13 research outputs found

    Implementation of Akhlaqul Karimah Through Islamic Religious Education Approach in Early Children

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    Akhlak are the concern of people everywhere, both in advanced societies and underdeveloped societies, because if in a society there are many people whose Akhlak have been damaged, the society will be damaged. This shows that the position of morality in human life occupies a very important position, both as individuals and as members of society and the nation. "The rise and fall of a nation depends on the moral state of the nation itself. If their Akhlak are good, they will prosper both physically and mentally, but on the contrary if their Akhlak are bad, the nation will be damaged. In the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. which means “Educate your children because they were born to live in an age different from yours”. Because children are a gift or a mandate from Allah SWT. which must always be maintained and maintained continuity

    Increasing Students' Learning Motivation in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Covid-19 pandemic causes precautionary measures by dismissing schools, especially in the red zone of the spread of Covid-19. In Regency Kotawaringin Timur  is one of the red zones that requires schools from KB to universities to dismiss their students. This resulted in inhibition of the learning process. The teachers who usually teach in the classroom become confused in carrying out the learning process. One way that teachers do is to give assignments to students via via whatssap. But these efforts do not motivate students. This study aims to increase students' learning motivation in learning Religious education Produktifisme with online methods using Google Classroom in class XII students of MA ALHUDA JATILUHUR  in the academic year 2020/2021, in class XII SCIENCE 1 who took online classes via Google Classroom totaling 20  people. This research was conducted on 15 March, 2020 until May 15, 2020. The research method used was classroom action research. The study was conducted in one cycle consisting of four meetings. This research instrument was in the form of a Questionnaire Sheet for implementing Online Classes or Online Classes. Based on data analysis, the number of students who have high learning motivation is 15 people, and 5 student has the motivation to learn mathematics while online learning  is done through Google classroom

    Optimization Cultivating Character Values That Become Integrity Nation

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    Rapid technological advances, whether we realize it or not, are slowly making people begin to ignore cultural values and traditions that have been handed down by their ancestors. In a basic paradigm, there are character values that should be imitated such as values, politeness, courtesy, togetherness, independence, and religiosity. The neglect of cultural values gives birth to an individualistic, materialistic, and hedonistic culture. As for the cultivation of a value foundation that has character in each individual, it should be instilled from an early age, which of course requires cooperation from various elements and support from the environment such as family, school and even the community. And the government has a role to build and instill a national character through the cultivation of character education which is applied to character educatio