5,105 research outputs found

    Anomalous correlation between hadron and electromagnetic particles in hadron and gamma-ray families

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    Correlations between hadrons and electromagnetic particles were studied in the hadron-gamma families observed in the Chacaltaya emulsion chamber experiment. It is found that there exist a number of hadrons which associate electromagnetic showers in extraordinarily close vicinity. The probability to have such a large number of hadrons associating electromagnetic showers, expected from background calculation, is found to be negligibly small and it means there exists anomalous correlation between hadrons and electromagnetic particles in the characteristic spread of atmospheric electromagnetic cascade

    Spatial Characteristics of Joint Application Networks in Japanese Patents

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    Technological innovation has extensively been studied to make firms sustainable and more competitive. Within this context, the most important recent issue has been the dynamics of collaborative innovation among firms. We therefore investigated a patent network, especially focusing on its spatial characteristics. The results can be summarized as follows. (1) The degree distribution in a patent network follows a power law. A firm can then be connected to many firms via hubs connected to the firm. (2) The neighbors' average degree has a null correlation, but the clustering coefficient has a negative correlation. The latter means that there is a hierarchical structure and bridging different modules may shorten the paths between the nodes in them. (3) The distance of links not only indicates the regional accumulations of firms, but the importance of time it takes to travel, which plays a key role in creating links. (4) The ratio of internal links in cities indicates that we have to consider the existing links firms have to facilitate the creation of new links

    Penetrative nature of high energy showers observed in Chacaltaya emulsion chamber

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    About 30% of single core showers with E (sup gamma) 10 TeV have stronger penetrating power than that expected from electromagnetic showers (e,gamma). On the other hand, their starting points of cascades in the chamber are found to be as shallow as those of (e,gamma) components. It is suggested that those showers are very collimated bundles of hadron and (e,gamma) component. Otherwise, it is assumed that the collision mean free path of those showers in the chamber is shorter than that of hadron with geometrical value

    "The Backward-bending Commute times of Married Women with Household Responsibility"

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    Though the existing literature provides evidence that married women choose short commutes because of low wages and household responsibilities, this theoretical paper shows that wives employed in highly paid positions also undertake short commutes and endogenously choose longer times for housework. In contrast, middle-class wives choose long commutes and undertake limited household chores. The results suggest that the commute times of wives follow a backward-bending pattern and there is a tradeo? between commute time and the hours devoted to housework in terms of wage rates. Using a sample of married women working full time from the 1993 Japanese Panel Survey of Consumers, we obtain empirical evidence supporting these predictions.

    Allocation of Decision-Making Authority with Principal's Reputation Concerns

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    This paper analyzes the allocation of decision-making authority when the principal has reputation concerns. The principal can either keep the authority and consult the agent (an expert), or delegate the authority to the agent; however, the outside evaluator cannot observe the allocation of authority. Hence, delegation can provide a way to manipulate the principal's ex post reputation. In general, the principal keeps the authority too often when she has the opportunity of delegation. When the evaluator believes that the agent may make the decision sometimes, the principal has less incentive to make the right decisionsDelegation, Principal's Reputation Concerns, Cheap Talk

    The Allocation of Decision-Making Authority when Principal has Reputation Concerns

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    This paper analyzes the allocation of decision-making authority when the principal has reputation concerns. The principal can either keep the authority, or delegate it to the agent, who has better information. An outside evaluator who forms the principal's reputation cannot observe who makes the decision. The key feature of this paper is that the principal can in°uence her reputation through her delegation policy. With reputation concerns, we show that the principal tends to keep too much the authority from the evaluator's point of view, even though sometimes her information is not good enough for her to make the decision on her own.Decision-making authority, delegation, reputation concerns

    The Productivity of Public Capital: Evidence from the 1994 Electoral Reform of Japan

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    This paper attempts to estimate the causal effect of public capital stock on production using Japanese prefectural data. We first articulate the difficulty of consistently estimating the regional-level production function with public capital due to the endogeneity of the public capital stock amount. As the central government allocates most of the public capital across regions in Japan, the stock amount of public capital could be endogenous because it could be allocated to either booming regions to support private activity or to stagnating regions to help them become more productive. The endogeneity of public capital is more serious when local governments make decisions regarding public capital investments, as in the US, because such decisions are directly affected by local governments' budgetary constraints. We need an exogenous variation of public capital investment across regions in order to estimate the causal effect of public capital on production. Japan's electoral reform in 1994 offers an exogenous variation of this sort. The reform drastically changed the distribution of political representation in the Lower House across regions, and it accordingly changed the allocation of public capital across regions as well. The productivity of public capital based on this natural experimental identification strategy indicates higher productivity due to public capital than indicated by the OLS estimation.