414 research outputs found

    Global Satellite Tracking Initiative: Setting Up Ground Stations to Track Satellites around the World

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    The Global Satellite Tracking Initiative aims to facilitate students and young professionals setting up ground stations to download real-time data and images from satellites flying above their regions. The objective is to empower and build capacities among space enthusiasts around the world and to promote the space sector through hands-on activities and real space technologies related to satellite communications. The Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) is an NGO that consists of a global network for students and young professionals interested in the space industry, with more than 15000 members globally from more than 150 countries. SGAC supports the United Nations Programme on Space Applications, with the vision of employing the creativity and vigor of youth in advancing humanity through the peaceful uses of space. SGAC organizes events worldwide, on a local, regional and international level, as well as several space-related projects within specific working groups. SatNOGS is an integral part of the Libre Space Foundation, supporting the development of a global open source network of satellite ground stations. The projects supported are led by enthusiasts around the world operating ground stations, which can be openly accessed via an online portal. Through the Global Satellite Tracking Initiative, SGAC and its partners will be providing all the resources, hardware, and know-how that is needed to set up several ground stations. A competition has been launched to select teams and individual space enthusiasts that will then be supplied with a kit and step-by-step instructions on how to build their own ground stations around the world.

    Investigation of the relationships among teachers immediacy and creativity, and students perceived cognitive learning

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    In this study the researcher studied the relationships between teachers immediacy, creativity, and students perceived learning at the secondary level, thus merging teacher immediacy and teacher creativity for the first time. This study has several purposes: (a) to analyze the relationship between a teachers immediacy and creativity as scored by the Teacher Immediacy Inventory and the Torrance Tests of Creativity Thinking (TTCT) respectively (b) to determine if teachers immediacy and creativity impacted their respective 9-12 students perceived mathematics learning, and (c) to analyzing the relationship between teachers self-scored immediacy with their student-scored immediacy.In this quantitative study, the researcher did not manipulate the variables or arrange for events to happen. The research was completed under natural conditions with existing instruments already proven valid and reliable. Data was collected from a suburban high school in the Mid-Atlantic area with 304 students and 16 teachers participating.The results of this study showed that the more flexible a teacher, the more nonverbal immediacy the students felt from that teacher. The same occurred with the fluency of a teacher, the more fluent the teacher, the higher their nonverbal immediacy score. With the creativity traits of originality, elaboration, and resisting premature closure the significant findings were very interesting to analyze as the immediacy scores did not rise as the creativity scores increased. With these three creativity traits there was a specific point in which too much creativity produced lower immediacy scores. Interestingly, the point in which this happened was very similar with each specific pairing.Student s perceived learning scores were significant when analyzed with creativity and with nonverbal immediacy. Teachers self-scored immediacy was also significant when analyzed with the scores given by their perspective high school students.While research independently supports teacher immediacy and creativity impacting various levels of learning, numerous gaps were addressed in this dissertation: (1) immediacy studied at the pre-college level, (2) merging teacher immediacy and creativity and (3) analyzing the perceived learning of secondary students.Ph.D., Education -- Drexel University, 200

    Espejo Marín, Cayetano (2006): Las energías renovables en la producción de electricidad en España

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    Análisis de la comunicación online en la industria musical. Estudio de cuatro lanzamientos discográficos independientes en 2015

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    La música independiente es un género musical que se ha caracterizado (mayoritariamente), por no estar respaldado de forma económica y logística por grandes empresas discográficas y distribuidoras. En este documento se expondrá el estudio realizado sobre la comunicación en redes sociales de bandas pertenecientes a este género musical, en el transcurso de sus lanzamientos discográficos, realizados todos ellos en el ámbito nacional (España) y durante el curso del año 2015. Veremos cómo, sin contar con partidas económicas elevadas, actualmente los músicos independientes o “indies” centran su esfuerzo comunicativo en la comunicación online, como un objetivo de autopromoción de sus trabajos discográficos.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Agencias conectadas: un estudio sobre el perfil creativo de la nueva agencia digital en España

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    El presente trabajo es una memoria de TFG del Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Universidad de Valladolid. En esta investigación trataremos el cambio de la estructura de la agencia y de todo el sistema publicitario en el contexto digital. Por ello, indagaremos en el proceso de adaptación de los profesionales del departamento creativo (Copy writer y Director de arte) en las agencias digitales. El estudio recoge la opinión comparada de dos profesionales senior (copywriter y art director) que responden al perfil de creativo/a de agencia digital que nos interesa estudiar. Mediante una metodología de entrevista estructurada, se han realizado sendos encuentros de 60 minutos y 11 preguntas en el mes mayo del año 2017. Sobre la hipótesis de que en el contexto de creatividad digital se siguen necesitando competencias clásicas de comunicadores con una visión cultural amplia e interdisciplinar, este estudio descubre que la demanda de la hiperespecialización digital va unida a la necesidad de personas cultas, con sensibilidad artística, inquietudes culturales, y que dominen y cuiden el lenguaje.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Article Operational Ship Monitoring System Based on Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing

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    Abstract: This paper presents a Ship Monitoring System (SIMONS) working with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. It is able to infer ship detection and classification information, and merge the results with other input channels, such as polls from the Automatic Identification System (AIS). Two main stages can be identified, namely: SAR processing and data dissemination. The former has three independent modules, which are related to Coastline Detection (CD), Ship Detection (SD) and Ship Classification (SC). The later is solved via an advanced web interface, which is compliant with the OpenSource standards fixed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). SIMONS has been designed to be a modular, unsupervised and reliable system that meets Near-Real Time (NRT) delivery requirements. From data ingestion to product delivery, the processing chain is fully automatic accepting ERS and ENVISAT formats. SIMONS has been developed by GMV Aerospace, S.A. with three main goals, namely: 1) To limit the dependence on the ancillary information provided by systems such as AIS. 2) To achieve the maximum level of automatism and restrict human manipulation. 3) To limit the error sources and their propagation

    Recent Evolution of Logistic Spatial Patterns in Metropolitan Contexts: The Case of Madrilenian Urban Region

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    La actividad logística se ha estudiado bajo distintas ópticas, pero con escasa atención a sus impactos en la reorganización urbana y territorial. Este trabajo investiga su expansión en la Región Urbana de Madrid, considerando la localización preferente en los espacios suburbanos y rurales del área metropolitana y su polarización geográfica. El método analiza cuantitativamente tres variables que ilustran su difusión espaciotemporal: trabajadores y empresas por municipios, superficie logística por provincias y usos del suelo con aprovechamiento logístico. Los resultados confirman la propagación de la logística en los espacios metropolitanos mediante procesos de suburbanización y dispersión, al tiempo que la aparición de nuevas centralidades urbanas, consecuencia de la mayor integración de las economías capitalistas a distintas escalas.The logistic activity has been analysed by different approaches, but with a lack of attention to its impacts in the urban and spatial configuration. This work studies the logistic expansion in the Urban Region of Madrid, considering the geographical polarization and its preferential location in suburban and rural zones in the metropolitan area. The methodology considers three variables enlightening the spatial and temporal diffusion: workers and companies by municipality, logistic land use by province and different types of logistic land use. The results confirm the dissemination of logistics in metropolitan areas according to suburbanization and spread processes, at the same time appears new urban centralities as a consequence of the capitalist integration of the economy at different scales.Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha CGT18001

    SGAC global satellite tracking initiative

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    The Global Satellite Tracking Initiative aims to support international students and young professionals to set up ground stations to download real-time data and images from satellites orbiting above their regions. The objective is to empower and build capabilities among space enthusiasts around the world and to promote the space sector through hands-on activities and real space technologies related to satellite communications. The Space Generation Advisory Council, together with SatNOGS as an integral part of the Libre Space Foundation, have been supporting the initiative to enhance the development of a global open source network of satellite ground stations. The initiative will be providing all the resources, hardware, and know-how that is needed to set up ground stations. A competition was launched by the end of 2021 to select teams of space enthusiasts and supply them with a kit and step-by-step instructions on how to build their own ground stations. By setting up ground stations in backyards, local universities, or maker clubs, teams are not only self-learning about telecommunications and satellite technologies, but they are creating a meaningful impact in their local communities by bringing the broad society closer to science, technology, engineering, mathematics and, in particular, space. The initiative also intends to support space missions while engaging local communities from different regions around the world in the space sector through appealing imagery and tools. After closing the Call for Applications in this pilot initiative, 10 winning teams were selected upon receiving almost 200 applications from more than 60 countries. The selected winners are based in the following emerging space faring nations: Benin, Bolivia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe. They are being supplied with a basic Ground Station Kit and instructions on how to receive live images and data from different space missions, starting with the following frequency bands: - 137 megahertz: To receive images from National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration satellites. - 144-146 megahertz: To receive images and data from the International Space Station. - 440 megahertz: To receive data from numerous scientific and educational small satellites. Those teams that manage to set up the basic ground station kits and conduct some outreach and educational activities will receive a more advanced system. This paper captures the process to be followed by the selected teams, from the unboxing of the hardware to the reception and processing of data from operational space missions

    Patrimonio, viñedo y turismo: recursos específicos para la innovación y el desarrollo territorial de Castilla-La Mancha

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    La revalorización del patrimonio cultural y la promoción del enoturismo constituyen factores indiscutibles de desarrollo en Castilla-La Mancha, puesto que, una vez integrados, desempeñan un papel clave en la consolidación de los procesos de gobernanza y en la creciente diversificación económica de las explotaciones agrarias. La implantación de estas estrategias está resultando bastante interesante en ciudades de tamaño medio como Alcázar de San Juan, ejemplo que permite descubrir la importancia de la construcción de capitales sociales territoriales para impulsar nuevos modelos productivos más sostenibles