190 research outputs found

    Wicksell, Hayek, M. Friedman : Retrospect for Prospect

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    Inhibitory Action of Pisatin, a Phytoalexi\u27m of Pisum Sativum, for Spore Germination of Plant Fungi.

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    ABSTRAK Pisatin, fitoaleksin dari kacang kapri (Pisum sativum L.), diekstraksi dari polong kapri dengan menggunakan perangsang HgC12 dan AgNO3. Ronsentrasi optimum HgC12 dan AgNO3 untuk merangsang pembentukan pisatin adalah 10 M. Spora Ascochyta piss, patogen kacang kapri, ternyata lebih tahan terhadap pisatin dibanding dengan Botrytis cinerea (patogen polyfagus kacang kapri)⢠dan Pestalotia funerea (bukan patogen kacang kapri). Key words: polong kapri, patogen, pisati

    Exome sequencing of senescence-accelerated mice (SAM) reveals deleterious mutations in degenerative disease-causing genes

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    Background: Senescence-accelerated mice (SAM) are a series of mouse strains originally derived from unexpected crosses between AKR/J and unknown mice, from which phenotypically distinct senescence-prone (SAMP) and -resistant (SAMR) inbred strains were subsequently established. Although SAMP strains have been widely used for aging research focusing on their short life spans and various age-related phenotypes, such as immune dysfunction, osteoporosis, and brain atrophy, the responsible gene mutations have not yet been fully elucidated. Results: To identify mutations specific to SAMP strains, we performed whole exome sequencing of 6 SAMP and 3 SAMR strains. This analysis revealed 32,019 to 38,925 single-nucleotide variants in the coding region of each SAM strain. We detected Ogg1 p.R304W and Mbd4 p.D129N deleterious mutations in all 6 of the SAMP strains but not in the SAMR or AKR/J strains. Moreover, we extracted 31 SAMP-specific novel deleterious mutations. In all SAMP strains except SAMP8, we detected a p.R473W missense mutation in the Ldb3 gene, which has been associated with myofibrillar myopathy. In 3 SAMP strains (SAMP3, SAMP10, and SAMP11), we identified a p.R167C missense mutation in the Prx gene, in which mutations causing hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (Dejerine-Sottas syndrome) have been identified. In SAMP6 we detected a p.S540fs frame-shift mutation in the Il4ra gene, a mutation potentially causative of ulcerative colitis and osteoporosis. Conclusions: Our data indicate that different combinations of mutations in disease-causing genes may be responsible for the various phenotypes of SAMP strains.ArticleBMC GENOMICS. 14:248 (2013)journal articl