253 research outputs found

    Dose–response efficacy and safety of PA21 in Japanese hemodialysis patients with hyperphosphatemia: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, Phase II study

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    Seiring dengan menguatnya ideologi nasionalis-sekuler pascakemerdekaan, muncullah konsep nasionalisme berdasarkan sejumlah sumber yang bertolak belakang satu sama lain. Itulah nasionalisme eklektik ala Soekarno yang menerapkan analisis Marxis tentang penindasan imperialisme dan pada saat yang sama, menggunakan sikap permusuhan kaum Muslimin terhadap penjajah kafir. Ia menggelindingkan konsep Nasakom untuk menyimbolkan kesatuan nasionalisme, agama dan komunisme. Dalam konteks ini, penulis melihat permasalahan kompleks ideologi Nasakom sehingga banyak tokoh, ulama dan ilmuwan Muslim yang mengambil jarak dengan tokoh nomor wahid di Indonesia saat itu, seperti Muhammad Natsir, Haji Agus Salim, Muhammad Hatta dan Hamka. Tokoh yang disebut belakangan, yakni Haji Abdul Malik bin Abdul Karim Amrullah (Hamka) inilah yang menjadi perhatian penulis terkait konsep nasionalisme yang diusungnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konstruksi pemikiran nasionalisme-religius Hamka dalam karya-karya sastranya, seperti Si Sabariah, Di Bawah Lindungan Ka’bah, Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck dan Merantau ke Deli. Data-data yang diperoleh dari novel-novel di atas dianalisis melalui teori hermeneutika, suatu pendekatan ilmiah yang menghubungkan antara pembaca (qari) dengan teks (al-Maqru’). Along with the strengthening of secular-nationalist ideology post-independence, there arose the concept of nationalism based on a number of sources are opposite to each other. That nationalism eclectic style Soekarno applying Marxist analysis of the oppression of imperialism and at the same time, using the hostility of the Muslims against the infidel invaders. He rolled Nasakom concept to symbolize the unity of nationalism, religion and communism. In this context, the authors look at the complex issue of ideology Nasakom so many leaders, scholars and Moslem scientists who take distance with the figure number one in Indonesia at the time, like Muhammad Natsir, Haji Agus Salim, Mohammad Hatta and Hamka. The latter figure, namely Haji Abdul Malik bin Abdul Karim Amrullah (Hamka) which is the author’s attention related to the concept of nationalism carried. This study aims to determine the construction of nationalism-religious thought Hamka in literary works, such as Si Sabariah, Under the Protection Ka’bah, Sinking Ship Van Der Wijck, and Going away to Deli. The data obtained from the novels above were analyzed through the theory of hermeneutics, a scientific approach that connects the reader (reciter) with texts (al-Maqru‘).</p


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    Development of Changes in VEP and Associate Neuropathology on Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

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    A case, 74-year-old female, of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) was reported with a chronological changes of visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and neuropathological findings. The disease started with a disturbance of visual integration and developed to blindness, myoclonus, mental deterioration and akinetic mutism. A clinical diagnosis was made by a periodic synchronous discharge of EEG and other neurological specificity. Autopsy findings showed a peculiar spongy degeneration of the cerebral cortex. The flash VEP showed a loss of w-shaped wave and a marked delay of the peak latencies in the early stage. Subsequently, the once delayed latency was shortened with the advance of the illness in the middle stage and the N70-P100 amplitude became a huge triphasic wave like inversed ERG. Topographic distribution of the focus of huge component appeared on the left parieto-occipital region. At the terminal stage, the amplitude of huge component reduced. The mechanism of specific VEP changes in this case was interpreted to be due to the loss of generator due to spongy degeneration and the existence of cell fusion in the occipital cortex

    Serial Cerebral Perfusion Imaging in a Case with Herpes Simplex Encephalitis

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    To evaluate cerebral blood flow, single photon emission computed tomographies (SPECTs) were serially performed in a case with herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE). Increased accumulation of N-ispropyl-I-123-p-iodoamphetamine (I-123-IMP) and Tc - 99m - hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime (Tc - 99m - HM - PAO) were noticed in the acute phase, and continued for seven weeks after the onset of the disease. In the third week, regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was estimated with I-123-IMP SPECT, and rCBF showed a high value in the affected temporal and occipital lobes of 60 to 70 ml/100 g/min (normal value; 40-50 ml/100 g/min), reflecting high accumulation of the tracer. After the twelfth week, when chinical symptoms and laboratory data had improved, the increased accumulation of these tracers was converted to a decreased accumulation