3 research outputs found

    Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Nanoaluminum with Copper Oxide Nanoparticles of Differing Oxidation State

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    The importance of the oxidation state of an oxidizer and its impact on gaseous oxygen and total gas production in nanocomposite thermite combustion was investigated by probing the reaction and ignition properties of aluminum nanoparticles (Al-NPs) with both cupric oxide (CuO) and cuprous oxide (Cu<sub>2</sub>O) nanoparticles. The gas release and ignition behavior of these materials were tested with >10<sup>5</sup> K/s temperature jump (T-jump) heating pulses in a high temporal resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer (ToF-MS) as well as in an argon environment. Reactivity was tested using a constant volume combustion cell with simultaneous pressure and optical measurements. A variety of Cu<sub>2</sub>O particle sizes ranging from 200 to 1500 nm were synthesized and found to release oxygen at āˆ¼1200 K, which is higher than the values found for a variety of CuO particle sizes (āˆ¼1000 K). Both oxides were found to ignite around 1000 K, which implies a consistent ignition mechanism for both through a condensed phase pathway. The higher oxidation state (CuO) thermites were found to react faster and produce higher pressures by several orders of magnitude, which implies that gaseous species play a critical role in the combustion process. Differences in reactivity between argon and vacuum environments and the use of Cu diluent to simulate Cu<sub>2</sub>O suggest that it is the intermediate product gas, O<sub>2</sub>, that plays the most significant role in combustion as an enabler of heat transfer and a secondary oxidizer. The lack of any oxidizer size dependence on ignition is suggestive of rapid sintering that wipes out the effect of enhanced interfacial contact area for smaller oxidizers

    On-Demand and Location Selective Particle Assembly via Electrophoretic Deposition for Fabricating Structures with Particle-to-Particle Precision

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    Programmable positioning of 2 Ī¼m polystyrene (PS) beads with single particle precision and location selective, ā€œon-demandā€, particle deposition was demonstrated by utilizing patterned electrodes and electrophoretic deposition (EPD). An electrode with differently sized hole patterns, from 0.5 to 5 Ī¼m, was used to illustrate the discriminatory particle deposition events based on the voltage and particle-to-hole size ratio. With decreasing patterned hole size, a larger electric field was required for a particle deposition event to occur in that hole. For the 5 Ī¼m hole, particle deposition began to occur at 10 V/cm where as an electric field of 15 V/cm was required for particles to begin depositing in the 2 Ī¼m holes. The likelihood of particle depositions continued to increase for smaller sized holes as the electric field increased. Eventually, a monolayer of particles began to form at approximately 20 V/cm. In essence, a voltage threshold was found for each hole pattern of different sizes, allowing fine adjustments in pattern hole size and voltage to control when a particle deposition event took place, even with the patterns on the same electrode. This phenomenon opens a route toward controlled, multimaterial deposition and assembly onto substrates without repatterning of the electrode or complicated surface modification of the particles. An analytical approach using the theories for electrophoresis and dielectrophoresis found the former to be the dominating force for depositing a particle into a patterned hole. Ebeam lithography was used to pattern spherical holes in precise configurations onto electrode surfaces, where each hole accompanied a polystyrene (PS) particle placement and attachment during EPD. The versatility of e-beam lithography was utilized to create arbitrary pattern configurations to fabricate particle assemblies of limitless configurations, enabling fabrication of unique materials assemblies and interfaces

    Ultralight Conductive Silver Nanowire Aerogels

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    Low-density metal foams have many potential applications in electronics, energy storage, catalytic supports, fuel cells, sensors, and medical devices. Here, we report a new method for fabricating ultralight, conductive silver aerogel monoliths with predictable densities using silver nanowires. Silver nanowire building blocks were prepared by polyol synthesis and purified by selective precipitation. Silver aerogels were produced by freeze-casting nanowire aqueous suspensions followed by thermal sintering to weld the nanowire junctions. As-prepared silver aerogels have unique anisotropic microporous structures, with density precisely controlled by the nanowire concentration, down to 4.8 mg/cm<sup>3</sup> and an electrical conductivity up to 51ā€Æ000 S/m. Mechanical studies show that silver nanowire aerogels exhibit ā€œelastic stiffeningā€ behavior with a Youngā€™s modulus up to 16ā€Æ800 Pa