40 research outputs found

    General Considerations on the Influence of Prices on Business

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    In most companies, there is an ongoing conflict between managers in charge of covering costs (finance and accounting) and managers in charge of satisfying customers (marketing and sales). Accounting journals warn on prices that fail to cover full costs, while marketing journals argue that customer willingness to pay must be the sole driver of prices. The conflict between these views wastes company resources and leads to pricing decisions that are imperfect compromises. Profitable pricing involves an integration of costs and customer value. To achieve that integration, however, both need to let go of misleading ideas and to form a common vision of what profitability means.decision, pricing, cost.

    The Components of the Organizational Culture

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    Knowing that the organizational culture functions constitute the base of notification and capitalization of the major importance, which is having for every company, regardless the domain of activity, dimension, economic potential or belonging to a certain national culture. The importance of the organizational culture is consisting of its functions, the importance is manifesting trough some concrete elements the company level and not only. The organizational culture is allowing the identification and the description of some numerous situations and real facts, of human nature from the company’s life, with major implications over the development and the activity results, that weren’t taken into consideration in the managerial classic leading. This explains why the elements referring to the organizational culture were accepted very fast by numerous companies’ managers from the developed countries

    General Considerations on the Influence of Prices on Business

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    In most companies, there is an ongoing conflict between managers in charge of covering costs (finance and accounting) and managers incharge of satisfying customers (marketing and sales). Accounting journals warn on prices that fail to cover full costs, while marketing journals arguethat customer willingness to pay must be the sole driver of prices. The conflict between these views wastes company resources and leads to pricingdecisions that are imperfect compromises. Profitable pricing involves an integration of costs and customer value. To achieve that integration,however, both need to let go of misleading ideas and to form a common vision of what profitability means

    The Importance of Identifying the Quality of Services within a Company

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    In the paper we proposed to highlight the quality of services in a unit that works as a provider of passenger service transport on a predetermined distance on a scheduled basis. We proposed as an objective to research the quality of services following the completion of a case study, which was made through research, observation, questionnaires and interviews, adding of some improvements and solutions that will lead at the improvement of the quality of services offered by the unit Nicolescu Trans Limited Liability Company. In business as in life the success cannot be achieved without knowing the environment, market and customers. To know them, there must be made researches in terms of quality, in studying the market, customers, consumer, competition, it is ended to be made forecasts and assess the situation. The paper has in view of highlighting the research of quality of services in a unit of services concerning the research methods and improvement of service qualities. The paper is structured to shape the economic activity but and its issues for which it will be proposed its solution. Satisfying customer requirements involves a rigorous justification of all decisions regarding the design and delivery of services, based on the conducted market services. In conclusion the quality is what makes the difference between the excellent and inferior things or in other words, quality makes the differences between success and failure. The right key for an effective research of quality it isn’t neither the technique used, nor the vast amount of data, but the immediate control of the useful information. Quality requires many things to be done, but if an organization does not put its customers first, then the conditions for the quality development will not exist. The best organizations, whether public or private, understand the quality and know its secret. Searching the source of quality it is an important task in any field


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    The authors are highlighting in this paper the fact that the exhibition was and remains the ideal place for the contact with customers, because this is the main objective of participating in a fair/ exhibition/salon. The exhibition is not only the environment where the players from a market choose to see each other the promoted offers, but the more important thing for exhibitors is that during a fair, the active buyers and other persons with decision making power on the market are used to be present. To become more effective, the participation in fairs/salons and international exhibitions of tourism exceeds the function of information.promotion, fairs, shows, travel, opportunity


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    The authors of this paper are proposing themselves to highlight the obvious benefits of team building activities. Many managers have understood that, in addition to the financial motivation, the employees considers and just a simple recognition of the merits not only from the managerial part but also from the colleagues. The benefits of this activities isn’t only business for hotels and for the conference organizers or team buildings, but on them are based on and the interfacing services, industries such as aviation or of the tourism agencies, as well as smaller businesses as that of car rental..team-building, management, tourism, development

    EU Strategies and the Role of Education for Sustainable Development

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    In June 2006 the European Union decided upon a new Strategy for Sustainable Development. Together with the Lisbon Strategy that was revised in 2005, there is now some coherence between the two strategies which had been conflicting before. The renewed Strategy for Sustainable Development includes aspects of production and consumption and promotes a knowledge society. The renewed Lisbon strategy lists ecoinnovation and environmental technology as one of the areas which are important for competitiveness. The Lisbon Strategy and the Strategy for Sustainable Development are now seen to be mutually enforcing and complementary, with the Strategy for Sustainable Development focussing on a long-term overarching objective. One special item which has now been included in the EU Strategy for sustainable development is education for sustainable development, which provides an additional link to the Lisbon Strategy, which focuses on the knowledge society. The European Support Centre and the Austrian Chapter of the Club of Rome have established a large European network on environmental education which is in line with the targets of the EU Strategyknowledge society, European Support Centre

    The economic efficiency aspects of grocery products in Galati region

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    We think that it is necessary to study the economic indicators because witho ut their study as well as volume, level and proportion, it is not possible to appreciate the optimisation of meat production structures.In frame of increase the economic process, in country agriculture, the participation of different regions, in concordance with the specialisation and their capabilities, can constitute the important links in increase the total production of meat