746 research outputs found

    Equilibrium Instability of Chiral Mesons in External Electromagnetic Field via AdS/CFT

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    We study the equilibrium instability of chiral quarkonia in a plasma in the presence of constant magnetic and electric field and at finite axial chemical potential using AdS/CFT duality. The model in use is a supersymmetric QCD at large 't \,Hooft coupling and number of colors. We show that the presence of the magnetic field and the axial chemical potential even in the absence of the electric field make the system unstable. In a gapped system, a stable/unstable equilibrium state phase transition is observed and the initial transition amplitude of the equilibrium state to the non-equilibrium state is investigated. We demonstrate that at zero temperature and large magnetic field the instability grows linearly by increasing the quarkonium binding energy. In the constant electric and magnetic field, the system is in a equilibrium state if the Ohm's law and the chiral magnetic effect cancel their effects. This happens in a sub-space of (E,B,T,μ5)(E,B,T,\mu_5) space with constraint equation σBB=−σE\sigma_B B =- \sigma E, where σ\sigma and σB\sigma_B are called electric and chiral magnetic conductivity, respectively. We analyze the decay rate of a gapless system when this constraint is slightly violated.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    A Fourier-Cumulant Analysis for Multiharmonic Flow Fluctuation

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    The Fourier analysis of the final particle distribution followed by cumulant study of the Fourier coefficient event-by-event fluctuation is one of the main approaches for testing the collective evolution in the heavy-ion collision. Using a multidimensional generating function, we propose a method to extract any possible cumulant of multiharmonic flow fluctuations and classify them in terms of the order of cumulants and harmonics involved in them. In particular, we show that there are 33 distinct cumulants with orders 2,3,4,52,3,4,5 and harmonics 2,3,4,52,3,4,5. We compute the normalized version of these cumulants from hydrodynamic simulation for Pb--Pb collisions based on {\tt TR_\text{R}ENTo}+{\tt VISH2+1}+{\tt UrQMD}. We compare the simulation with those normalized cumulants that the LHC has measured and predict the unmeasured ones. Comparing the initial and final state fluctuation normalized cumulants, we compute the linear and nonlinear hydrodynamic response couplings. We finally introduce the genuine three-particle correlation function containing information of all third-order cumulants.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, 3 ancillary file

    The chiral magnetic wave in an expanding QCD fluid

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    As a consequence of the chiral anomaly, the hydrodynamics of hot QCD matter coupled to QED allows for a long-wavelength mode of chiral charge density, the chiral magnetic wave (CMW), that provides for a mechanism of electric charge separation along the direction of an external magnetic field. Here, we investigate the efficiency of this mechanism for values of the time-dependent magnetic field and of the energy density attained in the hot QCD matter of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. To this end, we derive the CMW equations of motion for expanding systems by treating the CMW as a charge perturbation on top of an expanding Bjorken-type background field in the limit of small chemical potential. Both, approximate analytical and full numerical solutions to these equations of motion indicate that for the lifetime and thermodynamic conditions of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions, the efficiency of CMW-induced electric charge separation decreases with increasing center of mass energy and that the effect is numerically very small. We note, however, that if sizable oriented asymmetries in the axial charge distribution (that are not induced by the CMW) are present in the early fluid dynamic evolution, then the mechanism of CMW-induced electric charge separation can be much more efficient.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Chiral Magnetic Effect in the Anisotropic Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    An anisotropic thermal plasma phase of a strongly coupled gauge theory can be holographically modelled by an anisotropic AdS black hole. The temperature and anisotropy parameter of the AdS black hole background of interest [1] is specified by the location of the horizon and the value of the Dilaton field at the horizon. Interestingly, for the first time, we obtain two functions for the values of the horizon and Dilaton field in terms of the temperature and anisotropy parameter. Then by introducing a number of spinning probe D7-branes in the anisotropic background, we compute the value of the chiral magnetic effect (CME). We observe that in the isotropic and anisotropic plasma the value of the CME is equal for the massless quarks. However, at fixed temperature, raising the anisotropy in the system will increase the value of the CME for the massive quarks.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Non-Bessel-Gaussianity and Flow Harmonic Fine-Splitting

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    Both collision geometry and event-by-event fluctuations are encoded in the experimentally observed flow harmonic distribution p(vn)p(v_n) and 2k2k-particle cumulants cn{2k}c_n\{2k\}. In the present study, we systematically connect these observables to each other by employing Gram-Charlier A series. We quantify the deviation of p(vn)p(v_n) from Bessel-Gaussianity in terms of flow harmonic fine-splitting. Subsequently, we show that the corrected Bessel-Gaussian distribution can fit the simulated data better than the Bessel-Gaussian distribution in the more peripheral collisions. Inspired by Gram-Charlier A series, we introduce a new set of cumulants qn{2k}q_n\{2k\} that are more natural to study distributions near Bessel-Gaussian. These new cumulants are obtained from cn{2k}c_n\{2k\} where the collision geometry effect is extracted from it. By exploiting q2{2k}q_2\{2k\}, we introduce a new set of estimators for averaged ellipticity vˉ2\bar{v}_2 which are more accurate compared to v2{2k}v_2\{2k\} for k>1k>1. As another application of q2{2k}q_2\{2k\}, we show we are able to restrict the phase space of v2{4}v_2\{4\}, v2{6}v_2\{6\} and v2{8}v_2\{8\} by demanding the consistency of vˉ2\bar{v}_2 and v2{2k}v_2\{2k\} with q2{2k}q_2\{2k\} equation. The allowed phase space is a region such that v2{4}−v2{6}≳0v_2\{4\}-v_2\{6\}\gtrsim 0 and 12v2{6}−11v2{8}−v2{4}≳012 v_2\{6\}-11v_2\{8\}-v_2\{4\}\gtrsim 0, which is compatible with the experimental observations.Comment: 24 pages; 9 figures; v2: published version; minor revision of the tex

    On Butterfly effect in Higher Derivative Gravities

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    We study butterfly effect in DD-dimensional gravitational theories containing terms quadratic in Ricci scalar and Ricci tensor. One observes that due to higher order derivatives in the corresponding equations of motion there are two butterfly velocities. The velocities are determined by the dimension of operators whose sources are provided by the metric. The three dimensional TMG model is also studied where we get two butterfly velocities at generic point of the moduli space of parameters. At critical point two velocities coincide.Comment: 16 pages, references adde

    Hydrodynamization in systems with detailed transverse profiles

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    The observation of fluid-like behavior in nucleus-nucleus, proton-nucleus and high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions motivates systematic studies of how different measurements approach their fluid-dynamic limit. We have developed numerical methods to solve the ultra-relativistic Boltzmann equation for systems of arbitrary size and transverse geometry. Here, we apply these techniques for the first time to the study of azimuthal flow coefficients vnv_n including non-linear mode-mode coupling and to an initial condition with realistic event-by-event fluctuations. We show how both linear and non-linear response coefficients extracted from vnv_n develop as a function of opacity from free streaming to perfect fluidity. We note in particular that away from the fluid-dynamic limit, the signal strength of linear and non-linear response coefficients does not reduce uniformly, but that their hierarchy and relative size shows characteristic differences
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