224 research outputs found

    Miyagi Prefectural Forestry Research Institure : OUTLINE

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    Through research and technological development for forests and forestry, JAMFRI contributes to improvement of life and industry in Miyagi prefecture, following 3 key principles : "Increase", "breeding", and "good use"

    Anesthetic management of a patient with sodium-channel myotonia: a case report

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    Background: Sodium-channel myotonia (SCM) is a nondystrophic myotonia, characterized by pure myotonia without muscle weakness or paramyotonia. The prevalence of skeletal muscle channelopathies is approximately 1 in 100,000, and the prevalence of SCM is much lower. To our knowledge, this is the first report on anesthetic management of a patient with SCM. Case presentation: A 23-year-old woman with congenital nasal dysplasia and SCM was scheduled to undergo rhinoplasty with autologous costal cartilage. Total intravenous anesthesia without muscle relaxants was administered followed by continuous intercostal nerve block. Although transient elevation of potassium level in the blood was observed during surgery, the patient did not show exacerbation of myotonic or paralytic symptoms in the postoperative period. Conclusion: Total intravenous anesthesia and peripheral nerve block can be administered safely to a patient with SCM. However, careful monitoring of the symptoms and electrolytes is recommended

    Mitochondrial intermediate peptidase is a novel regulator of sirtuin-3 activation by caloric restriction

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    Sirtuin-3 (SIRT3) regulates mitochondrial quality and is involved in the anti-ageing and pro-longevity actions of caloric restriction (CR). Here, we show that CR upregulates the mature form of SIRT3 and mitochondrial intermediate peptidase (MIPEP), a mitochondrial signal peptidase (MtSPase), in white adipose tissue. We also demonstrate that upregulation of mature SIRT3 is dependent on MIPEP in 3T3-L1 cells, suggesting that MIPEP may contribute to the maintenance of mitochondrial quality during CRvia activation of SIRT3. This novel mechanism of SIRT3 activation through MIPEP facilitates the elucidation of additional molecular pathways of CR

    Integrating linkage and radiation hybrid mapping data for bovine chromosome 15

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    BACKGROUND: Bovine chromosome (BTA) 15 contains a quantitative trait loci (QTL) for meat tenderness, as well as several breaks in synteny with human chromosome (HSA) 11. Both linkage and radiation hybrid (RH) maps of BTA 15 are available, but the linkage map lacks gene-specific markers needed to identify genes underlying the QTL, and the gene-rich RH map lacks associations with marker genotypes needed to define the QTL. Integrating the maps will provide information to further explore the QTL as well as refine the comparative map between BTA 15 and HSA 11. A recently developed approach to integrating linkage and RH maps uses both linkage and RH data to resolve a consensus marker order, rather than aligning independently constructed maps. Automated map construction procedures employing this maximum-likelihood approach were developed to integrate BTA RH and linkage data, and establish comparative positions of BTA 15 markers with HSA 11 homologs. RESULTS: The integrated BTA 15 map represents 145 markers; 42 shared by both data sets, 36 unique to the linkage data and 67 unique to RH data. Sequence alignment yielded comparative positions for 77 bovine markers with homologs on HSA 11. The map covers approximately 32% of HSA 11 sequence in five segments of conserved synteny, another 15% of HSA 11 is shared with BTA 29. Bovine and human order are consistent in portions of the syntenic segments, but some rearrangement is apparent. Comparative positions of gene markers near the meat tenderness QTL indicate the region includes separate segments of HSA 11. The two microsatellite markers flanking the QTL peak are between defined syntenic segments. CONCLUSIONS: Combining data to construct an integrated map not only consolidates information from different sources onto a single map, but information contributed from each data set increases the accuracy of the map. Comparison of bovine maps with well annotated human sequence can provide useful information about genes near mapped bovine markers, but bovine gene order may be different than human. Procedures to connect genetic and physical mapping data, build integrated maps for livestock species, and connect those maps to more fully annotated sequence can be automated, facilitating the maintenance of up-to-date maps, and providing a valuable tool to further explore genetic variation in livestock

    Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide and High Glucose on the Glucose Metabolism of Lymphoma-derived U937 Cells

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    Our study aimed to clarify specific oxidative stress and glucose metabolic disorders in hemodialysis patients, by examining hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) - and high glucose-induced oxidative stress, glucose transport and the failure of glycolysis. As an in vitro blood cell model of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in patients with diabetes, human monocytic U937 cells of malignant lymphoma origin were exposed to high glucose (28.9mM) for 6 days, with 5mM H2O2 added on the last day. The generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), glucose levels, lactate levels, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity and Glut4 levels were examined. Exposure of U937 cells to H2O2 resulted in a significant increase in intracellular ROS generation and glucose levels. Under high glucose conditions, treatment with H2O2 significantly promoted these actions. In H2O2-induced U937 cells, AMPK activity and Glut4 levels were significantly increased, but lactate and pyruvate levels were significantly decreased. Thus, exposure of U937 cells to H2O2 and a high glucose load promoted an increase in intracellular ROS, and exposure to H2O2 induced increased glucose transport and high intracellular glucose due to reduced glycolytic metabolism. This suggests that reduced glycolytic metabolism might be induced in states of high oxidative stress in hemodialysis patients with diabetes

    A noncoding RNA gene on chromosome 10p15.3 may function upstream of hTERT

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We attempted to clone candidate genes on 10p14–15 which may regulate hTERT expression, through exon trapping using 3 BAC clones covering the region. After obtaining 20 exons, we examined the function of RGM249 (RGM: RNA gene for miRNAs) we cloned from primary cultured human hepatocytes and hepatoma cell lines. We confirmed approximately 20 bp products digested by Dicer, and investigated the function of this cloned gene and its involvement in hTERT expression by transfecting the hepatoma cell lines with full-length dsRNA, gene-specific designed siRNA, and shRNA-generating plasmid.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>RGM249 showed cancer-dominant intense expression similar to hTERT in cancer cell lines, whereas very weak expression was evident in human primary hepatocytes without telomerase activity. This gene was predicted to be a noncoding precursor RNA gene. Interestingly, RGM249 dsRNA, siRNA, and shRNA inhibited more than 80% of hTERT mRNA expression. In contrast, primary cultured cells overexpressing the gene showed no significant change in hTERT mRNA expression; the overexpression of the gene strongly suppressed hTERT mRNA in poorly differentiated cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings indicate that RGM249 might be a microRNA precursor gene involved in the differentiation and function upstream of hTERT.</p

    Positional cloning of the gene LIMBIN responsible for bovine chondrodysplastic dwarfism

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    Chondrodysplastic dwarfism in Japanese brown cattle is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by short limbs. Previously, we mapped the locus responsible for the disease on the distal end of bovine chromosome 6. Here, we narrowed the critical region to ≈2 cM by using linkage analysis, constructed a BAC and YAC contig covering this region, and identified a gene, LIMBIN (LBN), that possessed disease-specific mutations in the affected calves. One mutation was a single nucleotide substitution leading to an activation of a cryptic splicing donor site and the other was a one-base deletion resulting in a frameshift mutation. Strong expression of the Lbn gene was observed in limb buds of developing mouse embryos and in proliferating chondrocytes and bone-forming osteoblasts in long bones. These findings indicate that LBN is responsible for bovine chondrodysplastic dwarfism and has a critical role in a skeletal development