32 research outputs found

    Baseline Plasma Fibrinogen and Glycated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) Levels in Normoglycaemic Offspring of Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background: Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is known to be preceded by a long pre-diabetic stage. Family studies have confirmed that the incidence of T2DM in the first-degree offspring of T2DM patients is higher than in the non-diabetic population. The levels of plasma fibrinogen and HbA1c in offspring of T2DM patients may be markers of the development of T2DM later in life. Objectives: To determine the plasma fibrinogen and HbA1c levels of normoglycaemic offspring of T2DM patients.  Methods: This study involved randomly selected 100 offspring of T2DM patients (ODP) and 100 offspring of non-diabetic parents (ONDP) aged between 16 and 40 years. Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG), plasma fibrinogen and HbA1c and height and body weight were measured using standard methods.  Results: The mean age of the ODP and ONDP were similar: 23.3±0.44 years and 23.44 ±0.40 years, respectively. The mean BMI was 23.83±0.42kg/m2 for ODP and 23.20±0.29kg/m2 for ONDP. The prevalence of overweight was 13.0% and 25.0% among the ODP and ONDP, respectively. The mean plasma fibrinogen was significantly higher in ODP (322.85 ± 5.15g/l vs 303.11 ±4.92 g/l; p = 0.006). The mean plasma HbA1c was also significantly higher among OND (5.13±0.03% vs 4.76±0.05; p = 0.000). Conclusions: The plasma fibrinogen and HbA1c levels are higher among ODP than ONDP. This pattern of variations may serve as a reason for instituting precautionary measures since it predates the development of T2DM

    The genotoxic effect of lead and zinc on bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean)

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    The effects of lead and zinc treatments on the chromosomes of bambara groundnut was investigated. The seeds of bambara groundnut were placed in Petri dishes in three replicates and allowed to germinate for five days in different concentrations: 25, 50 and 100 mg/L of both lead and zinc nitrates while the control group had distilled water. The total aberrations were examined. The mitotic index was calculated and the results were statistically evaluated by the analysis of variance at 5% significant level. The mitotic index decreased as the concentration increased (p<0.05). The highest mitotic index value was 3.40±0.88 for the control while the least was 1.30±0.48 for the 100 mg/L Pb treatment. The results show the most frequent chromosomal anomalies induced by these heavy metals as stickiness and bridges. Pb is much more genotoxic than Zn, as it induced more aberrations having percentage abnormalities of 92.3% while Zn had 30.0% for the highest concentration tested. Increased metal pollution can lead to some irreversible cytogenetic effects in plants and higher organisms. The study is an attempt to corroborate the toxic effect of lead and zinc on the chromosomes of plants. These results will be useful in environmental monitoring of the cytotoxicity of metals.Key words: Heavy metal, aberrations, genotoxic, cytogenetic, mitotic index

    Antimicrobial and antiplasmodial activities of a quaternary compound from Ritchiea capparoides var. Longipedicellata

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    leaves of Ritchiea capparoides var. longipedicellata (Capparidaceae) is used in ethnomedicine in South-Western Nigeria to treat infectious and parasitic diseases. This study was aimed at identifying the compound(s) that are responsible for the antimicrobial and antiplasmodial activities of the leaves and also to contribute to the chemistry of the plant species. A 70 % aqueous ethanolic extract of the leaves of R. longipedicellata was subjected to repeated liquid chromatographic methods on silica gel, Lobar RP-18 column and Sephadex LH -20 to isolate a Draggendorf positive compound. The compound was identified by 1H and 13C NMR, ultra-violet spectroscopy and polarimetry. The antimicrobial activity of the compound was evaluated using the microbroth dilution method while the antiplasmodial activity was carried out according to Trager and Jenson (1976). The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was expressed in mg/ml. The isolated compound, leavoisomer of stachydrine, inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli NCTC 8196 and Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 6571 at the MIC of 5 mg/ml. In the anti-malaria assay, the compound had inhibitory activity with the  concentration required to cause 100% lethality being 0.667 mg/ml.Conclusion: The antibacterial and antiparasitic effects of quaternary  ammonium compounds are well documented. However, this study is the first report of the presence and biological activities of this compound in this plant species which may justify the ethnomedicinal uses of the leaves.Key words: Quaternary ammonium compounds, antimicrobial, antiplasmodial, Ritche

    Removal of Pb and Zn from Soil using cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and maize (Zea mays) Plants

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    This study investigated the potential of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and maize (Zea mays) plants to remove Pb and Zn from soil. The crops were exposed to three concentrations (100, 150 and 200 mgkg-1) of each metal salts during the study. When the plants were treated with lead nitrate at a concentration of 150 mgkg-1, the amount and percentage of Pb removed and accumulated within plants’ tissues were 65.68 m mgkg-1g/kg (44.79%) and 78.93 mgkg-1 (53.0%) for cowpea and maize with bioconcentration factors 0.80 and 0.78 respectively. However, when the plants were assisted they had greater bioconcentration factors. Farmyard manure enhanced metal uptake by cowpea and maize significantly than EDTA. Maize extracted more Pb into its roots and translocated to shoots when assisted with EDTA than cowpea. Maize was able to translocate more Pb while cowpea translocated more Zn through the vascular system, thereby acting as phytoextractors for the different metals respectively

    The Influence of Pb and Zn Contaminated soil on the Germination and Growth of Bambara Nut (Vigna subterranea)

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    This research work takes a look at the possible phytotoxic effects of Pb and Zn as Pb(NO3)2 and Zn(NO3)2 on Bambara nut (Vigna subterranea) planted in polluted. Lead and zinc are common environmental contaminant found in soils. Unlike Zn, Pb has no biological role, and is potentially toxic to microorganisms. The bambara nut seedlings were irrigated with various concentrations of Pb and Zn (100,150 and 200mgkg-1) .Effect of these metals on the growth parameters (stem length/height, root length, leaf area, yellowness of leaves, fresh and dry weights) were measured. Influence of heavy metals on the microorganisms in the soil used for planting as well as the organic matter, pH and moisture content of the soil were also evaluated. The results showed that plant performance significantly reduced with increasing concentrations (100,150 and 200mgkg-1) of Pb and Zn contamination. The results show that a negative relationship existed between the different metal concentrations in the soil and the growth parameters (stem height, root length, leaf area, yellowness of leaves, fresh and dry weight) measured compared to control experiment. This study therefore reveals that these heavy metals have great implications on the sustainability of V. subterranea’s growth. These metals could pass down to humans through the food chain if animals eat such plants during grazing. This will affect their health, which may eventually lead to their death due to bio concentration and bioaccumulation. There would therefore be a need to explore ways of improving bambara nut production in areas of metal pollution. Keywords: V. subterranea, Bioaccumulation, Pollution, Phytotoxicity, Contamination, bioaccumulation

    NOMA: A Preventable “Scourge” of African Children

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    Noma is a serious orofacial gangrene originating intraorally in the gingival-oral mucosa complex before spreading extraorally to produce a visibly destructive ulcer. Although cases of noma are now rarely reported in the developed countries, it is still prevalent among children in third world countries, notably in sub-Sahara Africa, where poverty, ignorance, malnutrition, and preventable childhood infections are still common. This review summarizes historical, epidemiological, management, and research updates on noma with suggestions for its prevention and ultimate global eradication. The global annual incidence remains high at about 140,000 cases, with a mortality rate exceeding 90% for untreated diseases. Where the patients survive, noma defects result in unsightly facial disfigurement, intense scarring, trismus, oral incompetence, and social alienation. Although the etiology has long been held to be infectious, a definitive causal role between microorganisms cited, and noma has been difficult to establish. The management of noma with active disease requires antibiotics followed by reconstructive surgery. Current research efforts are focused towards a comprehensive understanding of the epidemiology, and further elucidation of the microbiology and pathogenesis of noma

    Baseline anthropometric measurements and Obesity among students in Sagamu, Ogun State, southwest, Nigeria: Baseline anthropometric measurements and Obesity among students

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    Objectives: This study was designed to determine the anthropometric characteristics and prevalence of obesity among secondary and undergraduate students in Sagamu. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved a selection of 260 students aged 10 to 33 years in Sagamu using a convenience sampling method. The weight, height, and waist and hip circumferences of each subject were measured. The body mass index was then calculated. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 25.0 and p-values< 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: The age ranges were 1o to 17 years (Secondary school (SS) students) and 14 to 33 years (undergraduate students). There were 130 students in each group, comprising 52.7% males and 47.4% females. Underweight was commoner among the SS students (20.8% versus 6.2%). Most of the subjects were of normal weight 52.3% in SS and 68.5% in undergraduates. Only 3.1% of SS students were obese compared to 4.6% of undergraduate students. The mean BMI of SS students (22.2± 0.39 versus 23.24±0.34) was statistically lower (p=0.019). The mean waist circumference of SS students (66.92±0.44 versus 74.64±0.67) was also statistically lower (p=0.000). The mean BMI of SS students was higher in females than in male subjects (23.14±0.62 versus 20.86±0.42). The mean waist and hip circumferences and BMI were lower in female subjects for both study groups. Conclusions: The mean BMI and hip circumferences were higher in female subjects while the mean waist circumferences were lower in females than males in both study groups

    The Influence of Pb and Zn Contaminated soil on the Germination and Growth of Bambara Nut (<i>Vigna subterranea</i>)

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    This research work takes a look at the possible phytotoxic effects of Pb and Zn as Pb(NO3)2 and Zn(NO3)2 on Bambara nut (Vigna subterranea) planted in polluted. Lead and zinc are common environmental contaminant found in soils. Unlike Zn, Pb has no biological role, and is potentially toxic to microorganisms. The bambara nut seedlings were irrigated with various concentrations of Pb and Zn (100,150 and 200mgkg-1) .Effect of these metals on the growth parameters (stem length/height, root length, leaf area, yellowness of leaves, fresh and dry weights) were measured. Influence of heavy metals on the microorganisms in the soil used for planting as well as the organic matter, pH and moisture content of the soil were also evaluated. The results showed that plant performance significantly reduced with increasing concentrations (100,150 and 200mgkg-1) of Pb and Zn contamination. The results show that a negative relationship existed between the different metal concentrations in the soil and the growth parameters (stem height, root length, leaf area, yellowness of leaves, fresh and dry weight) measured compared to control experiment. This study therefore reveals that these heavy metals have great implications on the sustainability of V. subterranea’s growth. These metals could pass down to humans through the food chain if animals eat such plants during grazing. This will affect their health, which may eventually lead to their death due to bio concentration and bioaccumulation. There would therefore be a need to explore ways of improving bambara nut production in areas of metal pollution. Keywords: V. subterranea, Bioaccumulation, Pollution, Phytotoxicity, Contamination, bioaccumulation