51 research outputs found

    Islam and Roman Catholicism as Transnational Political Phenomena: Notes for a Comparative Research Agenda

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    In this paper, we offer some preliminary insights into a comparison of Islam and Roman Catholicism as transnational or “transcivilizational” political phenomena. We note that both traditions are monotheistic, offer universalist theologies, and have played important political roles both historically and in contemporary national and international politics. The comparison provides some additional insights into the role of „the sacred‟ in politics at various levels, and presents the possibility of an intermediate level of analysis in comparative politics

    Reaching the end of the line: Urinary tract infections

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    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) cause a substantial health care burden. UTIs (i) are most often caused by uropathogeni

    Position-Specific Metabolic Probing and Metagenomics of Microbial Communities Reveal Conserved Central Carbon Metabolic Network Activities at High Temperatures

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    Temperature is a primary driver of microbial community composition and taxonomic diversity; however, it is unclear to what extent temperature affects characteristics of central carbon metabolic pathways (CCMPs) at the community level. In this study, 16S rRNA gene amplicon and metagenome sequencing were combined with 13C-labeled metabolite probing of the CCMPs to assess community carbon metabolism along a temperature gradient (60–95°C) in Great Boiling Spring, NV. 16S rRNA gene amplicon diversity was inversely proportional to temperature, and Archaea were dominant at higher temperatures. KO richness and diversity were also inversely proportional to temperature, yet CCMP genes were similarly represented across the temperature gradient and many individual metagenome-assembled genomes had complete pathways. In contrast, genes encoding cellulosomes and many genes involved in plant matter degradation and photosynthesis were absent at higher temperatures. In situ 13C-CO2 production from labeled isotopomer pairs of glucose, pyruvate, and acetate suggested lower relative oxidative pentose phosphate pathway activity and/or fermentation at 60°C, and a stable or decreased maintenance energy demand at higher temperatures. Catabolism of 13C-labeled citrate, succinate, L-alanine, L-serine, and L-cysteine was observed at 85°C, demonstrating broad heterotrophic activity and confirming functioning of the TCA cycle. Together, these results suggest that temperature-driven losses in biodiversity and gene content in geothermal systems may not alter CCMP function or maintenance energy demands at a community level

    Genomics, Exometabolomics, and Metabolic Probing Reveal Conserved Proteolytic Metabolism of Thermoflexus hugenholtzii and Three Candidate Species From China and Japan

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    Thermoflexus hugenholtzii JAD2 , the only cultured representative of the Chloroflexota order Thermoflexales, is abundant in Great Boiling Spring (GBS), NV, United States, and close relatives inhabit geothermal systems globally. However, no defined medium exists for T. hugenholtzii JAD2 and no single carbon source is known to support its growth, leaving key knowledge gaps in its metabolism and nutritional needs. Here, we report comparative genomic analysis of the draft genome of T. hugenholtzii JAD2 and eight closely related metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from geothermal sites in China, Japan, and the United States, representing “Candidatus Thermoflexus japonica,” “Candidatus Thermoflexus tengchongensis,” and “Candidatus Thermoflexus sinensis.” Genomics was integrated with targeted exometabolomics and C metabolic probing of T. hugenholtzii. The Thermoflexus genomes each code for complete central carbon metabolic pathways and an unusually high abundance and diversity of peptidases, particularly Metallo- and Serine peptidase families, along with ABC transporters for peptides and some amino acids. The T. hugenholtzii JAD2 exometabolome provided evidence of extracellular proteolytic activity based on the accumulation of free amino acids. However, several neutral and polar amino acids appear not to be utilized, based on their accumulation in the medium and the lack of annotated transporters. Adenine and adenosine were scavenged, and thymine and nicotinic acid were released, suggesting interdependency with other organisms in situ. Metabolic probing of T. hugenholtzii JAD2 using C-labeled compounds provided evidence of oxidation of glucose, pyruvate, cysteine, and citrate, and functioning glycolytic, tricarboxylic acid (TCA), and oxidative pentose-phosphate pathways (PPPs). However, differential use of position-specific C-labeled compounds showed that glycolysis and the TCA cycle were uncoupled. Thus, despite the high abundance of Thermoflexus in sediments of some geothermal systems, they appear to be highly focused on chemoorganotrophy, particularly protein degradation, and may interact extensively with other microorganisms in situ. T T T 13 T T 13 1

    Experimental Investigation of Premixed Turbulent Hydrocarbon/Air Bunsen Flames

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    Through the influence of turbulence, the front of a premixed turbulent flame is subjected to the motions of eddies that leads to an increase in the flame surface area, and the term flame wrinkling is commonly used to describe it. If it is assumed that the flame front would continue to burn locally unaffected by the stretch, then the total turbulent burning velocity is expected to increase proportionally to the increase in the flame surface area caused by wrinkling. When the turbulence intensity is high enough such that the stretch due to hydrodynamics and flame curvature would influence the local premixed laminar burning velocity, then the actual laminar burning velocity (that is, flamelet consumption velocity) should reflect the influence of stretch. To address this issue, obtaining the knowledge of instantaneous flame front structures, flame brush characteristics, and burning velocities of premixed turbulent flames is necessary. Two axisymmetric Bunsen-type burners were used to produce premixed turbulent flames, and three optical measurement techniques were utilized: Particle image velocimetry to measure the turbulence statistics; Rayleigh scattering method to measure the temperature fields of premixed turbulent flames, and Mie scattering method to visualize the flame front contours of premixed turbulent flames. Three hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, and propane) were used as the fuel in the experiments. The turbulence was generated using different perforated plates mounted upstream of the burner exit. A series of comprehensive parameters including the thermal flame front thickness, characteristic flame height, mean flame brush thickness, mean volume of the turbulent flame region, two-dimensional flame front curvature, local flame front angle, two-dimensional flame surface density, wrinkled flame surface area, turbulent burning velocity, mean flamelet consumption velocity, mean turbulent flame stretch factor, mean turbulent Markstein length and number, and mean fuel consumption rate were systematically evaluated from the experimental data. The normalized preheat zone and reaction zone thicknesses decreased with increasing non-dimensional turbulence intensity in ultra-lean premixed turbulent flames under a constant equivalence ratio of 0.6, whereas they increased with increasing equivalence ratios from 0.6 to 1.0 under a constant bulk flow velocity. The normalized preheat zone and reaction zone thicknesses showed no overall trend with increasing non-dimensional longitudinal integral length scale. The normalized preheat zone and reaction zone thicknesses decreased by increasing the Karlovitz number, suggesting that increasing the total stretch rate is the controlling mechanism in the reduction of flame front thickness for the experimental conditions studied in this thesis. In general, the leading edge and half-burning surface turbulent burning velocities were enhanced with increasing equivalence ratio from lean to stoichiometric mixtures, whereas they decreased with increasing equivalence ratio for rich mixtures. These velocities were enhanced with increasing total turbulence intensity. The leading edge and half-burning surface turbulent burning velocities for lean/stoichiometric mixtures were observed to be smaller than that for rich mixtures. The mean turbulent flame stretch factor displayed a dependence on the equivalence ratio and turbulence intensity. Results show that the mean turbulent flame stretch factors for lean/stoichiometric and rich mixtures were not equal when the unstrained premixed laminar burning velocity, non-dimensional bulk flow velocity, non-dimensional turbulence intensity, and non-dimensional longitudinal integral length scale were kept constant.Ph.D
