62,373 research outputs found

    Exploring Vacuum Structure around Identity-Based Solutions

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    We explore the vacuum structure in bosonic open string field theory expanded around an identity-based solution parameterized by a(>=−1/2)a(>=-1/2). Analyzing the expanded theory using level truncation approximation up to level 20, we find that the theory has the tachyon vacuum solution for a>−1/2a>-1/2. We also find that, at a=−1/2a=-1/2, there exists an unstable vacuum solution in the expanded theory and the solution is expected to be the perturbative open string vacuum. These results reasonably support the expectation that the identity-based solution is a trivial pure gauge configuration for a>−1/2a>-1/2, but it can be regarded as the tachyon vacuum solution at a=−1/2a=-1/2.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; new numerical data up to level (20,60) included; Contribution to the proceedings of "Second International Conference on String Field Theory and Related Aspects" (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia, April 12-19, 2009

    Room Temperature Reversible Spin Hall Effect

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    Reversible spin Hall effect comprising the "direct" and "inverse" spin Hall effects was successfully detected at room temperature. This experimental demonstration proves the fundamental relations called Onsager reciprocal relations between spin and charge currents. A platinum wire with a strong spin-orbit interaction is used not only as a spin current absorber but also as a spin current source in the present lateral structure specially designed for clear detection of both charge and spin accumulations via the spin-orbit interaction. The obtained spin Hall conductivity is much larger than the reported value of Aluminum wire because of the larger spin-orbit interaction.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Nuclear force in Lattice QCD

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    We perform the quenched lattice QCD analysis on the nuclear force (baryon-baryon interactions). We employ 203×2420^3\times 24 lattice at β=5.7\beta=5.7 (a≃0.19a\simeq 0.19 fm) with the standard gauge action and the Wilson quark action with the hopping parameters κ=0.1600,0.1625,0.1650\kappa=0.1600, 0.1625, 0.1650, and generate about 200 gauge configurations. We measure the temporal correlators of the two-baryon system which consists of heavy-light-light quarks. We extract the inter-baryon force as a function of the relative distance rr. We also evaluate the contribution to the nuclear force from each ``Feynman diagram'' such as the quark-exchange diagram individually, and single out the roles of Pauli-blocking effects or quark exchanges in the inter-baryon interactions.Comment: Presented at Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC05), Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 24-28, 2005; 3 pages, 2figure

    Lattice QCD Study of the Pentaquark Baryons

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    We study the spin 12\frac12 hadronic state in quenched lattice QCD to search for a possible S=+1S=+1 pentaquark resonance. Simulations are carried out on 83×248^3\times 24, 103×2410^3\times 24, 123×2412^3\times 24 and 163×2416^3\times 24 lattices at β\beta=5.7 at the quenched level with the standard plaquette gauge action and Wilson quark action. We adopt two independent operators with I=0 and JP=12J^P=\frac12 to construct a 2×22\times 2 correlation matrix. After the diagonalization of the correlation matrix, we successfully obtain the energies of the ground-state and the 1st excited-state in this channel. The volume dependence of the energies suggests the existence of a possible resonance state slightly above the NK threshold in I=0 and JP=12−J^P=\frac12^- channel.Comment: Talk given at the International Workshop on PENTAQUARK04, SPring-8, Japan, 20-23 July 2004; 7 pages, 3 figure

    Low-lying Dirac eigenmodes and monopoles in 3+1D compact QED

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    We study the properties of low-lying Dirac modes in quenched compact QED at β=1.01\beta =1.01, employing 123×Nt12^3\times N_t (Nt=4,6,8,10,12N_t =4,6,8,10,12) lattices and the overlap formalism for the fermion action. We pay attention to the spatial distributions of low-lying Dirac modes below and above the ``phase transition temperature'' TcT_c. Near-zero modes are found to have universal anti-correlations with monopole currents, and are found to lose their temporal structures above TcT_c exhibiting stronger spatial localization properties. We also study the nearest-neighbor level spacing distribution of Dirac eigenvalues and find a Wigner-Poisson transition.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl

    Takahashi Integral Equation and High-Temperature Expansion of the Heisenberg Chain

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    Recently a new integral equation describing the thermodynamics of the 1D Heisenberg model was discovered by Takahashi. Using the integral equation we have succeeded in obtaining the high temperature expansion of the specific heat and the magnetic susceptibility up to O((J/T)^{100}). This is much higher than those obtained so far by the standard methods such as the linked-cluster algorithm. Our results will be useful to examine various approximation methods to extrapolate the high temperature expansion to the low temperature region.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Bound States of (Anti-)Scalar-Quarks in SU(3)_c Lattice QCD

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    Light scalar-quarks \phi (colored scalar particles or idealized diquarks) and their color-singlet hadronic states are studied with quenched SU(3)_c lattice QCD in terms of mass generation. We investigate ``scalar-quark mesons'' \phi^\dagger \phi and ``scalar-quark baryons'' \phi\phi\phi as the bound states of scalar-quarks \phi. We also investigate the bound states of scalar-quarks \phi and quarks \psi, i.e., \phi^\dagger \psi, \psi\psi\phi and \phi\phi\psi, which we name ``chimera hadrons''. All the new-type hadrons including \phi are found to have a large mass due to large quantum corrections by gluons, even for zero bare scalar-quark mass m_\phi=0 at a^{-1}\sim 1{\rm GeV}. We conjecture that all colored particles generally acquire a large effective mass due to dressed gluon effects.Comment: Talk given at The 17th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN2006), Kyoto, Japan, 2-7 Oct 200

    Axial Charges of Octet Baryons in Two-flavor Lattice QCD

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    We evaluate the strangeness-conserving NNN N, ΣΣ\Sigma\Sigma, ΞΞ\Xi\Xi, ΛΣ\Lambda\Sigma and the strangeness-changing ΛN\Lambda N, ΣN\Sigma N, ΛΞ\Lambda\Xi, ΣΞ\Sigma\Xi axial charges in lattice QCD with two flavors of dynamical quarks and extend our previous work on pseudoscalar-meson-octet-baryon coupling constants so as to include πΞΞ\pi\Xi\Xi, KΛΞK\Lambda\Xi and KΣΞK\Sigma\Xi coupling constants. We find that the axial charges have rather weak quark-mass dependence and the breaking in SU(3)-flavor symmetry is small at each quark-mass point we consider.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Added discussions and a figure; version to appear in Physics Letters
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