can be overcome by formulation improvements. With many pressures onproduct performance formulation is becoming the most important area to enhance andextend the activity of biopesticides. In this paper we reviewed different types of biopesticidesexisting on the market and discussed possibilities for their application and current status.The expected future trends in formulation development of biopesticides are explaine

    Formulacije biopesticida, mogućnosti primene i perspektive daljeg razvoja

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    Biopesticides are the formulated form of active ingredients based on microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, nematodes or naturally-occurring substances, including plant extracts and semiochemicals (e.g. insect pheromones). Application of biopesticides is still limited to only a few percent of all pesticides used for crop protection. There are many factors contributing to that situation, such as expensive production methods, poor storage stability, susceptibility to environmental conditions, efficacy problems, etc. Some of these problems can be overcome by formulation improvements. With many pressures on product performance formulation is becoming the most important area to enhance and extend the activity of biopesticides. In this paper we reviewed different types of biopesticides existing on the market and discussed possibilities for their application and current status. The expected future trends in formulation development of biopesticides are explained.Biopesticidi predstavljaju formulisane proizvode na bazi mikroorganizama kao što su bakterije, virusi, gljive, nematode ili prirodnih proizvoda kao što su biljni ekstrakti i semiohemikalije (npr. feromoni insekata). Udeo biopesticida koji se primenjuju u zaštiti bilja iznosi svega nekoliko procenata od ukupne količine pesticide koja se upotrebljava u te svrhe. Postoji više razloga za ovakvu situaciju kao što su, na primer, skup proizvodni proces, niska stabilnost biopesticida pri skladištenju, osetljivost na klimatske uslove pri kojima se primenjuju, zatim problemi vezani za efikasnost i dr. Neki od navedenih problema mogu da budu prevaziđeni odgovarajućim procesom formulisanja biopesticida. Zahtevi za što kvalitetnijim i efikasnijim proizvodima su sve veći tako da proces formulisanja otvara važan prostor za povećanje i proširenje aktivnosti biopesticida. U ovom radu razmatrane su različite formulacije biopesticida koje se nalaze na tržištu, mogućnosti njihove primene, prikazano je trenutno stanje u ovoj oblasti i date su perspektive daljeg razvoja

    Botrytis cinerea na malini u Srbiji I: Morfološka i molekularna karakterizacija

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    Morphological and molecular characterisation of 130 isolates of Botrytis cinerea, derived from raspberry fruit originating from six commercial fields in a raspberry growing region of Serbia (locations: Požega, Prilike, Arilje, Ivanjica, Šabac and Valjevo) was performed. The results showed that all isolates formed white, uniform, aerial mycelia with entire margin on PDA medium. First morphological differences among the isolates appeared after six days of incubation. Three-week old isolates were grouped into eight distinct morphological types – four mycelial and four sclerotial. Mostly, they were of sclerotial type (81.5%) and the most frequently found was an S3 type, which formed large irregularly placed sclerotia. This type was dominant in five of six investigated locations and represented 45-65% of the isolates. The least frequent was the mycelial type M3 (0.7% of the isolates) characterized by mycelial masses. The presence of Boty and/or Flipper transposons was detected in isolates originating from all investigated locations. It was discovered that the B. cinerea population in raspberry in Serbia, besides the well-described genetically isolated sympatric species transposa (43.1%) and vacuma (10.8%), contains also another two, boty (44.6%) and flipper (1.5%) species with only one transposon (either Boty or Flipper) in the genome. In addition, it was revealed that all isolates from raspberry collected in Serbia, transposa, vacuma, boty or flipper, are sensitive or weakly resistant to fenhexamid and therefore belong to the B. cinerea genetical Group II.U radu su predstavljeni rezultati morfološke i molekularne karakterizacije 130 izolata Botrytis cinerea, dobijenih iz obolelih plodova maline poreklom sa šest lokaliteta iz područja komercijalnog gajenja maline u Srbiji (Požega, Prilike, Arilje, Ivanjica, Šabac i Valjevo). Utvrđeno je da u početnim fazama razvoja na KDA podlozi svi izolati B. cinerea formiraju belu, uniformnu, rastresitu, vazdušnu miceliju ravnog oboda. Razlike među izolatima počinju da se javljaju posle inkubacije od šest dana. Na osnovu izgleda kolonije tri nedelje od zasejavanja, izolati su razvrstani u osam morfoloških tipova – četiri micelijska i četiri sklerocijska. Većina izolata je formirala kolonije sklerocijskog tipa (81,5%), a najzastupljeniji je bio tip S3 sa krupnim, nepravilno raspoređenim sklerocijama, koji je dominirao u pet od šest proučavanih populacija patogena i predstavljao 45-65% izolata. Najređi je bio micelijski tip M3 (0,7% izolata) koji se odlikuje nakupinama vazdušne micelije. Prisustvo transpozona Boty i/ili Flipper otkriveno je u genomu izolata sa svih lokaliteta. Utvrđeno je da u populaciji patogena na malini u Srbiji, osim genetički izolovanih subpopulacija transposa (43,1%) i vacuma (10,8%), postoje još dve – boty (44,6%) i flipper (1,5%) sa izolatima koji sadrže samo jednu vrstu transpozona u genomu. Istraživanje je takođe pokazalo da su svi izolati B. cinerea na malini u Srbiji, bilo da su transposa, vacuma, boty ili flipper, osetljivi ili slabo rezistentni na fenheksamid i da, prema tome, pripadaju genetičkoj Grupi II B. cinerea

    Osetljivost patogena šampinjona Verticillium fungicola var. fungicola, Mycogone perniciosa i Cladob otry um sp. na neka etarska ulja

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    Antifungal activity of 18 essential oils was evaluated against Verticillium fungicola var. fungicola, Mycogone perniciosa and Cladobotryum sp., the causal agents of button mushroom diseases. Essential oils including: turpentine, basil, lemon, mint, fenchel, rose geranium, anise, cinnamon, scots pine, clove, thyme, juniper, lavender, orange, eucalyptus, rosemary, bergamot orange and tea tree, were screened for their effectiveness against the pathogens in vitro. In order to investigate fungicidal activity, isolates were exposed to the volatile phase of the oils for seven days. Of the 18 essential oils analyzed, cinnamon, clove, thyme, and tea tree showed the highest antifungal activity against all investigated mycopathogens, with Minimum Fungicidal Concentration (MFC) being 0.02 μl/ml of air. Turpentine essential oil expressed the lowest antifungal effect to all isolates tested.U radu je ispitivano delovanje 18 etarskih ulja na Verticillium fungicola var. fungicola, Mycogone perniciosa i Cladobotryum sp., prouzrokovače bolesti šampinjona. Ispitano je antifungalno dejstvo etarskih ulja: terpentina, bosiljka, limuna, pitome nane, mora.a, geraniola, anisa, cimeta, bora, karanfili.a, timijana, kleke, lavande, pomorand.e, eukaliptusa, ruzmarina, bergamota i čajnog drveta na porast izolata in vitro. Fungicidni efekat gasovite faze etarskih ulja na izolate je određen nakon ekspozicije od sedam dana. Među 18 proučenih etarskih ulja, cimet, karanfili., timijan i čajno drvo su najtoksičniji za sve izolate mikopatogenih gljiva sa minimalnom fungicidnom koncentracijom od 0.02 μl/ml vazduha. Najslabije inhibitorno dejstvo ispoljila su ulja terpentina na sve testirane izolate