103 research outputs found


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    鶏卵の卵殼膜の形成機構が,主として走査電顕によって,一部は銀染色によって形態的に観察された. 卵殼膜の形成は,卵管の峡部起始部において,先ず細線維とこの間隙を埋めるムチン様基質の構成によって始まった.この線維網が内卵殼膜の内層となった.峡部中央部で,内層の上にやや太い線維が加わって,内卵殼膜の外層が形成された.峡部末端部で,更に太い線維が加わって,外卵殼膜が形成された. 卵殼膜は,卵管峡部で形成を終わった。卵管子宮部では,既に完成した卵殼膜の上に,卵殼形成が進行した. 完成した卵の卵殼膜は,内側から外側に向かって,内卵殼膜内層,内卵殼膜外層,外卵殼膜の3層に大別された.A morphological study on the shell-membrane of the chicken egg was performed in the course of developement by the use of a scanning electron microscope and the silver impregnation method. The shell membrane began to form at the beginning of the isthmus by the formation of a coarse meshwork of fine fibers. Fine fibers were cemented with one another by mucin-like material to form a meshwork which became the inner layer of the inner shell membrane. Then relatively large fibers were added to the already formed meshwork of fibers of the inner layer in the middle portion of the isthmus. They developed into the outer layer of the inner shell membrane. Very large fibers were added to the inner shell membrane in the end portion of the isthmus. They developed into the outer shell membrane. The formation of the shell membrane was accomplished just before eggs descended to the uterus. The shell membrane of the fully formed egg was divided into three layers, the inner and the outer layer of the inner shell membrane and the single layer of the outer shell membrane. The inner layer of the inner shell membrane is a thin layer adjoining directly to albumen. It is a mucin-like layer containing fine fibers. The outer layer of the inner shell membrane is formed by a meshwork of fibers about 2µ in diameter. These fibers are characterized by the presence of granular concretions around each fiber. The outer shell membrane is formed by a coarse meshwork of fibers 3-4µ in width. These fibers are combined with one another in such manner as to form knots

    ニワトリの卵黄形成に関する研究 : I. 卵黄球の光顕と走査電子鏡検

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    卵黄を構成する卵黄球(yolk spheres)の構造を,光学顕微鏡と走査電子顕鏡下で観察した.とくに卵黄球内の粒子と卵黄球表面の膜様構造物について論議した.貯蔵卵の卵黄球の形態的変化についても一部触れた.The structure of yolk spheres of hen yolk was observed in state of suspension of raw and fixed materials under the light and the scanning electron microscope. The yolk spheres were composed of yellow and white yolk spheres. Their structural features were discussed on the basis of figures obtained by both types of microscopy. The surface of yolk spheres seemed to be enclosed in a wall made of certain homogeneous structures. In stored eggs, the appearance of yolk spheres changed distinctly. These morphological changes were considered to have been induced by osmotic changes of the yolk

    Scanning Electron Microscopical Observations of the Equine Hooh

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    ウマの蹄について,とくにその表皮層と真皮層の構造を走査型電子顕微鏡を用いて観察し,その所見を従来の光学顕微鏡的所見と比較検討した。観察は蹄の各部から小塊を切り出し, 1%酢酸液または飽和水酸化バリウム液に浸漬し,蹄表皮部と蹄真皮部に分離してそれぞれについて行なった。主な所見は以下のとおりであった。 1. 走査電子顕微鏡では,真皮の真皮乳頭ならびに真皮葉の立体的構造がよく観察された。点皮乳頭は一般に糸状を呈しているが,蹄冠真皮乳頭はとくに長糸状であり,蹄底および蹄叉の乳頭は短かく,長円錐状であった。乳頭の皮質と髄質の細胞は角質化の進行とともに扁平化し,最後は線維化した。真皮葉は第1次葉から第2次葉を派出し,それぞれ対応する表皮葉と嵌合していた。真皮葉の外面は胚芽層の細胞で被われていた。 2. 蹄表皮の角細管ならびに表皮葉の構造がよく観察された。角細管の構造と分布は蹄表皮の部位によって多少異なっており,とくに蹄壁内層が中層に移行する部位ならび白帯に隣接する蹄底表皮には,小型の角細管が多く認められた。角間質は線維様構造物が凝縮したような状態で示され,その中に走向の異なる粗大な線維様構造物の層が認められた。 3. 蹄叉表皮は蹄壁,蹄底の表皮に比べて角質化が劣り,角間質に多量の弾性線維が認められた。白帯部における蹄壁表皮と蹄底表皮の結合部は,粗大な線維様構造物によって充填されていた。Three-dimensional structures of the equine hoof were examined by means of a scanning electron microscope. Prior to the examination, small blocks of materials taken from various parts of the hoof were separated in epidermis and corium layer respectively, by maceration with 1% acetic acid or saturated barium hydroxide solution. The findings obtained were compared to the usual histological pictures. The following results were obtained. 1. The appearance of the papillae and laminae of the corium showed clearly under the scanning electron microscopy. The structure of the papillae was in principle the same over the entire corium of the hoof, but the coronary papillae were longer than those of the sole and the frog. The cellular elements surrounding the papillae became flat-formed and resulted in a fibrilar-form by the process of cornification. 2. The epidermal laminae and horn tubes of the epidermis also revealed clearly. The epidermal laminae of the wall run in parallel raws on the inside of the wall from the coronal groove to the ventral edge. They formed the secondary epidermal laminae. These epidermal laminae were interdigitated tightly with the corresponding epidermal laminae. 3. The corona, sole and frog epidermis had numerous horn tubes with the corresponding papillae. The entrance of the horn tubes showed as a funnel-shaped opening. The intertubular horns were a highly keratinized dense tissue. The thin layers of incompletely keratinized tissue run in layers in this horny matrix. 4. The epidermis of the frog was different from the one of the wall and the frog. It was composed of incompletely keratinized horn tubes and intertubular horns, which composed a network of elastic fibers. The junction of the wall and the sole at the white line was tightly connected by gross fibrous elements