35 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kinerja Simpang Bersinyal Di Kota Surabaya Dengan Menggunakan Program Kaji (Studi Kasus : Ruas Jalan Ngagel Jaya Selatan )

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    The growth of vehicle every year give impact to traffic intersection performance. Various resulted by traffic impact arrangement of intersection which is not optimal for example is vehicle queuing, traffic jam , rise in delay time and also increase travel time. This research is conducted in one of Major Street in Surabaya, at Ngagel Jaya Selatan street which intersection between Ngagel Jaya Selatan and Ngagel Jaya Street. In this research, the analysis by using Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia ( KAJI) that program is program share released by Directorate of Urban Road Development (BINKOT). From result of analysis by using KAJI program, got intersection performance at condition in the morning reside at service of level F with queue length is equal to 1531 m, mean number stops of vehicle is 1,23 stops/pcu and mean intersection delay is 195,83 sec/pcu. In the day time happened queue length is equal to 1483 m, mean number stops of vehicle is 1,50 stops/ pcu and mean intersection delay is equal to 151,01 sec/pcu with level of service is F. In the evening got queue length is equal to 2458 m, number stops of vehicle is 2,35 stops/pcu and mean intersection delay is 306,71 sec/pcu with level of service

    Analisis Kinerja Ruas Ruas Jalan Utama di Sekitar Bandar Udara Mutiara Palu (Studi Kasus: Jl. Abd. Rahman Saleh, Jl. Basuki Rahmat, Jl. Dewi Sartika, Jl. Muh. Yamin)

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    The increasing number of passengers, goods and aircraft traffic flow in each year in Palu MutiaraAirport will have an impact on the performance of the existing road network around its.Movement of traffic from Mutiara airport or to Mutiara airport, will also be a tendancy toincrease, and can overload the road network around the airport.This study aims to determine the network performance of major roads around the Mutiara airportdue to the operation of the airport, especially at peak hours. Research analysis was conductedusing Indosesian Highway Capasity Manual (IHCM-1997).The results of this study indicated that the performance segment of the main roads aroundMutiara airport is still in stable flow conditions and not under conditions of traffic jams. Degree ofSaturation (DS) on each road segment Abdul Rahman Saleh, Dewi Sartika, Basuki Rahmat andMuh.Yamin respectively was 0.14: 0.46: 0.37 and 0.63, with the highest level of service road AbdulRahman Saleh is the way to the level of service A

    Kinerja Campuran Split Mastic Asphalt (SMA) Yang Menggunakan Serat Selulosa Alami Dedak Padi

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    Split Mastic Asphalt (SMA) is one of the hot mix asphalt concretes use with open graded and it has high coarse agregate content (70% - 80%) and a high asphalt content. Since the content of the high asphalt needs requires additional material such as cellulosa fiber to stabilize the asphalt. Through with this study, the another try to use rice bran as the additional material. In addition, rice bran is a natural cellulose fiber which cames from the rice milling proces. It was relatifevely cheaper than the cellulose fibers synthesis.The results showed that the use of rice bran affects the characteristics of the mixture Split Mastics Asphalt (SMA). The stability of the mixture by using cellulose (rice bran) as an additive in a mixture of Split Mastics Asphalt (SMA) generally meet the specifications, except the asphalt content of 7.5% - 8% with rice bran content of 8% - 9%.Value of Flexibility in the mixture showed a tendency to decrease. On the asphalt content of 5.5% shows the highest flexibility and does not meet specifications unless the content of rice bran 8% - 9%. that gives a good mix of performance on asphalt content. The value of flexibility that gives a good mix of performance on asphalt content of 6.5% - 7.5% with bran content of 6% - 8%

    Efketifitas Simpang Bersinyal Dengan Sistem Pengaturan Dua Fase Pada Jalan Utama Di Kota Palu (Studi Kasus: Simpang Samratulangi – Sudirman- Cik Ditiro- Haji Hayyun)

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    The growth of vehicle every year give impact to traffic intersection performance. The impact of trrafic such as vehicle queueing , traffic jam , rise in delay time and also increase travel time could be caused by traffic control system no effective because the increasing by traffic volumeThis research is conducted in one of Major Street in Palu, namely at Samratulangi – Sudirman Street street is the intersection between Hj. Hayyun – Cik Ditiro Street.In this research, the analyzed by using Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia ( MKJI).From result of analysis by using MKJI , got intersection performance at condition of morning peak reside at service of level C with queue length is equal to 38,73, in the peak day has level of service F with queue length is equal to 65,04 m and afternoon peak with level of service E where the queueing length is 70,07 m. According to value of level of service on the this intersection had shown that traffic control system 2 (two) stage was not effective agai