8 research outputs found

    Effect of treatment with reducing diet on body composition and modification of nutrients in daily food intake of obese women

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    WSTĘP. Podstawową metodą leczenia otyłości jest zmiana nawyków żywieniowych i zwiększenie wydatku energetycznego. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena skuteczności rocznej terapii kobiet zbilansowaną dietą 1500 kcal. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Program obejmował ocenę sposobu żywienia, badania antropometryczne oraz badanie składu ciała. Ocenę ilościową dziennych racji pokarmowych przeprowadzono za pomocą programu komputerowego Dieta 2. Badaniem objęto 60 kobiet (średnia wieku wynosiła 46 ± 12,42 roku) i oceniono ich wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI, body mass index [kg/m²]). Skład ciała oznaczano metodą bioimpedancji elektrycznej. Wszystkie otrzymane wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej z wykorzystaniem programu STATISTICA 8.0. WYNIKI. Wyodrębniono dwie grupy: I - kobiety, które po 12 miesiącach stosowania diety uzyskały redukcję masy ciała i II - kobiety, u których po rocznej dietoterapii masa ciała nie zmieniła się lub wzrosła powyżej wartości wyjściowej. Po roku średnia redukcja masy ciała u kobiet z grupy I wynosiła 4,4 ± 2,9 kg, natomiast kobiety z grupy II przytyły średnio o +1,8 ± 1,7 kg. U kobiet z grupy I istotnie zmniejszyła się procentowa zawartość tkanki tłuszczowej średnio o 3,9 ± 4,1%. Osiągnięte efekty mogły być zależne od wieku respondentek oraz ich wyjściowej masy ciała. Nie stwierdzono różnic istotnych statystycznie między jadłospisami kobiet z grupy I i II zarówno na początku badania, jak i po roku stosowania diety niskoenergetycznej (zobserwowano jednak różnice nieistotne statystycznie w kaloryczności stosowanej diety i zawartości węglowodanów). Zmniejszenie wartości energetycznej diety u kobiet z grupy I korelowało dodatnio z uzyskaną redukcją zawartości tkanki tłuszczowej. WNIOSKI. Niniejsze badanie wskazuje na konieczność prowadzenia większej liczby szkoleń w zakresie żywienia podczas terapii odchudzającej. Do zaleceń dietetycznych należy także dodatkowo wprowadzić regularne ćwiczenia fizyczne w celu zwiększenia wydatku energetycznego. Endokrynologia, Otyłość i Zaburzenia Przemiany Materii 2010, tom 6, nr 4, 179-188INTRODUCTION. The primary treatment of obesity is changing eating habits and increasing energy expenditure. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the annual treatment of women by 1500 kcal balanced diet. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The program included an assessment of diet, anthropometric and body composition measurements. Quantitative assessment of daily food rations were performed using the computer program Dieta 2. The study included 60 women (average age was 46 ± 12.42 years) and assessed them body mass index (BMI kg/m²). Body composition was determined by bioelectrical impedance. All results were statistically analyzed using STATISTICA 8.0. RESULTS. There were identified two groups: I - the women who after 12 months of diet gained weight reduction and II in which after the annual diet therapy body weight remained unchanged or increased above baseline. After one year, the average weight loss in women from group I was 4.4 ± 2.9 kg, while in women in group II body weight increased on average of 1.8 ± 1.7 kg. In women from group I the percentage of body fat significantly decreased by an average of 3.9 ± 4.1%. The effects may be dependent on the age and initial body weight of the respondents. There were no statistically significant differences between women menu in group I and II, both at baseline and after low energy diet (however, statistically insignificant differences in the calorie diet and carbohydrate content were observed). Reducing dietary energy value of women in group I correlated positively with reduction in body fat. CONCLUSIONS. This research shows that more dietetic training is needed in dietary weight loss therapy. In addition to the diet also regular physical activity should be recommended, to increase energy expenditure. Endocrinology, Obesity and Metabolic Disorders 2010, vol. 6, No 4, 179-18

    The patterns of inbreeding depression in food-deceptive Dactylorhiza orchids

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    IntroductionInbreeding depression (ID) in food-deceptive plants have been reported previously, however, it has not been often proven that selfed seeds germinate better than outbred ones or that selfing affects ID. To resolved these issues, food-deceptive related Dactylorhiza majalis, D. incarnata var. incarnata and D. fuchsii orchids were investigated.MethodsHand pollination treatments and control pollination were conducted. Fruit set, number of seeds per fruit, seed length, number of well-developed seeds per fruit, and proportion of in vitro asymbiotic germination seeds, were analyzed in relation to inflorescence levels and used as fitness indicators for these orchids. The ID and pollen limitation were measured.ResultsThe lowest ID (δ = −1.000) was in D. majalis, and present in combination with a high pollen limitation in its populations. D. fuchsii showed higher ID (δ = 0.366), and D. incarnata var. incarnata weak ID (δ = 0.065), although ID varied between its fitness components. The seed number per fruit differed significantly between the treatments and the inflorescence levels in treatments.DiscussionThis study emphasizes that the breeding system rather than the flower position on the inflorescence shaped the quality and quantity of reproductive output. The ID and its effect on germination of food-deceptive orchid seeds undoubtedly played an important role

    Pollinator limitation affects low reproductive success in populations of nectarless orchid in the Biebrza National Park

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    The deficiency of pollinators is indicated as the main factor limiting fruit set in orchids. Nectariferous species are more successful in setting fruits than nectarless species. In the present study, we tested whether pollinator limitation lowers reproductive success in populations of Cypripedium calceolus on environmental islands in the Biebrza National Park, NE Poland. Moreover, we analyzed how population size and structure affect pollination success. Our observations and results of experiments document the low level of fruiting in populations of nectarless C. calceolus (9.2% on average) and strong pollen limitation. Generally, we noted a positive relationship between pollination success and all parameters of population size (measured by both occupied area and number of clumps or shoots) and parameters measuring floral display (number of flowers in population, number of flowers in clumps, spatial structure of flowering shoots). We suggest that information about factors influencing the reproductive success of this endangered species may be useful for planning appropriate conservation actions

    Breeding system variability, pollination biology, and reproductive success of rare Polemonium caeruleum L. in NE Poland

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    Polemonium caeruleum (Polemoniaceae) represents a very interesting system of compatibility transition. Studies of its biological and ecological properties in the context of the breeding system of various populations may help to understand the evolutionary mechanism of this process. We investigated some aspects of the breeding system, diversity and foraging behavior of the visitors, and relationship between population properties and fruit set in three populations from NE Poland. We found distinct compatibility systems in two studied populations and showed that if a population is self-compatible (SC), selfing is mediated by insects via geitonogamous pollen transfer. Despite the population properties (compatibility, visitor diversity and activity, population size, density, or floral display), P. caeruleum is not pollen limited and pollinators are highly important as a key factor determining the high reproductive success. Visitor assemblages (including key pollinators, bumblebees, and honey bees) and their foraging behavior on inflorescences vary between the populations, which may influence differences in the breeding system. The self-incompatible population was visited by a more diverse group of insects from Hymenoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Heteroptera, and Coeloptera, which may favor effective cross-pollen transfer, whereas the SC population was pollinated mainly by Apis mellifera, which may promote mixed-mating. Studies on a wider range of P. caeruleum populations are needed to determine selective factors responsible for compatibility transition

    Pollinator limitation affects low reproductive success in populations of nectarless orchid in the Biebrza National Park

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    The deficiency of pollinators is indicated as the main factor limiting fruit set in orchids. Nectariferous species are more successful in setting fruits than nectarless species. In the present study, we tested whether pollinator limitation lowers reproductive success in populations of Cypripedium calceolus on environmental islands in the Biebrza National Park, NE Poland. Moreover, we analyzed how population size and structure affect pollination success. Our observations and results of experiments document the low level of fruiting in populations of nectarless C. calceolus (9.2% on average) and strong pollen limitation. Generally, we noted a positive relationship between pollination success and all parameters of population size (measured by both occupied area and number of clumps or shoots) and parameters measuring floral display (number of flowers in population, number of flowers in clumps, spatial structure of flowering shoots). We suggest that information about factors influencing the reproductive success of this endangered species may be useful for planning appropriate conservation actions

    Breeding system variability, pollination biology, and reproductive success of rare Polemonium caeruleum L. in NE Poland

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    Polemonium caeruleum (Polemoniaceae) represents a very interesting system of compatibility transition. Studies of its biological and ecological properties in the context of the breeding system of various populations may help to understand the evolutionary mechanism of this process. We investigated some aspects of the breeding system, diversity and foraging behavior of the visitors, and relationship between population properties and fruit set in three populations from NE Poland. We found distinct compatibility systems in two studied populations and showed that if a population is self-compatible (SC), selfing is mediated by insects via geitonogamous pollen transfer. Despite the population properties (compatibility, visitor diversity and activity, population size, density, or floral display), P. caeruleum is not pollen limited and pollinators are highly important as a key factor determining the high reproductive success. Visitor assemblages (including key pollinators, bumblebees, and honey bees) and their foraging behavior on inflorescences vary between the populations, which may influence differences in the breeding system. The self-incompatible population was visited by a more diverse group of insects from Hymenoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Heteroptera, and Coeloptera, which may favor effective cross-pollen transfer, whereas the SC population was pollinated mainly by Apis mellifera, which may promote mixed-mating. Studies on a wider range of P. caeruleum populations are needed to determine selective factors responsible for compatibility transition