60 research outputs found

    The carbonization of aromatic molecules with three-dimensional structures affords carbon materials with controlled pore sizes at the Ångstrom-level

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    分子構造により細孔径を制御したカーボンを開発. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-05-24.Carbon materials with controlled pore sizes at the nanometer level have been obtained by template methods, chemical vapor desorption, and extraction of metals from carbides. However, to produce porous carbons with controlled pore sizes at the Ångstrom-level, syntheses that are simple, versatile, and reproducible are desired. Here, we report a synthetic method to prepare porous carbon materials with pore sizes that can be precisely controlled at the Ångstrom-level. Heating first induces thermal polymerization of selected three-dimensional aromatic molecules as the carbon sources, further heating results in extremely high carbonization yields (>86%). The porous carbon obtained from a tetrabiphenylmethane structure has a larger pore size (4.40 Å) than those from a spirobifluorene (4.07 Å) or a tetraphenylmethane precursor (4.05 Å). The porous carbon obtained from tetraphenylmethane is applied as an anode material for sodium-ion battery

    Identification of risk factors for elevated serum IgG4 levels in subjects in a large-scale health checkup cohort study

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    Introduction: To allow the identification of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) from a subclinical phase as it is important to understand the risk of elevated serum IgG4 levels. We planned to evaluate serum IgG4 levels in the participants of the Nagasaki Islands Study (NaIS), a large-scale health checkup cohort study.Methods: This study included 3,240 individuals who participated in the NaIS between 2016 and 2018 and consented to participate in the study. Serum IgG4, IgG, and IgE levels and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genotyping results of the NaIS subjects as well as lifestyle habits and peripheral blood test results were analyzed. The magnetic bead panel assay (MBA) and the standard nephelometry immunoassay (NIA) were used to measure serum IgG4 levels. The data were evaluated using multivariate analysis to identify lifestyle and genetic factors associated with elevated serum IgG4 levels.Results: Serum IgG4 levels measured with the NIA and MBA showed a tight positive correlation between the two groups (correlation coefficient 0.942). The median age of the participants in the NaIS was 69 years [63–77]. The median serum IgG4 level was 30.2 mg/dL [IQR 12.5–59.8]. Overall, 1019 (32.1%) patients had a history of smoking. When the subjects were stratified into three groups based on the smoking intensity (pack-year), the serum IgG4 level was significantly higher among those with a higher smoking intensity. Accordingly, the multivariate analysis identified a significant relationship between smoking status and serum IgG4 elevation.Conclusion: In this study, smoking was identified as a lifestyle factor correlating positively with elevated serum IgG4 levels

    Infantile Pain Episodes Associated with Novel Nav1.9 Mutations in Familial Episodic Pain Syndrome in Japanese Families

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    Painful peripheral neuropathy has been correlated with various voltage-gated sodium channel mutations in sensory neurons. Recently Nav1.9, a voltage-gated sodium channel subtype, has been established as a genetic influence for certain peripheral pain syndromes. In this study, we performed a genetic study in six unrelated multigenerational Japanese families with episodic pain syndrome. Affected participants (n = 23) were characterized by infantile recurrent pain episodes with spontaneous mitigation around adolescence. This unique phenotype was inherited in an autosomal-dominant mode. Linkage analysis was performed for two families with 12 affected and nine unaffected members, and a single locus was identified on 3p22 (LOD score 4.32). Exome analysis (n = 14) was performed for affected and unaffected members in these two families and an additional family. Two missense variants were identified: R222H and R222S in SCN11A. Next, we generated a knock-in mouse model harboring one of the mutations (R222S). Behavioral tests (Hargreaves test and cold plate test) using R222S and wild-type C57BL/6 (WT) mice, young (8-9 weeks old; n = 10-12 for each group) and mature (36-38 weeks old; n = 5-6 for each group), showed that R222S mice were significantly (p < 0.05) more hypersensitive to hot and cold stimuli than WT mice. Electrophysiological studies using dorsal root ganglion neurons from 8-9-week-old mice showed no significant difference in resting membrane potential, but input impedance and firing frequency of evoked action potentials were significantly increased in R222S mice compared with WT mice. However, there was no significant difference among Nav1.9 (WT, R222S, and R222H)-overexpressing ND7/23 cell lines. These results suggest that our novel mutation is a gain-of-function mutation that causes infantile familial episodic pain. The mouse model developed here will be useful for drug screening for familial episodic pain syndrome associated with SCN11A mutations

    Triglycerides and blood pressure in relation to circulating CD34-positive cell levels among community-dwelling elderly Japanese men: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Triglycerides are reported to be positively associated with blood pressure (both systolic and diastolic). However, in a previous study, we reported a significant positive association between triglycerides and circulating CD34-positive cells (endothelial repair) among non-hypertensive, but not hypertensive, participants. Since hypertension and endothelial dysfunction have a bi-directional association (vicious cycle), the status of circulating CD34-positive cells may influence the association between triglycerides and hypertension. Methods: Since antihypertensive medication use may influence results of the present study, we conducted a cross-sectional study of 327 community dwelling elderly (aged 60-69 years) Japanese participants who were not taking anti-hypertensive medication and who had participated in a general health check-up in 2013-2015. Results: Participants were classified into two groups based on median values of circulating CD34-positive cells (0.93 cells/μL). For participants with lower circulating CD34-positive cells (n = 165), a significant positive association was seen between triglycerides and blood pressure, but not for participants with higher circulating CD34-positive cells (n = 162). The multivariable standardized parameter estimates (β) and p values of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were 0.23 (p = 0.007) and 0.18 (p = 0.036) for participants with lower circulating CD34-positive cells and 0.08 (p = 0.409) and 0.03 (p = 0.786) for those with higher circulating CD34-positive cells. Conclusion: A significant positive association between triglycerides and blood pressure exists among those with lower, but not higher, circulating CD34-positive cells. The level of circulating CD34-positive cells acts as a determinant factor for the association between triglycerides and blood pressure

    Association between high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and hypertension in relation to circulating CD34-positive cell levels

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    Background: Although high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL) level is inversely correlated with cardiovascular events, HDL is also reported to be positively associated with hypertension, which is a known endothelial impairment factor. Since HDL mediates important protective actions on the vascular endothelium by increasing the number of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (CD34-positive cells), the level of circulating CD34-positive cells should influence the association between HDL and hypertension. Methods: To investigate the association between HDL and hypertension in relation to the level of circulating CD34-positive cells, we conducted a cross-sectional study of 477 elderly men aged 60?69 years who participated in general health checkup. Results: HDL was found to be significantly positively associated with hypertension in subjects with a high level of circulating CD34-positive cells, while no significant association was observed for subjects with low circulating CD34-positive cells. Known cardiovascular risk factors adjusted odds (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of hypertension for increments of one standard deviation (SD) in HDL (13.8 mg/dL) were 1.44 (1.06, 1.96) for subjects with a high level of circulating CD34-positive cells and 0.87 (0.63, 1.19) for subjects with low circulating CD34-positive cells. We also revealed a significant association between HDL level and CD34-positive cell level on hypertension, with fully adjusted p values for the effect of this interaction on hypertension at 0.022. Conclusions: Independent of known cardiovascular risk factors, HDL was found to be positively associated with hypertension in subjects with a high level of circulating CD34-positive cells but not for subjects with low circulating CD34-positive cells


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    精巣腫瘍におけるカルボプラチンを含む多剤併用化学療法:投与量, 腎機能と骨髄抑制について

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    6例の精巣腫瘍患者に対し計22コースのカルボプラチンを基本とした多剤併用療法を施行した.AUC(曲線下面積)は, カルバートにより示された以下の公式により算出した.カルボプラチン投与量=AUC×(GFR+25), GFR; 糸球体濾過率.骨髄抑制の程度をいくつかのカテゴリーにより検討した.化学療法のコースを体表面積当たり投与量により2群に分けた.白血球及び血小板の減少率, 最低値はこの2群の間で有意差を認めなかった.AUCにより3群に分けた場合, AUCの高い群は骨髄抑制の程度が高かったCarboplatin (CBDCA), a derivative of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum, has low renal and neural toxicity. The dose-limiting factor of this agent is myelosuppression. We experienced various degrees of myelosuppression, when the dose of CBDCA was determined by the body surface area (BSA) in CBDCA-based combination chemotherapy for testicular cancer. Calvert demonstrated that the dose of CBDCA administered should be adjusted by renal function, because CBDCA was excreted through the glomerulus. We report the relationship among 3 factors; the administration dose of CBDCA, renal function and the degree of myelosuppression. We treated 6 patients with testicular cancer. A total of 22 courses of CBDCA-based combination chemotherapy was performed. The area under the curve (AUC) was calculated by the following formula, which was demonstrated in Calvert's study. CBDCA dose = AUC x (GFR + 25), GFR; glomerular filtration rate. The degree of myelosuppression was examined. All chemotherapy courses were divided into 2 and 3 groups according to BSA and AUC, respectively. WBC and Plt reduction rates and nadir counts were significantly correlated with AUC, and showed no significant relationship to the dose determined by BSA. This study revealed that the degree of myelosuppression was closely related with AUC, which reflects the renal function


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    64歳女, 下腹部不快, 失神発作にて発症したエコー, CTにて腎動脈瘤の破裂を強く疑い, 血管造影にて確診した。この際コイルによる塞栓を試みたが不能で, 腎摘出を行い救命しえたWe report a case of rupture of giant renal artery aneurysm (10 cm diameter) with lower abdominal discomfort and a syncopal attack. The patient was successfully treated by nephrectomy. Rupture of a giant renal artery aneurysm is lethal in most cases and prompt diagnosis is indispensable. As preoperative diagnosis, ultrasonography was useful as it showed the blood flow in the renal artery aneurysm in real-time. CT scan was also useful in determining accurately the size of the aneurysm and extension of hematoma in its surroundings