24 research outputs found

    Residents' attitudes toward impacts of tourism: A case study of Langkawi, Malaysia

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    This paper presents findings from a study that was undertaken to investigate residents’ attitudes toward the impacts of tourism in Langkawi Island, Malaysia. In order to gain reliable results for the use of Langkawi policy makers and tourism planners, a standardized instrument for measuring residents’ attitude was developed and used in the study. The findings revealed that residents tend to perceive impacts that benefit them as positive impacts of tourism. The findings also indicated that residents tend to perceive impacts of tourism, either positively or negatively depending on how much they would affect their personal lives. The more dependent they were on the positive impacts of tourism, the more supportive they were toward tourism development. Thus, the findings do not support Doxey’s Irridex Model. Finally, the study suggested that for a long-term purpose of achieving sustainable tourism development, Langkawi tourism planners and policy makers should conduct several campaigns and tourism workshops for the residents. Accordingly, this would gain residents support for tourism development on the island

    The balance of trade between Malaysia-U.S. and Malaysia - Japan: A regression model estimation

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    Regresi 'step-wise' telah diguna untuk menganggar imbangan dagangan Malaysia-Jepun dan Malaysia-A.S.. Manakala minyak mentah adalah mengerti di dalam semua model yang dianggar, komiditi eksport utama yang lain didapati tidak mengerti dan tidak meningkatkan kekuasaan anggaran imbangan dagangan Malaysia dengan kedua negara tersebut.Selain daripada harga minyak mentah, hanya pertumbuhan ekonomi Malaysia sahaja yang di dapati mengerti secara konsisten di dalam semua model

    An Overview of Moderating Effect of Familiarity on Tourism Resources and Future Behavioural Intentions: A Study on Domestic Tourists Visiting Ningxia, China

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    Tourism resources is one of the most important destination attributes which helps to create an image for the destination and attract the tourists. This study aims to investigate how the domestic tourists visiting Ningxia evaluates Ningxia’s destination attributes (Tourism Resources) and how their evaluation future behavioural intentions, that is, their intention to recommend and to revisit Ningxia. The study will also investigate how destination familiarity moderates the relationship of destination attributes evaluations and future behavioural intentions. In the current study, the researchers reviewed the literatures in order to explore domestic tourists’ travelling behaviour, experiences, and some extensive discussions on their satisfaction level. The researchers have conducted a general search for tourists’ behaviour, and more specifically on moderating role destination familiarity on future behavioural intentions. This study made the contribution towards body of knowledge by reviewing previous literatures related to the evaluation of destination attributes. The study revealed that, when tourists choose a place to visit, they are attracted by destination attributes, more specifically by tourism related resources in the destination

    Customer relationship management (CRM) technology and organization performance: Is marketing capability a missing link? An empirical study in the Malaysian hotel industry

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    Due to the aggressive market competition in hotel sector, it is critical that hotels should adopt new strategy like CRM technology to assist hotel employees, serve customers better and improve organization performance.However, prior studies indicated that the relationship between CRM technology and organization performance is equivocal.These mixed results may be to a lack of understanding of the mechanisms that link CRM technology and organization performance.For this reason, the study used marketing capabilities (planning and implementation) as mediators between CRM technology and organization performance. The study surveyed a sample of 447 hotels firm in Malaysia and used correlation and regression for analyses and testing. The findings suggest that CRM technology is associated with the four dimensions of organization performance (i.e. financial, customer, internal process and learning and growth). In addition the findings reveal that marketing capabilities (planning and implementation) play a mediator role in the relationship between CRM technology and various dimensions of organization performance

    Budaya dan warisan negara sebagai pemangkin kepada pelancongan lestari

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    Elemen budaya, seni dun warisan amat berkait rapat dalam memajukan sektor pelancongan negara. Aktiviti pelancongan budaya ini meliputi lawatan ke muzium, pesta kesenian, kawasan warisan, persembahan budaya dan juga bangunan-bangunan bersejarah. Tarikan budaya yang bersifat autentik (asli) ini mampu mendidik dan meningkatkan pengetahuan di samping memberi hiburan kepada pengunjung. Strategi yang telah diguna pakai di United Kingdom dan Amerika Syarikat telah dikenal pasti melalui pengalaman serta kejayaan institusi budaya dan warisan luar negara menarik lebih banyak pengunjung ke destinasi mereka. Strategi ini turut dimuatkan dalam kertas kerja ini sebagai model kepada pelancongan berasaskan budaya dun warisan. Kertas kerja ini cuba membincangkun budaya dan warisan sebagai pemungkin kepada pelancongan lestari. Ini memandangkan jenis pelancongan ini merupakan segmen yang berkembang pantas dalam pasaran hari ini dan juga permintaan untuknya semakin berkembang. Kajian berkaitan dengan profil pelancongan ke destinasi ini perlu dilakukan untuk memajukan lagi budaya dan warisan sebagai pemangkin kepada pelancongan lestari

    A Comparison of Local Residents' Perceptions Toward Tourism Impacts: The Case of Chengde, A World Heritage Site in China

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    Tourism industry has been contributing to the economy and employment worldwide. Nevertheless, numerous environmental and social-cultural problems were found with the development of tourism in many tourist destinations. In fact, understanding the local residents’ perception of tourism impacts is crucial and necessary to the local authority when proposing new tourism development at their tourism destinations. This study aims to compare local residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts in Chengde; a UNESCO listed World Heritage Site in China. A total of 1004 usable questionnaires were collected from residents staying in 14 villages in Chengde. The researchers used t-tests to analyse the differences in the residents’ perceptions of positive and negative impacts of tourism based on their characteristics of either born in Chengde or not born in Chengde and having jobs of either related to tourism or not related to tourism. Based on the findings, residents who were born and not born in Chengde were found to have significantly different perceptions of tourism impacts; such as promoting varieties of cultural activities and boosts of shopping opportunities. Those residents were not born in Chengde agreed more on; tourism development increases the traffic problems; tourism burdens the community and tourism results in an increase in the cost of living. Significant differences were also found when considering the perceived impacts of tourism by the residents whose jobs were related to tourism or not related to tourism. Keywords: Perceived Positive Impacts of Tourism, Perceived Negative Impacts of Tourism, Local Residents, World Heritage Site, Chengde China. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-13-06 Publication date:July 31st 201

    The influence of Middle East crisis on the flow of tourists to Jordan

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    Despite the Middle East is considered as a conflict-ridden region, relatively some major tourism destination such as Jordan is safe, however, these destinations' geographic location has resulted in tourists’ misperceptions and had a negative effect on tourism throughout the Middle East. This study aimed to uncover the challenges of decreased the flow of tourists to the Jordan to restore a positive image after the crisis following the Arab Spring uprisings. Literature analysis method was applied to review previous literature on perceived risks in the Middle East. Results of the analysis revealed the issues that influence tourists’ perceived risk toward the region and Jordan particularly were geographical ignorance of safe destinations, a biased coverage of the media, different culture influence personal characteristics concerning freedom, and weakness of previous experiences. Findings further revealed that studies regarding during international tourists in the Middle East are limite

    Role of perceived risks to tourists in building their future intention: a conceptual model

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    Tourism is vital to the economy of a country. Successful tourism marketing strategies require an understanding of why people travel and what factors influence their behavioural intention of choosing a travel destination. Tourism scholars have recognized the impact of perceived risk on travel behaviour and decision, because tourists are likely to avoid destinations with greater perceived risk regardless of whether that notion is a real representation of the level of safety in a destination. While overall the field of tourism has been abundantly researched, there are certain areas where there is a paucity of research such marketing strategies of destinations that sorted by tourists as a risky destination. This article contributes to this extremely important researched subject, specifically, this study seeking to investigate the role of perceived risks in building the tourists future intentions toward the destination. The research is focusing on developing a conceptual model which identifies the components of the tourist behaviour that corresponding to the three stages, namely, perceived risks stage, actual experience stage, and future intention stag

    Assessing the influence of customer relationship management (CRM) dimensions on organization performance

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    Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between CRM dimensions (i.e. customer orientation, CRM organization, knowledge management, and technology based CRM) and various aspects of organization performance (i.e. financial, customer, internal process, and learning and growth) in Malaysian hotels.Design/methodology/approach– This is a quantitative study, the response came from the managers of 152 Malaysian hotels (3 to 5 star) and data collected was subjected to correlation and regression analysis in pursuance of the study's stated objectives.Findings – The results of this study suggest that all dimensions of CRM (i.e. customer orientation, CRM organization, knowledge management and technology based CRM) have a positive and significant impact on different perspectives of hotel performance. However, CRM technology failed to show a significant relationship with learning and growth perspective of hotel performance.Research limitations/implications – An emphasis has been placed on the direct relationship between CRM dimensions and organization performance perspectives as well as, the study concentrated only on 3 to 5 star hotels.Practical implications – Meaningful implications are made that building an extensive and effective CRM dimensions in hotel firms is crucial to face a high competition and improve performance in Malaysia hotel sector.Originality/value – The paper addresses CRM dimensions issues specifically for hotels in Malaysia