192 research outputs found

    井上靖「聖者」論 : イシク・クル湖伝説と現代

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    本論は中国外国文学会日本文学研究会第十三回全国大会・国際学術シンポジウム(2012年8月18日-20日、蘭州大学)における口頭発表「井上靖『聖者』論 : 歴史と現代」を再考察の上、副題を改め、文章化したものである

    梅崎春生「凡人凡語」における二つのモチーフ : 遺作「幻化」への導入として

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    本論は、先に発表した「梅崎春生『幻化』 : 久住五郎の精神世界」(平成24年12月『近代文学試論』第50号)と一部重複する部分がある

    Immunoreactivity profiling of Anti-Chinese hamster ovarian host cell protein antibodies by isobaric labeled affinity purification-mass spectrometry reveals low-recovery proteins

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    We evaluated the immunoreactivity profiles of eight commercial anti-host cell protein (anti-HCP) antibodies from different host animals and their antigens used for immunization by an isobaric labeled affinity purification-mass spectrometry (AP-MS) method. As a result, 34 proteins with high abundance but low recovery from harvest cell culture fluid were identified. Since they are likely to be underestimated in biopharmaceutical quality assessment, the features common to these proteins were investigated. Compared to other immunoprecipitated HCP proteins, proteins exhibiting lower molecular weight (ΔMW = -14600), lower isoelectric point (ΔpI = -0.86), and lower hydrophobicity (ΔGRAVY = -0.13) were enriched. This AP-MS method provides important information for HCP control strategies using immunological methods and is expected to contribute to the development of safe biopharmaceutics

    Surgical Outcome of Patients Undergoing Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Analysis of a 17-Year Experience at a Single Center

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    The operative mortality and morbidity of pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) remain high. We analyzed PD patientsʼ clinical characteristics and surgical outcomes and discuss how PD clinical outcomes could be improved. We retrospectively reviewed the cases of 400 patients who underwent a PD between January 1998 and April 2014 at Okayama University Hospital, a very-high-volume center. We identified and compared the clinical outcomes between two time periods (period 1: 1998-2006 vs. period 2: 2007-2014). The total postoperative mortality and major complication rates were 0.75 and 15.8 , respectively, and the median postoperative length of stay (LOS) was 32 days. Subsequently, patients who underwent a PD during period 2 had a significantly shorter LOS than those who underwent a PD during period 1 (29 days vs. 38.5 days, p<0.001). The incidence of mortality and major complications did not differ between the two periods. In our multivariate analysis, period 1 was an independent factor associated with a long LOS (p<0.001). The improvement of the surgical procedure and perioperative care might be related to the shorter LOS in period 2 and ot the consistently maintained low mortality rate after PD. The development of multimodal strategies to accelerate postoperative recovery may further improve PDʼs clinical outcomes

    Dust from Comet 209P/LINEAR during its 2014 Return: Parent Body of a New Meteor Shower, the May Camelopardalids

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    We report a new observation of the Jupiter-family comet 209P/LINEAR during its 2014 return. The comet is recognized as a dust source of a new meteor shower, the May Camelopardalids. 209P/LINEAR was apparently inactive at a heliocentric distance rh = 1.6 au and showed weak activity at rh < 1.4 au. We found an active region of <0.001% of the entire nuclear surface during the comet's dormant phase. An edge-on image suggests that particles up to 1 cm in size (with an uncertainty of factor 3-5) were ejected following a differential power-law size distribution with index q=-3.25+-0.10. We derived a mass loss rate of 2-10 kg/s during the active phase and a total mass of ~5x10^7 kg during the 2014 return. The ejection terminal velocity of millimeter- to centimeter-sized particles was 1-4 m/s, which is comparable to the escape velocity from the nucleus (1.4 m/s). These results imply that such large meteoric particles marginally escaped from the highly dormant comet nucleus via the gas drag force only within a few months of the perihelion passage.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, accepted on 2014 December 11 for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter


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    2003年分子構造総合討論会, 2003年9月24日-27日, 京都テルサ(京都), 1Pp092本研究は、文部科学省のナノテクノロジー総合支援プロジェクトの支援を受けて実施されたものである


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    2003年分子構造総合討論会, 2003年9月24日-27日, 京都テルサ(京都), 1Pp092本研究は、文部科学省のナノテクノロジー総合支援プロジェクトの支援を受けて実施されたものである