6 research outputs found

    Eksplorasi Karakter Entrepreneurial Marketing pada Pemilik Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM)

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    This study aims to explore the entrepreneurial character owned by small and medium business owners in the city of Surabaya related in the field of marketing. The character is known by the term entrepreneurial marketing. Five informants were involved in this research, where they are the small and medium business owners (SMEs) in the field of food and beverages (F & B). Data collection's method is carried out by conducting in depth interviews with open-ended questions. data analyzed with four steps as follows: describe the (identification) of each individual character; perform grouping on the same character; analysis of each group and the present analysis and the final conclusion. This research was successfully concluded that each informant was successfully demonstrated that they have the entrepreneurial character of its business. The most dominant characters shown are interacting continuously with the targeted market. that means in the informant's experience in opening and managing his business provided by their ability to perform continuous interaction with the targeted marke

    The Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Assessments to Determine E-Siap Product Development Strategies

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    This research was conducted to measure E-Siap customer satisfaction based on six main factors: visual aesthetic, content, e-trust, e-convenience, e-cost effectiveness and e-response. This research used a quantitative descriptive analysis with 32 users located across Indonesia. The data were collected and measured according to the mean of each factor and indicator. Th aim was to obtain input for product development based on the deepening of the average value per factor and indicator, sharpened by interviews with informants who have an indication of dissatisfaction with the functions and services of the E-Siap application. It was found that the e-trust factor had the lowest average value compared to the five other factors, even though this factor was still in the area of satisfaction. Therefore, in-depth improvements will be made to ensure the user feels safe operating the E-Siap application. Keywords: user satisfaction, zone of tolerance, technology product development strateg

    An Analysis of Consumers' Preferred Attributes of COK-KIS Products

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    The increase in competition is felt by pastry producers. COK-KIS, established in 2016, needs to increase their sales by improving their products using the attributes that are preferred by potential consumers, in terms of flavor, nutritional value, and packaging. However, previous studies examining these attributes have been inconsistent. Hence, the aim of the study was to examine the combination of attributes to be used in COK-KIS products that are in line with the consumer's preferences. The data was collected from 97 respondents through purposive sampling. The results were analyzed using conjoint analysis by SPSS. The study showed that the consumers' preferred attribute was taste, the second was the nutritional value, and the third was the packaging. The most preferred combination of attributes was the low-calorie savory product, packed in a paper bag. Keywords: consumer preferences, snacks, products, taste, packaging, nutritional value, conjoint analysi